northwestern interview

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anyone out there had their northwestern interview yet and want to give me some advice? i want to hear all about what it was like esp. the panel interview. i haven't had any panel interviews yet and for some reason am nervous about it. any thoughts or advice about the day in general would be greatly appreciated!

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LauraMac said:
anyone out there had their northwestern interview yet and want to give me some advice? i want to hear all about what it was like esp. the panel interview. i haven't had any panel interviews yet and for some reason am nervous about it. any thoughts or advice about the day in general would be greatly appreciated!

The interview is with two other students. There will be a couple of faculty members and a 4th year student there asking questions, basically getting to know you better. I found it to be less stressful than one-on-one interviews, because the focus isn't always on you.

PM me if you have any specific questions I can help you with.
Wrigleyville said it best. It was by far my least stressful interview because you only have to talk 1/3rd the time.
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i've heard the nw panel interview doesn't ask all the students the same question, but related ones: what's the best part of being a doc, worst part, something else....
i had a panel interview at emory and it was more like asking us all the same question, but things like "how do you want to be remembered after you die" and "what is a misconception people that know you have about you?" stuff with no incorrect answer. i've been told by other students that they wanted to see us all interact - not talk too much or too little - but there wasn't much chance for us to do that....
then i ended up being the one that talked too much
gdk said:
i've heard the nw panel interview doesn't ask all the students the same question, but related ones: what's the best part of being a doc, worst part, something else....
i had a panel interview at emory and it was more like asking us all the same question, but things like "how do you want to be remembered after you die" and "what is a misconception people that know you have about you?" stuff with no incorrect answer. i've been told by other students that they wanted to see us all interact - not talk too much or too little - but there wasn't much chance for us to do that....
then i ended up being the one that talked too much

as i remember, in my interview, there was one or two questions that they asked everyone. it was a general 'problem w/healthcare' question.
i interviewed at NU in september. you can feel free to PM me, too.
on what days does NU interview?
bleh4788 said:
on what days does NU interview?

For the past few weeks interviews have been on Tuesdays and Fridays. At some point ( I don't know when) that changes... I interviewed on a Thursday in February.