Official 2019 COMLEX Level 2 CE Experiences and Scores Thread

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Mar 28, 2015
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Not sure why this hasn’t been started yet, so I thought I’d start it.
Already took step 2 and got a 235, I take level 2 towards the end of July. Yeah I know wtf? But that’s how I live life. Plan is to complete Uworld a third time, complete combank and comquest as well as kaplan if time allows and who knows maybe I’ll just complete Amboss too if I’m feeling frisky. I’m keeping up with all of my anki decks in the mean time.
Anybody have any insight into what the new format is going to be like? Also, wtf happened to combank’s format? The seemed to try to clean it up but it still sucks compared to the others :/

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Yeah I figure it would be 6 CST since the main office for NBOME is in chicago.
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I’ll be patient and just wait it out... waited this long what’s another day? Lol
the wait sucks, but for me it’s more an issue of how long it takes to release scores in general. For a multiple choice computer-based exam, I see no reason it should take upwards of a month to release scores. May as well be done on paper in that case! The same applies to USMLE.
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the wait sucks, but for me it’s more an issue of how long it takes to release scores in general. For a multiple choice computer-based exam, I see no reason it should take upwards of a month to release scores. May as well be done on paper in that case! The same applies to USMLE.
I agree with you completely. I’m just saying if I had to wait a month... 1 more days is ok if that’s the case.... 2mins lol
Well I hope when they drop scores tomorrow they have the decency to do it in the morning instead of making us wait all day.
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seems there’s no reason to the timing of release. My classmate said hers came at 5:00 or 5:30 CST last month. :dead:
Its not like they are working frantically to the last minute to come up with scores. Why not just release them all at 8 am? This is absurd.
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Its not like they are working frantically to the last minute to come up with scores. Why not just release them all at 8 am? This is absurd.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is exactly how the NBOME does things, unfortunately.
NBME told me I'd get my score today, and at 10:30 this morning I got my score. NBOME tells me 27-28th, and they wait until last minute on the 28th. Bunch of rejects.
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Actually I wouldn't be surprised at all if this is exactly how the NBOME does things, unfortunately.
NBME told me I'd get my score today, and at 10:30 this morning I got my score. NBOME tells me 27-28th, and they wait until last minute on the 28th.
they have been out for over an hour. hit the "view scores" tab

Did they email you or did you just keep refreshing the nbome pge?
Just to update:

COMSAE in April- 551 (zero prep)
COMATS - 107-120
Uworld first pass - 68%
COMQUEST first pass - 76%
COMQUEST second pass - 78%
Level 1 - 598
Level 2 - 601

Dedicated was nothing but questions, some random YouTube videos for biostats and OMM sacral refresher. Hoping for better, but I broke the 600 barrier and did better than level 1 so I can’t complain.. Here’s to rural Family Medicine Residency :cool:
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Uworld, most of OME, and Comquest COMAT banks throughout the year. uworld and Comquest comlex bank for dedicated

COMATs ~110
COMQUEST predicted 694
Level 1: 560
Level 2: 690

Immensely happy with the score and to be done!
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Updating from my post a few days back;

Level 1: 660s
Comats: Average of 119. Lowest 110, highest 133.
COMBANK level 2 self assessment: 725
COMSAE 104: 670s
Real Level 2: 730s.

PTL and good luck to all. Looks like NBOME is doing a better job with the COMSAEs since it looks like they're more accurate this year.
Got my Level 2 back today.
Level 1- 608
Only did Uworld/DIT and crammed the OME OMT section.
Real deal-723
COMAT average : 110
Uworld first pass: 70%
COMBANK first pass: 75%
COMBANK Assessment: 600-610
NBME7: 230
UWSA1: 241
UWSA2: 243
COMSAE BSA104: 628
Level 1: 558
Step 2: 237

and somehow...

Level 2: 707 (!?!?!)

Level 2 and Step 2 are in wildly different percentiles, only taken a week apart. At least the NBOME was working for me and not against me this time?
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is ome needed for level 2 or just doing questions will be enough for the exam?
Doing questions should be fine. OME has a great series of biostats and omt that must be watched. I did OME instead of savarese and did fine.
Took the test yesterday. Definitely some out there questions, but I didn't feel leaving the test center like I signed up for the wrong exam (which is what I felt leaving Step 2). I don't know if that's a good sign or a bad sign because there were definitely some give me questions I missed. Hopefully the curve won't be too bad.
On to ERAS applications!