OFFICIAL - 2024 Match Lists

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May 17, 2017
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Match day is here! Post school’s lists below

Match 2024 - Congratulations MS4s!​

Previous Years: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

-- If the lists aren't public, please remove student's names --

A - Albany
B - Baylor - Brown - Buffalo
C - Carle Illinois - Case Western - Cincinnati - CCLCM - Colorado - Columbia - Cooper - Creighton - CUNY
D - Dartmouth - Dell - Drexel
E - ECU - Einstein - Emory - ETSU - EVMS
F - FAU - FIU - Florida State
G - Geisinger - George Washington
H - Hackensack - Harvard - Howard
I - Icahn - Illinois (Peoria) - Iowa
J - Jefferson/Sidney Kimmel - Johns Hopkins
K -
L -
M - Marshall - MCG - McGovern - Maryland - MCW - Meharry - Miami - Michigan - Minnesota - Missouri
N - Nebraska - NEOMED - North Dakota - (Cal) Northstate - Northwestern - NYMC - NYU
O - OHSU - Oklahoma - OUWB
P - Penn - Penn State- Pittsburgh - Ponce - Pritzker
Q - Quinnipiac
R - Rosalind Franklin - RWJMS - Rutgers NJMS -
S - SIU - SLU - South Alabama (USA) - Stanford - Stony Brook - SUNY Downstate - SUNY Upstate
T - TCU - Texas A&M - Texas Tech El Paso - Texas Tech Lubbock - Toledo - Tufts - Tulane
U - UAB - UCLA - UCSD - U Houston Fertitta - UIC - UNC - USC - U S. Dakota - USF - UTMB - UTRGV - UTSW - UVA - U Washington
V - Vanderbilt - VCU - Vermont - Virginia Tech Carilion
W - Wake Forest - WashU St. Louis - Wayne State - Weill Cornell - Western Michigan - Wright State
X -
Y - Yale
Z - Zucker (Hofstra)

International - AUC - Ross - SGU

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Though if you already know because of any earlier matches, go ahead ... 🙂
The only early matches are ophthalmology and urology. All schools list these matches with their full graduating class. It would be cluttered to list them first and then delete them (these lists are also not typically public).
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Stick with school match list to be consistent with all previous years. The SF Match results for schools are available for ophthomology and Urology on Discord.
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine Class of 2024

Note that Case Western list above includes these matches but they are distinct programs

University of Michigan

Cleveland Clinic

Family Medicine
University of North Carolina

General Surgery
Cleveland Clinic

Internal Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Cleveland Clinic
Hospital of the University of PA
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital
Montefiore Medical Center (Primary Care and Social IM)
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
University of Washington

Neurologic Surgery
Mayo Clinic

Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Strong Memorial Hospital/University of Rochester
University of Michigan

Cleveland Clinic
University of California San Francisco

Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute
University of California San Diego

Orthopedic Surgery
Cleveland Clinic
Montefiore Medical Center

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
University of Michigan

Brigham and Women's Hospital
Cambridge Health Alliance

Radiology - Diagnostic
Cleveland Clinic

Thoracic Surgery
Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic (2)
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Carle Illinois:
Announcing Matches was voluntary so this may be incomplete, 31 people announced their news.

