
  1. U

    How late is too late to ask for a letter of recommendation?

    I just got evals back and an attending I worked with several months ago wrote me the best eval I've ever gotten. Would it be too late to ask them for a letter?
  2. M

    Application advice from a 6-year admissions consultant

    After working with 300+ students to develop and submit their applications, I watch students do the stupidest things (e.g. “I want to write a secondary about how I grew up rich and how I’m proud of it and don’t think I should hide it” – his exact words by the way). I also witness incredible...
  3. LindaAccepted

    Medical The Best Medical School Letter of Recommendation Advice for 2024

    Based on the hundreds of letters of recommendation we’ve read, we’ve identified five key elements that make a recommendation stand out from the rest and help the applicant shine. If you’re writing a recommendation for someone, or you’re drafting your own recommendation for your recommender to...
  4. LindaAccepted

    Medical Do’s and Don’ts of Medical School Recommendation Letters

    Your letters of recommendation for your medical school application are critical documents. Many premed students submit a letter of recommendation, called a committee letter, that is provided by a pre-health advisor (also called a health professions advisor) at their undergraduate school or...
  5. H

    Should I be worried? Clinical LOR not yet submitted

    I've received all my LORs except one clinical one that would be essential to my application. This is from my clinical experience, and there's no one else who I can ask that would make sense as a clinical recommender. I do have one other person who potentially will write a letter for me (so that...
  6. Doctor_Strange

    ERAS Fellowship LOR Delay ?

    Hello, Got an email from ERAS in which the following text stated "Documents (including LoRs) submitted to the EFDO will take up to 5 business days to process to your ERAS application. The day after submission is considered the first full business day. For example, an LoR submitted on a Tuesday...
  7. madamemichaelscott

    fellow colleagues told me to beware of PI’s LOR

    i was out with some friends from the lab i work in and one of them who has been there for a while told me that the PI will agree to write a LOR but sabotage people in them so the person applying doesn’t get in and will continue working in the lab for them. she gave me an example of a prior lab...
  8. Ryxndek

    ADEA 2023-2024 Application Questions thread!

    Hello all pre-dents! The ADEA AADSAS app for the 2023-2024 cycle is now open! It would be a good idea to jump in now and start filling it out, answering questions, and uploading transcripts to help speed up the process for when you want to apply! This will save you a few hours, or more, of...
  9. SOBS

    Seeking Advice: Choosing Letters of Recommendation for Dental School Applications

    I've recently started working on my dental school applications and could really use your advice when it comes to selecting letters of recommendation. I've got a bit of a situation here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Here's what's going on: I've got six potential options for letters of...
  10. M

    Using a letter other than a physician from a MME

    The physician Ive worked years for wrote a short letter that was super vague and didn't detail my strengths. Seems like a lukewarm letter. Would using a shadowing letter from a physician whom is adamant about writing one for me be better?
  11. S

    LOR from someone I volunteer for?

    Hello! So I meet with a "Buddy" who has survived a stroke and has aphasia. We chat a little and play games to combat the isolation that is common following brain injury. I have been meeting with him and his wife for 2 years, and she has said that our meetings are the highlight of their week. She...
  12. chicken-n-beer

    Should I try again?

    My cycle did not go very well. I had my last (2nd) interview in early March and I'm waiting to hear back in the next week or so. Additionally, I was accepted to a PhD program (mind you, with a tuition waiver and stipend) and wonder if a 3rd application cycle even makes sense at this point. I'm...
  13. LindaAccepted

    Medical The Best Medical School Letter of Recommendation Advice for 2023

    The best letters of recommendation are offered by people who have seen you perform in some capacity – as student, student leader, employee, researcher, volunteer. The weakest letters are of the “character reference” variety or from influential individuals who barely know you. How long should a...
  14. P

    LOR Questions

    Hello, just some questions about LORs. Thanks in advance! Background: My school offers a cover letter and creates a letter packet with letters we submit. They order the letters 1 through 6, and based on that order, letters are submitted to schools. So if I submit 6 letters to my school numbered...
  15. D

    Will mediocre science prof. LoRs damage otherwise good references?

    Hello! I have posted about this question here on Reddit (there is a lot more detail there), but I wanted to crosspost my question on SDN, since I know there are some adcoms here somewhere, and I'd value their input. Basically, I transferred from a CC to a big public uni with an AA degree. I'm a...
  16. S

    Writing my own LOR for a professor who doesn't know me

    I go to an extremely large public school and am having a hard time getting professors to agree to write a LOR. I reached out to a random professor I had, and surprisingly he said that he would be happy to edit/sign a draft that I write. I know that good letters are powerful, and that mediocre...
  17. O

    Adding LoR after completion

    Hi everyone, Today I finally received a letter that I have been waiting on for a while. I was unsure if this letter would actually ever come, so I didn't add it to my letter packet and instead opted to have them submit it through AMCAS. I submitted my letter packet a while ago and was marked...
  18. O

    Missing one LoR

    Hi everyone, I recently submitted most of my secondaries. Unfortunately, my letters of recommendation are the only thing holding me back from being marked complete. My undergrad does not have a committee, but they send a letter packet once they have all of my letters. I have received back 3 out...
  19. S

    No committee letter a red flag?

    Hi everyone I was curious if not having a committee letter would be a red flag on apps? I am trying to get one but graduated in two years ago and am on the lower side of stats. My school has a cutoff GPA-wise I may not meet (I meet the MCAT cutoff) Do schools really ask why I may not have...
  20. T

    Non-Trad and Science Letters of Recommendation

  21. HappyPerson

    LOR question

    Hello! I have quite a few letter of recommendations from professors and MD's and DO doctors. I have around 8 total, I was really good at networking with my professors and the doctors I worked under for a few years. My question is, what is a polite way to ask a former professor if the letter...
  22. H

    When to Ask for Letters of Rec. (LOR)

    Hi all, I'm wrapping up my freshman year in undergrad in a few weeks. I am wondering when I should start asking my professors for rec. letters? I know I will need to submit them to AMCAS, but how does this process work? I know the letters are supposed to remain unreadable to me, so do I need to...
  23. T

    Do LOR for residency have to be from orthopedic surgeons?

