Nonscience LOR from a Professor who was a Research Mentor?

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5+ Year Member
Mar 8, 2019
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I am applying MD this cycle and I have heard a lot about how you need to have a minimum of two science LORs and one nonscience LOR. I have one LOR from a law school professor who teaches at my university but I didn't take a class with him -- I was his research assistant. I was wondering if this would count for my nonscience LOR? Thanks!

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I am applying MD this cycle and I have heard a lot about how you need to have a minimum of two science LORs and one nonscience LOR. I have one LOR from a law school professor who teaches at my university but I didn't take a class with him -- I was his research assistant. I was wondering if this would count for my nonscience LOR? Thanks!

LOR from a law school professor (JD, LLB, LLM, SJD) is a non-science LOR ... assuming you were his non-science research assistant (because some JDs have also earned other doctoral degrees - e.g., JD-MD degree or JD-PhD degree in BCPM and conduct scientific or medical research).

Based on your post, it sounds as if you were NOT engaged in science research with the law school professor.

Is that correct?

As a reference, please see the AMCAS Course Classification Guide (Government, Political Science & Law):