Anesthesia 2
U Chicago

Child Neurology 1

Derm 1

Diagnostic Radiology 3
Indiana U
U Illinois Peoria

EM 1

FM 2
OHSU Hillsboro, OR
Carepoint Health NJ

General Surgery 4
Western Michigan
UT Tyler
U Cincinnati

IM 3
Virginia Tech

Integrated Vascular Surgery 1
Wash U St. Louis

Interventional Radiology 1
U Miami

Neurology 1

Western Michigan

Orthopedic Surgery 3
Western Michigan
Virginia Tech Carillon

Pediatrics 1
St. Louis Children’s

Plastic Surgery 1

Psychiatry 2
UCLA Arbor
MCW Green Bay

Urology 1
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ETSU C/O 2024

Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 2.53.32 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 2.53.37 PM.png
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StanfordChild Neurology
Denver HealthEM
U MichiganEM
Beth Israel DeaconessENT
UC DavisFamily Medicine
StanfordFamily Medicine
Scripps Mercy Hosp.Family Medicine
UCLA-HarborGeneral Surgery
Ohio StateGeneral Surgery
Mt. SinaiGeneral Surgery
U. WashingtonGeneral Surgery
DukeGeneral Surgery
JHUGeneral Surgery
Rochester Gen. HospInterventional Radiology
WashUNeurological Surgery
MGHNeurological Surgery
StanfordNeurological Surgery
Columbia / HarknessOphtho
Cedars-SinaiOrthopaedic Surgery
GWUOrthopaedic Surgery
Hospital for Special SurgeryOrthopaedic Surgery
StanfordOrthopaedic Surgery
StanfordOrthopaedic Surgery
StanfordOrthopaedic Surgery
OHSUOrthopaedic Surgery
Carolinas Med Ctr.Orthopaedic Surgery
Walter ReedOrthopaedic Surgery
Boston Children’sPediatrics
UCLAPlastic Surgery (Integrated)
Henry Ford HospitalPreventive Medicine / Occupational Health
MGH/BWHRadiation Oncology
WashURadiation Oncology
Baylor College of Medicine
Baylor 2024.jpeg


  • Baylor 2024.jpeg
    Baylor 2024.jpeg
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University of Colorado School of Medicine
Class of 2024

University of Colorado (6)
Temple University
Barnes Jewish Hospital (2)
Vanderbilt University
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
UT Southwestern
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Henry Ford

Emergency Medicine
Denver Health (3)
Hennepin County
University of New Mexico
University of Miami
University of Michigan
Charleston Area Medical Center
Henry Ford
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Northwestern University
Mayo Clinic

Family Medicine
Denver Health
University of Colorado (2)
Swedish Medical Center
University of New Mexico
Utah Valley
UCSD (2)
Kaiser Permanente San Diego
Idaho State
St. Mary's Grand Junction
St. Anthony Oklahoma City
MultiCare Health System
Lexington Medical Center
University of Utah
Scripps Mercy Hospital
University of Washington

Internal Medicine
University of Colorado (5)
Huntington Memorial
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
NYU Grossman
University of Cincinnati
Northwestern University
Barnes Jewish Hospital
Emory University
Massachusetts General Hospital (2)
University of Michigan
Providence Health Portland
University of Washington
University of Minnesota (2)
Yale University
Mayo Clinic
USC Keck
University of Arizona-Tucson
Central Iowa Health System

University of Colorado
Massachusetts General Hospital
The Ohio State University

Neurological Surgery
University of Washington
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Minnesota
University of Utah

USC Keck
University of Washington
Mayo Clinic
University of Utah

Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Colorado
Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Boston University
Stanford University
St. Joseph Denver

University of Colorado (2)

Orthopedic Surgery
University of Colorado (2)
Johns Hopkins Hospital
UT Austin
University of Washington
Walter Reed

Stanford University
University of Oklahoma

University of South Florida

University of Colorado (2)
Boston Combined Residency Program
University of Washington
Medical College of Wisconsin
Valley Children's Healthcare
University of Illinois Chicago
Children's Mercy Hospital
University of Minnesota

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Colorado
SUNY Downstate
University of Florida

Plastic Surgery

University of Colorado (3)
Yale University
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Family Health Centers of San Diego

University of Colorado
Duke University
University of Chicago

General Surgery
University of Colorado (2)
The Ohio State University
University of Arizona-Tucson
Broward Health
Inova Fairfax
St. Joseph Denver

Hofstra Northwell
University of Michigan
Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles
Northwestern University

Tulane University

Pyschiatry/Family Medicine
University of Cincinnati

St. Joseph Denver
Huntington Memorial

St. Joseph Denver
Henry Ford
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The sharing of results at the Match Day event was voluntary, so this list may be incomplete. 36 people shared results.

Anesthesia 2

Emergency Medicine 3
Wash U St. Louis

Family Medicine 2
UT Health San Antonio
Christus, Corpus Christi

U of Louisville

Integrated Plastics & Reconstruction 1
St. Louis University

Internal Medicine 9
UT Health San Antonio
UT Health San Antonio
Wash U St. Louis
UTRGV Harlingen, TX
U of Tennessee
Case Western Reserve

Neurology 3
Houston Methodist


Pediatrics 4
U Washington Seattle

Psychiatry 5
A&M College Station
UCSF Fresno

General Surgery 2
Texas Tech El Paso
Johns Hopkins

Preliminary Gen Surgery 2
UC Davis (Air Force)
U Colorado, Denver

Urology 1
Mount Sinai
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Yale School of Medicine
Class of 2024 (120)