    Had a discussion with attendings at my Uni, in it they said that all letters of recommendation should be from ortho surgeons. Any other specialty would be a negative marker even if it was a great LOR. They even went and mocked one applicant that had psych write them a LOR. In the end they said...
  24. S

    Does a LOR from a microbiology lab professor count as one from a science professor?

    I am a biology/philosophy major and have an LOR from two non-science teachers, a physician I worked with, my supervisor during my time as an RA, my A&P teacher, and my microbiology lab professor who I also worked with as a LA. It’s the last one I’m kind of worried about? I know schools require...
  25. Sapphia

    ADCOMs of SDN - Med school faculty offered to write LOR, is it ok to ask them to 'put in a good word' instead? I interview in 2 weeks.

    I am doing some research at my top choice and one of my co-investigators who faculty at the med school offered to write a letter of recommendation, however, I've already turned in the maximum number of LORs and it's too late in the process. Is it acceptable to ask them to put in a good word with...
  26. J

    Will applying 1 year after graduating affect residency match opportunities?

    Hello, I'm new here. I will be graduating med school July 2022. I am a US-IMG looking to match into Gen Surgery or Urology Residency in the US (goal is in Texas). I understand matching is very competitive for IMGs. After looking at the requirements, most programs require 3 Letter of...
  27. J

    Research year AFTER med school?

    Hello, I'm new here. I will be graduating med school July 2022. I am a US-IMG looking to match into Gen Surgery or Urology Residency in the US (goal is in Texas). I understand matching is very competitive for IMGs. After looking at the requirements, most programs require 3 Letter of...
  28. S

    ERAS token vs Interfolio for letters of recommendations?

    For rotation letter of recommendations, our school gave us a token for ERAS to be able to have the letters submitted to ERAS from the preceptors. However does that mean they will only be available for one application cycle? I remember services like Interfolio for undergrad allowed you to save...
  29. D

    Question regarding LoR from Department Chief for Fellowship ERAS

    This is a question more about ERAS than Neonatology itself, so if someone has a better idea on where to post this, let me know. My partner and I are both residents in pediatrics, and she will be applying to Neonatology Fellowships this upcoming application cycle. She has a LoR being written by...
  30. E

    Submitting AADSAS Dental School App Without LORs Received?

    Hey everyone! I'm applying to dental school this cycle and my application is almost done - personal statement, official DAT/transcripts, and individual applications are all set! However, I'm still waiting on my LORs to be received. I told my professors/dentists that are writing it to...
  31. S

    Nonscience LOR from a Professor who was a Research Mentor?

    I am applying MD this cycle and I have heard a lot about how you need to have a minimum of two science LORs and one nonscience LOR. I have one LOR from a law school professor who teaches at my university but I didn't take a class with him -- I was his research assistant. I was wondering if this...
  32. chemdoctor

    Storing Letters until AMCAS opens?

    Hi everyone. I am currently in the process of requesting letters of recommendation from my professors. Many of my professors have written the letters and are willing to send them to enter folio so I can store them and upload them to AMCAS. I was wondering if there was an easier way to do...
  33. ?

    LOR from Dean Emerita?

  34. chemdoctor

    LOR question

    Hello everyone, Basically, I did research with an Orgo professor. However, I did NOT take him for Orgo II. I did an independent study/research credit with him; and received an S (for satisfactory completion). So, I did research w him for a bit, presented my research, and even got a thesis. Is...
  35. M

    I have LORs from two oral surgeons but none from a general dentist, is that OK?

    So I’ve been working with two oral surgeons for over 2 years now and developed a pretty good relationship with them. I accumulated over 1000 hours of shadowing and DA experience from their office. This is probably my what I’m most proud of in my application. They are both writing me LORs but is...
  36. D

    Letters of Recommendation

    Hi everyone! I can’t seem to find the answer to my question anywhere. I need two LORs from two science professors. I am already getting one from my orgo I professor. Would it be weird to get the second one from orgo II professor? Or gen chem professor? Should I ask another science class...
  37. W

    Change jobs for financial stability vs. stay for stronger LOR?

    Fellow non-trads, I am a 28 yo M looking to matriculate for Allopathic MD school, Fall 2023. I was an English/philosophy major in college who circled back around to science to get an MS in epidemiology, with 1 year of courses into a PhD in the same. I took an "extended leave of absence"...
  38. petomed

    Nontrad MD-PhD with weak stats but strong direction

    MD-PhD's are the high rung concerning competitiveness. Can anyone speak to knowing someone who gained acceptance with a < 512 MCAT and/or < 3.7 GPA? How did the rest of their application resolve these crucial deficits? Is there any value added by having not just passion for research, but a...
  39. B


    Hello! I plan on reapplying to DO and a couple MD after a post bacc I’ll complete by summer. During this time I have gained two LOR from a DO from being a CNA and MD from research, as well as a professor. I wanted to ask if I should ask my old LOR writers from undergrad (3 professors) for this...
  40. JoyFairy

    Nonscience LOR for Nontrad

    Hi everyone! Long-time lurker wondering about how to approach the non-science prof LOR requirement, as I’ve been out of undergrad since 2017 (not in contact with my profs) and taking only science classes as part of my post-bacc. I have access to LORS from science profs, the supervising...