NYU Summer Orthopaedic Surgery Summer Program

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10+ Year Member
Oct 28, 2013
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Hey guys,

I just got accepted to be a part of the NYU ortho research/surgery program for this summer. Has anyone done this program and would be willing to share experiences, like research done and how program directors might view this experiences as opposed to just spending a summer in some lab that isn't part of an organized program?

Thanks in advance
- theNDhopeful44

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Hey guys,

I just got accepted to be a part of the NYU ortho research/surgery program for this summer. Has anyone done this program and would be willing to share experiences, like research done and how program directors might view this experiences as opposed to just spending a summer in some lab that isn't part of an organized program?

Thanks in advance
- theNDhopeful44
Not relevant, but I wanted to ask you about Rush's new curriculum and can't find the option to PM you. Could you PM me if you have the time?
Just curious do you have a link to this program?
I know nothing about the NYU program but know people who have completed a similar program in Philadelphia with excellent results.