Anesthesiology (1)
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT

Child Neurology (1)
University of Colorado School of Medicine Program Denver CO

Dermatology (5)
University of California (San Francisco) Program San Francisco CA
Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center Los Angeles CA
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT (2)
NYU Grossman School of Medicine Program New York NY

Diagnostic Radiology (7)
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston MA (2)
University of California (San Francisco) Program San Francisco CA (2)
New York Presbyterian Hospital (Cornell) Program New York NY
Stanford Health Care-Stanford University Program Stanford CA
Penn State Hershey Medical Center Hershey PA

Emergency Medicine (3)
University of Alabama Medical Center Birmingham AL
HealthPartners Institute/Regions Hospital Program St. Paul MN
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital New York NY

Family Medicine (4)
Virginia Mason Franciscan Health/St. Michael Medical Center Bremerton WA
Middlesex Health Middletown CT
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA
Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital Santa Rosa CA

General Surgery (6)
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA
Stanford Health Care-Stanford University Program Stanford CA
Brigham & Women's Hospital Boston MA
MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center Program Baltimore MD
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT
Duke University Medical Center Durham

Internal Medicine (28)
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital New York NY (3)
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT (6)
Brigham & Women's Hospital Boston MA (2)
NYU Grossman School Of Medicine Program New York NY
Tufts Medical Center Boston MA
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA (2)
Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education Rochester MN
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville TN
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles CA
University of California (San Francisco) Program San Francisco CA (4)
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston MA
Stanford Health Care-Stanford University Program Stanford CA (4)
Duke University Medical Center Durham NC

Medicine-Preliminary (13)
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT (4)
University of Hawaii Honolulu HI
St. Mary's Hospital/Trinity Health of New England Waterbury CT (3)
University of Miami/Jackson Health System Program Miami FL
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program at Waterbury Hospital Waterbury CT (2)
Mount Auburn Hospital Cambridge MA
Brigham & Women's Hospital Boston MA

Neurological Surgery (6)
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT
Duke University Medical Center Durham NC
University of Michigan Health System Program Ann Arbor MI
Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education Rochester MN
Barrow Neurological Institute Phoenix AZ
University of Miami/Jackson Health System Program Miami FL

Neurology (2)
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles CA
Brigham & Women's Hospital/Massachusetts General Hospital Boston MA

Obstetrics and Gynecology (2)
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT (2)

Ophthalmology (3)
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT
Harvard Medical School Program/Massachusetts Eye and Ear Boston MA (2)

Orthopedic Surgery (3)
Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education Rochester MN
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT
University of California (San Francisco) Program San Francisco CA

Otolaryngology (6)
Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education Rochester MN
Oregon Health & Science University Program Portland OR
University of Colorado School of Medicine Program Denver CO
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT (2)
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles CA

Pathology (1)
Stanford Health Care-Stanford University Program Stanford CA

Pediatrics (1)
New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia) Program New York NY

Plastic Surgery (2)
Duke University Medical Center Durham NC
Ohio State University Medical Center Columbus OH

Preventative Medicine (1)
Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore MD

Psychiatry (13)
NYU Grossman School Of Medicine Program New York NY
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital New York NY
Massachusetts General Hospital Boston MA
Brigham & Women's Hospital Boston MA
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT (3)
Stanford Health Care-Stanford University Program Stanford CA
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA
Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville TN (2)
University of California (San Francisco) Program San Francisco CA
Tripler Army Medical Center Honolulu HI

Radiation Oncology (3)
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT
Brigham & Women's Hospital/Massachusetts General Hospital Boston MA
University of California (San Francisco) Program San Francisco CA

Surgery-Preliminary (3)
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Program Dallas TX
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital Washington DC
Yale-New Haven Medical Center Program New Haven CT

Thoracic Surgery (1)
Stanford Health Care-Stanford University Program Stanford CA

Transitional (5)
Brookwood Baptist Health Birmingham AL
Bassett Medical Center Cooperstown NY
Southern Hills Hospital Las Vegas NV
AdventHealth Redmond GA
Memorial Sloan-Kettering New York NY
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University of Houston - Fertitta sharing results was voluntary, 21 of this inaugural class of 30 shared their matches

Anesthesia 2
Baylor Scott & White TX
Methodist Houston TX

Child Neurology 1
Nationwide Children’s Hospital OH

Emergency Medicine 2
Ascension St. John Hospital, MI
Christiana Care - DE, EM/FM

Family Medicine 4
Waco Family Medicine Institute TX
Conroe Regional Medical Center TX
Conroe Regional Medical Center TX
MacNeal Hospital - IL

