Official 2019 COMLEX Level 2 CE Experiences and Scores Thread

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Mar 28, 2015
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Not sure why this hasn’t been started yet, so I thought I’d start it.
Already took step 2 and got a 235, I take level 2 towards the end of July. Yeah I know wtf? But that’s how I live life. Plan is to complete Uworld a third time, complete combank and comquest as well as kaplan if time allows and who knows maybe I’ll just complete Amboss too if I’m feeling frisky. I’m keeping up with all of my anki decks in the mean time.
Anybody have any insight into what the new format is going to be like? Also, wtf happened to combank’s format? The seemed to try to clean it up but it still sucks compared to the others :/

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I have no insight to any of the above, but I am taking my exam 4/8. COMAT scores 105 OMM, 110 FM, 108 Surg, 126 IM 119 Peds 114 Psych 110 Ob. Step 1 246, Level 1 684, hoping for the same scores or higher.
First pass through UW around 71% but full disclosure, I was doing questions on my phone between clinic patients
Currently finishing up second pass UW, finished OME, read and annotated FA2CK with all of UW and OME and a lot of truelearn.
UWSA1 257
After I take CK (3/29), I will read sevarese, do OME for OMM and work through as many truelearn questions as I can in 10 days.

@PathoTurnUp1865 why did you decide to do Ck early?
I have no insight to any of the above, but I am taking my exam 4/8. COMAT scores 105 OMM, 110 FM, 108 Surg, 126 IM 119 Peds 114 Psych 110 Ob. Step 1 246, Level 1 684, hoping for the same scores or higher.
First pass through UW around 71% but full disclosure, I was doing questions on my phone between clinic patients
Currently finishing up second pass UW, finished OME, read and annotated FA2CK with all of UW and OME and a lot of truelearn.
UWSA1 257
After I take CK (3/29), I will read sevarese, do OME for OMM and work through as many truelearn questions as I can in 10 days.

@PathoTurnUp1865 why did you decide to do Ck early?
I had my vacation month and an easy rotation. So I finished Uworld twice and took it. Definitely helped increase my knowledge base and has helped me on my current rotation. I’m also shooting for a 650+ because my level 1 was average. So I’m going to spend the next few months really getting the info down by doing other qbanks and do zanki a few more times through.
I had my vacation month and an easy rotation. So I finished Uworld twice and took it. Definitely helped increase my knowledge base and has helped me on my current rotation. I’m also shooting for a 650+ because my level 1 was average. So I’m going to spend the next few months really getting the info down by doing other qbanks and do zanki a few more times through.

You'll do great on Level 2. I wouldn't worry about an average Level 1.. We don't know what average is for our cycle until May.. With the huge jump in average last year, I wouldn't be too hard on yourself.. just keep doing what you have been and it'll all work out. Your Step 2 score obviously shows the effort you're willing to put in and shows you won't have trouble passing Boards in residency.
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Took the test today. Felt like a pretty equal mix of the 7 COMATS but they took out 10 psych questions and put in biostats and ethics in their place.
Yes I took COMSAE D. Stems were far longer, like the COMATS. COMSAE D had a very low % of questions longer than 3-4 lines (like 10%), COMLEX was much longer, I finished both 4 hour blocks with about 10 minutes remaining and I'm a pretty fast test taker.
I took the comsae part D today just to see where I am at - 419. barely started board prepping and just been using combank, and comquest for comats. Not trying to aim for a crazy big increase like in the 600's for the comlex, but I am hoping to at least break 500 or 550 by mid-july. I have about 1349 questions left from combank + comquest.

My plan was to review my missed questions and then do either one of the Q banks, but after reading posts, im thinking finish those questions and start Uworld. Is it too late to start uworld at this point?
I took the comsae part D today just to see where I am at - 419. barely started board prepping and just been using combank, and comquest for comats. Not trying to aim for a crazy big increase like in the 600's for the comlex, but I am hoping to at least break 500 or 550 by mid-july. I have about 1349 questions left from combank + comquest.

