2024-2025 Northwestern

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2024-2025 Northwestern Secondary Essay Prompts: (several have changed from last year - read carefully)

1. Feinberg’s mission is to train future leaders who will serve their patients, communities and society. Describe one specific aspect of the FSM integrated curriculum that will help you achieve your future goals within medicine and how FSM, located in Chicago, will help you achieve this professional goal. (200 word max)

2. Describe specific steps you take to manage your stress while balancing personal, educational and professional responsibilities. (200 word max)

3. POST-UNDERGRADUATE EXPERIENCES (if applicable): If you have one year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe both your completed activities and anticipated plans. (200 word max)

4. REAPPLICANT (if applicable): If you are reapplying to medical school, please address steps taken to enhance your application. (200 word max)

5. Do you or an immediate family member have an existing relationship with the Feinberg School of Medicine?

6. The Feinberg School of Medicine values the totality of our students’ experiences. As everyone has their own narrative, please describe how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 word max)

Good luck to all applying!
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1. Feinberg’s mission is to train future leaders who will serve their patients, communities and society. Describe one specific aspect of the FSM integrated curriculum that will help you achieve your future goals within medicine and how FSM, located in Chicago, will help you achieve this professional goal. (200 word max)

2. Describe specific steps you take to manage your stress while balancing personal, educational and professional responsibilities. (200 word max)

3. POST-UNDERGRADUATE EXPERIENCES (if applicable): If you have one year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe both your completed activities and anticipated plans. (200 word max)

4. REAPPLICANT (if applicable): If you are reapplying to medical school, please address steps taken to enhance your application. (200 word max)

5. Do you or an immediate family member have an existing relationship with the Feinberg School of Medicine?

6. The Feinberg School of Medicine values the totality of our students’ experiences. As everyone has their own narrative, please describe how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 word max)

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I’m a student matriculating here this fall if anyone has any questions throughout the cycle!
What would you say was the primary theme of your app when applying?

I’m not sure I really focused on a theme, which I should have, reflecting back. I had a lot of leadership experience and spoke about that which they seemed to like.
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please describe how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community
Can anyone provide some insight as to how they are approaching this specific part of the prompt? Showing specific examples, staying broad, etc.?

For context I've written about how my experiences have allowed me to deeply understand the effects of stereotyping and being "forced" into boxes you don't 100% identify with. Would it be enough to talk about the general idea of approaching classmates and patients without preconceived bias? My answer seems too vague to me but I'm stumped
Can anyone provide some insight as to how they are approaching this specific part of the prompt? Showing specific examples, staying broad, etc.?

For context I've written about how my experiences have allowed me to deeply understand the effects of stereotyping and being "forced" into boxes you don't 100% identify with. Would it be enough to talk about the general idea of approaching classmates and patients without preconceived bias? My answer seems too vague to me but I'm stumped
I believe they're looking for that classic diversity question. What would you bring to the table as a medical student and a future physician. Without having read your response, I think that's a great start.
1. Feinberg’s mission is to train future leaders who will serve their patients, communities and society. Describe one specific aspect of the FSM integrated curriculum that will help you achieve your future goals within medicine and how FSM, located in Chicago, will help you achieve this professional goal. (200 word max)
This part of the prompt is really difficult to research!
Anyone know the MSTP secondary prompts?
Hello! Here are the MD/PhD Secondary prompts:
1. Why did you choose your undergraduate major? How does the subject appeal to you? (200 word max)

2. Name a scientific paper that you have read recently that had a strong impact on you and describe what impact it had. (200 word max)

3. Discuss a current unanswered question in biomedical research that you find particularly interesting and what research you would like to see done to address it. (200 word max)

4. If you have (or expect to have) a year or more between college graduation and medical school matriculation, describe both your completed activities and anticipated plans. (200 word max)

5. If you are reapplying this cycle, please address steps taken to enhance your application. If not a reapplicant, please enter "N/A" (200 words max)

6. What is the most gratifying research experience you have had to date and why? What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in research and how did you overcome it? (200 word max)

7. Do you or an immediate family member have an existing relationship with Feinberg School of Medicine? (Yes/No question;
If the answer to the question is YES, please provide details. Please leave blank if not applicable. (50 word max))

8. Personal Narrative
The Feinberg School of Medicine values the totality of our students’ experiences. As everyone has their own narrative, please describe how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 word max)

Good luck!
For the 6th prompt:
6. The Feinberg School of Medicine values the totality of our students’ experiences. As everyone has their own narrative, please describe how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 word max),

I was wondering if we should treat this as a partial why us essay in addition to diversity such as talking about school specific programs or should i stick to just talking about my specifics and how i would be unique. Thanks!
For the 6th prompt:
6. The Feinberg School of Medicine values the totality of our students’ experiences. As everyone has their own narrative, please describe how your unique experiences would enrich the Northwestern community. (200 word max),

I was wondering if we should treat this as a partial why us essay in addition to diversity such as talking about school specific programs or should i stick to just talking about my specifics and how i would be unique. Thanks!
As they already have a why us prompt, I would stick to just diversity.
2024-2025 Northwestern Secondary Essay Prompts: (several have changed from last year - read carefully)

1. Feinberg’s mission is to train future leaders who will serve their patients, communities and society. Describe one specific aspect of the FSM integrated curriculum that will help you achieve your future goals within medicine and how FSM, located in Chicago, will help you achieve this professional goal. (200 word max)
Having trouble discussing just one specific aspect of their curriculum here :/
6. What is the most gratifying research experience you have had to date and why? What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in research and how did you overcome it? (200 word max)

Is this an error? Feels like 2 separate questions rather than 1 for the MSTP application...
What are the research interest answers supposed to look like for the MSTP application?
What are the research interest answers supposed to look like for the MSTP application?
Take my advice with a grain of salt cuz I'm also applying this cycle for the first time. When I speak with adcoms, they generally say that you can get specific with your research interests and show how they match the school, but ideally should acknowledge that you're open to pursuing other research areas, especially since you won't start your PhD until a couple years after medical school and interests can change.
in the document upload section, there's an option to upload a resume/CV - is it advisable to just do this since it's available? or will it not help much anyway
+1 II OOS. Complete 7/10. LM 81.
Wow... massive congrats!

Complete 7/14 here.... I wonder if I'll hear anything this week.

Anyone know if NW sends pre-II rejections at the same time as II?
They send rejections in February.
Ahh, I see. Thank you for the information 😊 As a non-trad, I'm a little out of the loop, and this website/forum can feel overwhelming.

Do you know if applicants can be invited for an II later in the cycle? Like if I submitted 7/14, and they've already reviewed everyone from 7/14... is your fate sealed there and then? Or could some 7/14 applicants immediately be invited and some invited later in the cycle?
Ahh, I see. Thank you for the information 😊 As a non-trad, I'm a little out of the loop, and this website/forum can feel overwhelming.

Do you know if applicants can be invited for an II later in the cycle? Like if I submitted 7/14, and they've already reviewed everyone from 7/14... is your fate sealed there and then? Or could some 7/14 applicants immediately be invited and some invited later in the cycle?
Unlike Chicago, Northwestern does not appear to be going in order. You could be invited at any point from now until February.