Internal Medicine 3
Morehouse School of Medicine - GA
UT Houston (McGovern) TX
U Oklahoma SOM, OK City

Pediatrics 4
UT Houston (McGovern)
UTSW, Dallas TX
Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, VA

General Surgery 2
St. Davids Healthcare GME- TX
U Arizona COM, Tucson AZ

Preliminary, Gen Surgery 1
St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, MA

Howard University Hospital, DC

Radiation Oncology 1
UTSW, prelim year John Peter Smith Ft. Worth
StanfordChild Neurology
Denver HealthEM
U MichiganEM
Beth Israel DeaconessENT
UC DavisFamily Medicine
StanfordFamily Medicine
Scripps Mercy Hosp.Family Medicine
UCLA-HarborGeneral Surgery
Ohio StateGeneral Surgery
Mt. SinaiGeneral Surgery
U. WashingtonGeneral Surgery
DukeGeneral Surgery
JHUGeneral Surgery
Rochester Gen. HospInterventional Radiology
WashUNeurological Surgery
MGHNeurological Surgery
StanfordNeurological Surgery
Columbia / HarknessOphtho
Cedars-SinaiOrthopaedic Surgery
GWUOrthopaedic Surgery
Hospital for Special SurgeryOrthopaedic Surgery
StanfordOrthopaedic Surgery
StanfordOrthopaedic Surgery
StanfordOrthopaedic Surgery
OHSUOrthopaedic Surgery
Carolinas Med Ctr.Orthopaedic Surgery
Walter ReedOrthopaedic Surgery
Boston Children’sPediatrics
UCLAPlastic Surgery (Integrated)
Henry Ford HospitalPreventive Medicine / Occupational Health
MGH/BWHRadiation Oncology
WashURadiation Oncology

Stanford is always a machine lol.
Dell Med

Anesthesia 1
U Alabama Med Center

Child Neurology 2
Mass General
U of Utah

Dermatology 4
U Illinois
Boston University

Diagnostic Radiology 4

Emergency Medicine 1

U of Utah

Family Medicine 1
Cahaba Medica Care

Internal Medicine 3
Brigham & Women’s
Yale (Primary Care Internal Medicine)

General Surgery 3
Dartmouth Hitchcock Med Center
Brigham & Women’s

Neurosurgery 1

Johns Hopkins
U North Carolina

Ophthalmology 2

Orthopaedic Surgery 2
Cincinnati Children’s

Pediatrics 9
Cincinnati Children’s
Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai

Psychiatry 5

Urology 3

Maine Med Center
Wake Forest
As a member of this class, I want to share the following disclaimer to premed students who may be making school decisions:
Not everyone wants to go to Harvard. Many of the smartest kids in my class (AOA, 270+ step score, honored every rotation) ranked small name hospitals over Mass Gen, UCSF, Hopkins, etc for numerous reasons including location, family connections, program fit, etc. Match lists and their perceived strength mean a lot less than I thought they did when I was a premed.
Anesthesiology (12)
Brooke Army Med Ctr
ISMMS Mt Sinai Hosp
U of Oklahoma
U of Rochester
U of Virginia
UC Davis
Wake Forest (3)
Walter Reed Ntl Military Med Ctr

Child Neurology (2)
UC Davis
Wake Forest

Dermatology (4)
U of Chicago
U of Virginia (2)
U of Iowa

Diagnostic Radiology (10)
U of Chicago
U of Cincinnati
U of Rochester
U of Utah
U of Wisconsin
UC Davis
UCLA Med Ctr

Emergency Medicine (11)
Carilion Clinic-Virginia Tech
Maimonides Med Ctr
NYP Hospital-Columbia & Cornell
U of Illinois
U of Virginia
UCSF-Fresno (2)
UNC-Chapel Hill

Family Medicine (8)
Cone Health
ECU Health Ctr
Fort Belvoir
Novant Health
Samaritan Health-Corvallis
UMass Chan
Wake Forest (2)

Internal Medicine (24)
Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr
Mayo Clinic-MN
MUSC (2)
Providence Health-OR
U of Arizona
U of Colorado
U of Michigan
U of Penn
U of South Alabama
U of Virginia (2)
U of Washington (2)
UCLA-Olive View Med Ctr
Wake Forest (3, including one primary care track)
UT-Austin Dell (primary care track)