My plan was to review my missed questions and then do either one of the Q banks, but after reading posts, im thinking finish those questions and start Uworld. Is it too late to start uworld at this point?
If not taking USMLE IDK if I would even bother doing UW. Combank and comquest should be sufficient. What percentile ranges have you been falling in on COMATs?
What you get on level 1? You have 10 weeks... That is a very long. I think passing at this point isnt too shabby. Hell, a 419 4-5 weeks out would still mean you are in good shape for 500-550 imo.

Anyone who sees this, are the comsaes as all over place for level 2 as level 1, or are they more predictive?

I got a 480 on my level 1
I have no insight to any of the above, but I am taking my exam 4/8. COMAT scores 105 OMM, 110 FM, 108 Surg, 126 IM 119 Peds 114 Psych 110 Ob. Step 1 246, Level 1 684, hoping for the same scores or higher.
First pass through UW around 71% but full disclosure, I was doing questions on my phone between clinic patients
Currently finishing up second pass UW, finished OME, read and annotated FA2CK with all of UW and OME and a lot of truelearn.
UWSA1 257
UWSA2 251
After I take CK (3/29), I will read sevarese, do OME for OMM and work through as many truelearn questions as I can in 10 days.

@PathoTurnUp1865 why did you decide to do Ck early?
Got my score back today. Scored 707. Maxed out on Ob, IM and OMM. Did borderline in surgery. Didn't end up doing any truelearn questions during dedicated, was pretty burnt out in the 10 days between USMLE and COMLEX so all I did was watch OME for OMM and read sevarese.
Got my score back today. Scored 707. Maxed out on Ob, IM and OMM. Did borderline in surgery. Didn't end up doing any truelearn questions during dedicated, was pretty burnt out in the 10 days between USMLE and COMLEX so all I did was watch OME for OMM and read sevarese.

Killer score dude! Congrats!
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Got my score back today. Scored 707. Maxed out on Ob, IM and OMM. Did borderline in surgery. Didn't end up doing any truelearn questions during dedicated, was pretty burnt out in the 10 days between USMLE and COMLEX so all I did was watch OME for OMM and read sevarese.
I just took COMLEX today. 652 on Level 1. Did you get your step 2 score back yet? I'm taking it on Friday
Took it yesterday. Felt like my test had a lot of OBGYN, Peds, Cardio, and MSK. The rest was a mix of all the other topics. I'd say there was a fair amount of biostats, ethics/legal stuff, and OMM so if you want to score really well don't neglect to study that stuff like I did. Felt like taking a really long COMAT to be honest. Question styles and length were very similar. Hit a mental wall around block 6 so I started to really slow down. But I was able to finish each block with at least 15 minutes extra if not more. Timing wasn't at issue for me on this test like it was for Level 1. Overall it was a pretty fair test minus all the completely obscure facts they asked about. I'd say that if you've been doing well on the COMATs and have done lots of practice questions you should be fine for this test.

Finished Kaplan and COMBANK during the year while prepping for the COMATs. Had a week to study for Level 2 so I bought Comquest and just burned through their qbank. Comquest estimated I was at the 550-600 range. I'd be happy with a score somewhere in there. Good luck to everyone taking it in the next few weeks/months.
Has anyone taken any of the "new blueprint" comsaes and if so what was you take? Was it as big of a cluster F at the level 1's are being made out to be?
Has anyone taken any of the "new blueprint" comsaes and if so what was you take? Was it as big of a cluster F at the level 1's are being made out to be?

I took COMSAE D and I'd say it was a pretty big cluster F. I can only compare to last year's level 1 that I took but the stems in the new one were much longer, kind of felt like taking the real exam. In terms of questions, it was much more difficult than the COMSAE last year as well. Per NBOME usual, there were quite a few disaster management, prevention, and ethics questions that are just out of left field. In terms of the medical questions, stems were vague as crap and I felt like there was quite a bit of random minutiae on the exam.

To be honest, I feel like I could have taken that test 6 months ago and done the same. I felt like the question was either super easy or hard due to the vagueness, not the difficulty of the topic. Hardly anything I've learned doing UWorld or OMed really seemed to come up, it was just a lot of "I have an idea of what's going on but this stem is so vague I don't really know what answer you want me to put."

