Not sure what to do?! :(

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5+ Year Member
Oct 20, 2016
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So I took Orgo 1 and Physics 1 over the summer. Physics is going great, (for sure an A) and Orgo not so much. If I get a perfect on both of our next exams, the highest I'll get is a C+. Not sure what to do. The professor was supposedly really good but I guess not for me. the Fall professors are two bad ones, one is really hard and the other is still hard but a less version of hard. So not sure what to do. I think I should W it and not take the kick to my GPA. Currently at a 3.72 so if I only add the physics ill get it at a 3.76 which aint bad. What should I do? I'm not gonna get a perfect on both exams in Orgo. It's just not happening lets be real here. Also dealign with some personal issues so not sure...

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I might take the W. Unlikely you will get perfect scores on your next 2 exams, so the question is, what do you think your realist final grade will be? I am definitely in favor of taking a W over a D. Plus, you would have to retake O Chem 1 anyway, correct? Also, getting a C in 1 and then taking O Chem 2 is also a bad idea because they build on each other.
With the personal issues thrown in, I'd probably take the W and then make sure to get a tutor for the fall. There are some fantastic YouTube video tutors out there.
I might take the W. Unlikely you will get perfect scores on your next 2 exams, so the question is, what do you think your realist final grade will be? I am definitely in favor of taking a W over a D. Plus, you would have to retake O Chem 1 anyway, correct? Also, getting a C in 1 and then taking O Chem 2 is also a bad idea because they build on each other.
With the personal issues thrown in, I'd probably take the W and then make sure to get a tutor for the fall. There are some fantastic YouTube video tutors out there.

I'd have to take it again. Even if I get 70's on the next two exams, I'd get like a C- in the course. It aint worth it in all honestly. I think I'd rather take it in the Fall + I'd be going in with this prior knowledge so...
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Try your hardest to get a B if thats possible, if not, take the L. Sometimes, it happens.
Try your hardest to get a B if thats possible, if not, take the L. Sometimes, it happens.

B is impossible. Literally. We have two exams and even with perfect scores on them, the highest I'd get is a perfect.
From every advisor I've ever talked to, I've learned that withdrawals only look bad if you don't have a good reason (with "I wasn't going to get the grade I wanted" not being a good reason). From what I can gather, it seems like you have a good reason, but just be careful. O Chem 1 over the summer means you're probably still in your first year(?) so as long as you don't make a habit of it, and you have a reason, you're fine to withdrawal.
Hope the rest of the semester goes better for you!
Organic Chemistry is almost always everyone's worst grade and the academic year in which one takes organic chemistry is almost always the academic year with one's lowest GPA.

Yeah It's rough... Not just memorization it's just so much more lol
What a bummer. Since you're basically guaranteed a C+ or less, and you have time to withdraw, take the withdrawal. Orgo over the summer is killer and I think most schools will understand that you did not want to lower your GPA.
On the other hand, that physics grade. Make sure and keep that grade up and deal with the personal issues and use what you've already learned in orgo to do well when you take it in the fall.

Also, perhaps use Khan academy - maybe go over it during the summer before you start again in the fall. I found Jay's videos more helpful than Sal's.