Medicine-Preliminary (1)
U of Maryland

Neurological Surgery (3)
U of Florida
Wake Forest (2)

Neurology (5)
Mayo Clinic-MN
U of Chicago
U of Cincinnati
Wake Forest
Zucker SOM-Northwell

Inova Fairfax Hospital
Lehigh Valley Hospital
UC Davis
Wake Forest

Ophthalmology (3)
U of Michigan
U of Minnesota
UC San Diego

Orthopedic Surgery (7)
Baylor COM
Carolinas Med Ctr
ISMMS Mt Sinai Hospital
John Peter Smith Hospital
SSM/St. Louis U
Valley Hospital Med Ctr

Otolaryngology (2)
Wake Forest

Pathology (1)
U of Virginia

Pediatrics (11)
Carolinas Med Ctr
U of Chicago
U of Colorado
U of Maryland
U of Michigan
Wake Forest (2)

Plastic Surgery (2)
UNC-Chapel Hill
Wake Forest

PM&R (4)
Baylor COM
Carolinas Med Ctr
ISMMS Mt Sinai Hospital
U of Miami

Psychiatry (10)
Carolinas Med Ctr
Tripler Army Med Ctr
Tufts Med Ctr
USC-Columbia (2)
Wake Forest (3)

Surgery-Categorical (7)
Carolinas Med Ctr
Johns Hopkins
NYMC-Metro Hosp Ctr
Ochsner Clinic Foundation
U of Kansas

Surgery-Prelim (5)
ISMMS Mt Sinai Hospital
St. Joseph Hospital-CO
UC San Francisco
Wake Forest (2)

Transitional Year (2)
Inspira Health Network
Piedmont Macon Med Ctr

Urology (1)
U of Virginia

Edit: Link and attachment,


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Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Anesthesiology (7)

Johns Hopkins Hosp
MGB-Brigham & Women’s Hosp (3)
NYP Hosp-Columbia Univ Med
NYP Hosp-Weill Cornell Med
Stanford Health Care

Child Neurology (1)
Children’s Hosp-Philadelphia

Dermatology (5)
Johns Hopkins Hosp (2)
Mass General Brigham
U North Carolina Hospitals
UPMC Medical Education

Diagnostic Radiology (3)
Johns Hopkins Hosp
Mayo Clinic School of Grad Med Educ
Yale-New Haven Hosp

Emergency Medicine (4)
Carilion Clinic-Virginia Tech Carilion SOM
Johns Hopkins Hosp (2)
Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School

Family Medicine (2)
Grtr Lawrence Fam Hlth
U Maryland Med Ctr

General Surgery (3)
Johns Hopkins Hosp
MGB-Massachusetts Gen Hosp (2)

Internal Medicine (25)
Beth Israel Deaconess Med
Brown Univ/Rhode Island Hosp
Cedars-Sinai Med Ctr (2)
Johns Hopkins Hosp (7)
MGB- Brigham & Women’s Hosp (5)
NYP Hosp-Weill Cornel Med
UCLA Med Ctr (3)
UC San Diego Med
UC- San Francisco
Yale-New Haven Hosp (3)

Interventional Radiology (2)
MGB-Massachusetts Gen Hosp
Johns Hopkins Hosp

Medicine-Preliminary (12)
Johns Hopkins/Bayview (2)
MedStar Union Memorial Hosp (2)
MGB-Brigham & Women’s Hosp (2)
U Iowa Hospital and Clinics
U Maryland Mercy Med (5)

Neurological Surgery (2)
Johns Hopkins Hosp (2)

Neurology (2)
Johns Hopkins Hosp
Stanford Health Care

Obstetrics and Gynecology (6)
Johns Hopkins Hosp
Maimonides Med Ctr
Mass General Brigham
Orlando Health
Univ of Chicago Med

Ophthalmology (8)
Columbia U / Harkness
Harvard Medical School - Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary
U California – SF
U Iowa
U Maryland (2)
UT Southwestern-Dallas
Wilmer-Johns Hopkins

Orthopaedic Surgery (4)
Brown Univ/Rhode Island Hosp
Johns Hopkins Hosp (2)
U Louisville SOM

Otolaryngology (5)
Mass General Brigham
Stanford Health Care
U Miami/Jackson Health System
U Colorado SOM-Denver
U North Carolina Hospitals