In terms of scoring, I'm not sure how it will work out or if NBOME will adjust their scale, but some of the smartest people in our class were scoring in the mid to upper 600 range.
I took COMSAE D and I'd say it was a pretty big cluster F. I can only compare to last year's level 1 that I took but the stems in the new one were much longer, kind of felt like taking the real exam. In terms of questions, it was much more difficult than the COMSAE last year as well. Per NBOME usual, there were quite a few disaster management, prevention, and ethics questions that are just out of left field. In terms of the medical questions, stems were vague as crap and I felt like there was quite a bit of random minutiae on the exam.

To be honest, I feel like I could have taken that test 6 months ago and done the same. I felt like the question was either super easy or hard due to the vagueness, not the difficulty of the topic. Hardly anything I've learned doing UWorld or OMed really seemed to come up, it was just a lot of "I have an idea of what's going on but this stem is so vague I don't really know what answer you want me to put."

In terms of scoring, I'm not sure how it will work out or if NBOME will adjust their scale, but some of the smartest people in our class were scoring in the mid to upper 600 range.
You just described every nbome exam weve taken so far 🙂. I'm assuming this was a school administered exam? D isn't avail. for purchase on the nbome website 🙁
You just described every nbome exam weve taken so far 🙂. I'm assuming this was a school administered exam? D isn't avail. for purchase on the nbome website 🙁

Yep it was a school administered exam. Hopefully the real exam is more clinical than the COMSAE because otherwise I'll feel like almost all of the studying I've done third year was in vain
Has anyone taken any of the "new blueprint" comsaes and if so what was you take? Was it as big of a cluster F at the level 1's are being made out to be?

I just took the new blueprint COMSAEs and my scores keep going down...I took forms 104,103, and 101. Has anyone else taken it? I'm due to take Level 2 in less than a month but all my scores are in the 400s.
I just took the new blueprint COMSAEs and my scores keep going down...I took forms 104,103, and 101. Has anyone else taken it? I'm due to take Level 2 in less than a month but all my scores are in the 400s.

What are your scores in your question banks and did you take comsae D or B? I recommend taking one of those
So in UWorld my scores have been ranging in between 50-70% on average. I haven't taken taken comsae B yet, do you think it's more accurate? My school requires us to hit 500 before we can take the actual exam. I'm panicking now so any advice is appreciated.
I got around a 700 on comsae B a couple weeks ago so at the very least the scores aren't deflated like these new ones. I would recommend doing comsae B. IDK if its more accurate, but it would get you over 500 if you have the ability
I got around a 700 on comsae B a couple weeks ago so at the very least the scores aren't deflated like these new ones. I would recommend doing comsae B. IDK if its more accurate, but it would get you over 500 if you have the ability

Ah, I see. Congrats on getting a solid score. Thanks for the advice!
Slacker. Kidding LOL. Mind if I ask how your comats went this year?

97 - 98 - 110 - 109 - 114 - 116 and took one last week I don't have the results back for. I didn't study anything other than u world for any of mine and it hurt me on a couple because they didn't correspond with UW
Interesting. Ya. The focus on the comats and Uworld are about as far apart as humanly possible.

With a 700 I thought your comats would be in the 120s/130s (not that you did bad!). My scores were similar to yours and I don’t think I’ll get remotely close to a 700 but now I have hope 🙂. Thank you kind sir

I mostly just did research all of 3rd year, I wouldn't look too far into my comats. The ~700 was after completing Uworld by system and comquest in a span of 3 months
Is there anyone here who is done with their exam and still have a week or something of uw subscription left? I have my exam in 10 days, If anyone is willing to share the subscription please let me know. TIA
Hey guys planning on taking the exam on June 17. About 1.5 weeks to go. Just took STEP 2.

Should I repeat Combank ( done throughout the year )

Or just buy conquest and do all the question?

How are the Online med ed - OMM Videos- I Can't read savarese?

Any other recommendation would be appreciated 😀
Hey guys planning on taking the exam on June 17. About 1.5 weeks to go. Just took STEP 2.

Should I repeat Combank ( done throughout the year )

Or just buy conquest and do all the question?

How are the Online med ed - OMM Videos- I Can't read savarese?