Pediatrics (9)
Baylor Coll Med-Houston
Children’s Hosp-Philadelphia
Children’s National Med
Indiana University SOM
Johns Hopkins Hosp
MGB-Brigham & Women’s Hosp
Northwestern McGaw/Lurie Childrens
Stanford Health Care (2)

Plastic Surgery (2)
Beth Israel Deaconess Med
Mass General Brigham

Psychiatry (9)
Johns Hopkins Hosp (4)
MGB-Massachusetts Gen Hosp
Stanford Health Care
Univ of Chicago Med
UC San Diego Med
U Illinois COM-Chicago

Radiation Oncology (2)
Mass General Brigham
U Texas MD Anderson Cancer

Surgery-Preliminary (1)
Temple Univ Hosp

Thoracic Surgery (1)
Stanford Health Care

Transitional (6)
Stanford Health Care
U Maryland Med Ctr Midtown Campus (5)

Urology (3)
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Med Sch Program
Johns Hopkins Hospital (2)
Scrubbing Linkedin. If someone can find the specific placements, that would be great.

Meanwhile, TCU... belt buckles as a match gift!
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Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Anesthesiology (7)

Johns Hopkins Hosp
MGB-Brigham & Women’s Hosp (3)
NYP Hosp-Columbia Univ Med
NYP Hosp-Weill Cornell Med
Stanford Health Care

Child Neurology (1)
Children’s Hosp-Philadelphia

Dermatology (5)
Johns Hopkins Hosp (2)
Mass General Brigham
U North Carolina Hospitals
UPMC Medical Education

Diagnostic Radiology (3)
Johns Hopkins Hosp
Mayo Clinic School of Grad Med Educ
Yale-New Haven Hosp

Emergency Medicine (4)
Carilion Clinic-Virginia Tech Carilion SOM
Johns Hopkins Hosp (2)
Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School

Family Medicine (2)
Grtr Lawrence Fam Hlth
U Maryland Med Ctr

General Surgery (3)
Johns Hopkins Hosp
MGB-Massachusetts Gen Hosp (2)

Internal Medicine (25)
Beth Israel Deaconess Med
Brown Univ/Rhode Island Hosp
Cedars-Sinai Med Ctr (2)
Johns Hopkins Hosp (7)
MGB- Brigham & Women’s Hosp (5)
NYP Hosp-Weill Cornel Med
UCLA Med Ctr (3)
UC San Diego Med
UC- San Francisco
Yale-New Haven Hosp (3)

Interventional Radiology (2)
MGB-Massachusetts Gen Hosp
Johns Hopkins Hosp

Medicine-Preliminary (12)
Johns Hopkins/Bayview (2)
MedStar Union Memorial Hosp (2)
MGB-Brigham & Women’s Hosp (2)
U Iowa Hospital and Clinics
U Maryland Mercy Med (5)

Neurological Surgery (2)
Johns Hopkins Hosp (2)

Neurology (2)
Johns Hopkins Hosp
Stanford Health Care

Obstetrics and Gynecology (6)
Johns Hopkins Hosp
Maimonides Med Ctr
Mass General Brigham
Orlando Health
Univ of Chicago Med

Ophthalmology (8)
Columbia U / Harkness
Harvard Medical School - Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary
U California – SF
U Iowa
U Maryland (2)
UT Southwestern-Dallas
Wilmer-Johns Hopkins

Orthopaedic Surgery (4)
Brown Univ/Rhode Island Hosp
Johns Hopkins Hosp (2)
U Louisville SOM

Otolaryngology (5)
Mass General Brigham
Stanford Health Care
U Miami/Jackson Health System
U Colorado SOM-Denver
U North Carolina Hospitals

Pediatrics (9)
Baylor Coll Med-Houston
Children’s Hosp-Philadelphia
Children’s National Med
Indiana University SOM
Johns Hopkins Hosp
MGB-Brigham & Women’s Hosp
Northwestern McGaw/Lurie Childrens
Stanford Health Care (2)

Plastic Surgery (2)
Beth Israel Deaconess Med
Mass General Brigham

Psychiatry (9)
Johns Hopkins Hosp (4)
MGB-Massachusetts Gen Hosp
Stanford Health Care
Univ of Chicago Med
UC San Diego Med
U Illinois COM-Chicago