Any other recommendation would be appreciated 😀

Another COMSAE person checking school made us take B/103 today and it was comparable to the COMATs. Pretty straightforward plus some typical wtf questions. I scored average in the OMM section and still did ok on the test overall (mid-500s). I’m about half way through Uworld 1st pass and have done zero COMLEX-oriented studying outside of the COMATs (got 100+ on each). My test date is still several weeks out. Good luck to those of you with upcoming COMSAEs!
I just took the new blueprint COMSAEs and my scores keep going down...I took forms 104,103, and 101. Has anyone else taken it? I'm due to take Level 2 in less than a month but all my scores are in the 400s.
I took one of them yesterday and scored a 510. Scored a 550 on an old blue print a few months ago so not sure if I can really compare the two.
I thought 101 was super confusing. Got a 495. Took 103 a week later with school and got a 550. No idea what to make of it! Anyone know if there are any similarities with the new COMSAEs to the actual COMLEX?
TBH I am not taking any new bleuprints and I would advise you all to do the same. THEY WILL NOT HELP YOU IN ANY WAY. They are unstandardized, and will continue to be until after July 15 when NBOME gets all the scores and fixes it. If you want to know where you are at for comlex use the old blueprints, or your comquest percentile (its not perfect but it is the best we have). My comquest percentile was dead on for level 1 and I trust them more than I trust NBOME (the makers of Uworld make comquest). Why would you take an unstandardized exam that will have a better chance than not of recking your confidence? AND PAY TO DO SO.

Just a rant, sorry.

Just my 2 cents.
TBH I am not taking any new bleuprints and I would advise you all to do the same. THEY WILL NOT HELP YOU IN ANY WAY. They are unstandardized, and will continue to be until after July 15 when NBOME gets all the scores and fixes it. If you want to know where you are at for comlex use the old blueprints, or your comquest percentile (its not perfect but it is the best we have). My comquest percentile was dead on for level 1 and I trust them more than I trust NBOME (the makers of Uworld make comquest). Why would you take an unstandardized exam that will have a better chance than not of recking your confidence? AND PAY TO DO SO.

Just a rant, sorry.

Just my 2 cents.
If anything I’d recommend it as the first one just to kind of get a feel for how the new test is set up but I ultimately agree. The other ones are standardized against your peers and if you’re scoring >550 on it you probably will on the real thing too
TBH I am not taking any new bleuprints and I would advise you all to do the same. THEY WILL NOT HELP YOU IN ANY WAY. They are unstandardized, and will continue to be until after July 15 when NBOME gets all the scores and fixes it. If you want to know where you are at for comlex use the old blueprints, or your comquest percentile (its not perfect but it is the best we have). My comquest percentile was dead on for level 1 and I trust them more than I trust NBOME (the makers of Uworld make comquest). Why would you take an unstandardized exam that will have a better chance than not of recking your confidence? AND PAY TO DO SO.

Just a rant, sorry.

Just my 2 cents.

Agreed! Unfortunately it is all we have to figure out what this new blueprint mess is. I just checked the NBOME tests available for purchase and they have removed all the old COMSAE exams. :shrug:
TBH I am not taking any new bleuprints and I would advise you all to do the same. THEY WILL NOT HELP YOU IN ANY WAY. They are unstandardized, and will continue to be until after July 15 when NBOME gets all the scores and fixes it. If you want to know where you are at for comlex use the old blueprints, or your comquest percentile (its not perfect but it is the best we have). My comquest percentile was dead on for level 1 and I trust them more than I trust NBOME (the makers of Uworld make comquest). Why would you take an unstandardized exam that will have a better chance than not of recking your confidence? AND PAY TO DO SO.

Just a rant, sorry.

Just my 2 cents.

Is there a way to still access the old blueprint Comsae's for level 2? It sucks how unpredictive in general these comsaes are WHYYYYY haha.
Oh I didn't know they got take down.

In that case, do not waste any of your money on NBOME tests unless you wanna be sheep. Uworld + comquest + UWSAs are all you need to know where you are at
How many questions are in comquest? Would you recommend re doing UW and/or combank instead of comquest?