Radiation Oncology (2)
Mass General Brigham
U Texas MD Anderson Cancer

Surgery-Preliminary (1)
Temple Univ Hosp

Thoracic Surgery (1)
Stanford Health Care

Transitional (6)
Stanford Health Care
U Maryland Med Ctr Midtown Campus (5)

Urology (3)
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Med Sch Program
Johns Hopkins Hospital (2)
This is double counting prelims and TYs -- I think there was only 1 surgical prelim without a PGY2 residency lined up.
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (Source)

Anesthesiology (14)

UC Davis Med Ctr-CA
Los Robles Health System-CA
Rush University Med Ctr-IL
Stanford Health Care-CA
U Alabama Med Ctr-Birmingham
U Florida COM-Shands Hosp
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (5)
U Texas Med Sch-Houston
Northwestern McGaw/NMH/VA-IL
HCA Healthcare East FL Division GME

Child Neurology (1)
Duke Univ Med Ctr-NC

Dermatology (8)
Harbor-UCLA Med Ctr-CA
Henry Ford Hospital-MI
U Arizona COM-Tucson
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL
U New Mexico SOM
U South Florida Morsani COM-Tampa
University of Nebraska Med Ctr

Emergency Medicine (7)
Detroit Med Ctr/WSU-MI
ISMMS Mount Sinai Morningside-West-NY (2)
Kern Med Ctr-CA
LSU SOM-New Orleans-LA
Thomas Jefferson Univ-PA
U Southern California

Family Medicine (17)
U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor
Sutter Med Ctr of Santa Rosa-CA
Baptist Health South Florida
Christiana Care-DE
Duke Univ Med Ctr-NC
Kaiser Permanente-Woodland Hills-CA
Mercy Health-Anderson Hosp-OH
Mike O'Callaghan Federal Hospital, Nellis AFB/Univ of Nevada SOM
Natividad Med Ctr-CA
Scripps Mercy Hosp-Chula Vista-CA
Temple Univ Hosp-PA
Texas Tech U Affil-El Paso
U Alabama CCHS-Tuscaloosa
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL
U South Florida Morsani COM-Tampa
UC Irvine Med Ctr-CA
Ventura County Med Ctr-CA

General Surgery (15)
Cleveland Clinic Florida
HCA Florida JFK Hosp-U Miami-FL
Howard Univ Hosp-DC
MGB-Brigham & Womens Hosp-MA
MGB-Massachusetts Gen Hosp
NYP Hosp-Columbia Univ Med Ctr-NY
NYP Hosp-Weill Cornell Med Ctr-NY (2)
Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (2)
U Southern California
UC Davis Med Ctr-CA
University of Nebraska Med Ctr
Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT

General Surgery-Preliminary (9)
Cleveland Clinic Fdn-OH
Orlando Health-FL
Penn State Hershey Med Ctr-PA
U Kentucky Med Ctr (2)
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL
U North Carolina Hospitals
U South Florida Morsani COM-Tampa
UC San Francisco-CA

Internal Medicine (34)
Barnes-Jewish Hosp-MO
Baylor Coll Med-Houston-TX
Case Western/Univ Hosps Cleveland Med Ctr-OH
Cedars-Sinai Med Ctr-CA
Christiana Care-DE
Duke Univ Med Ctr-NC
Emory Univ SOM-GA (2)
George Washington Univ-DC
HCA Florida JFK Hosp-U Miami-FL (2)
Inova Fairfax Hospital-VA
Johns Hopkins/Bayview-MD
ISMMS Valley Health System-NJ
MGB-Massachusetts Gen Hosp
NYU Grossman School Of Medicine-NY
San Antonio Military Medical Center
SW Healthcare Med Ed Consortium-CA
U Colorado SOM-Denver
U Miami MSOM/Holy Cross-FL
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (6)
U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor
U Texas Southwestern Med Sch-Dallas
U Washington Affil Hosps
Vanderbilt Univ Med Ctr-TN (2)
Wake Forest Baptist Med Ctr-NC
Zucker SOM-Northwell NS/LIJ-NY

Internal Medicine-Preliminary (19)
Cleveland Clinic Florida (2)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Med Ctr-NH
ISMMS Mount Sinai Morningside-West-NY (2)
ISMMS NYC Health+Hospitals/Elmhurst-NY
Memorial Healthcare System-FL
Santa Clara Valley Med Ctr-CA
Thomas Jefferson Univ-PA
U Arizona COM-Tucson
U Florida COM-Shands Hosp
U Miami MSOM/Holy Cross-FL (4)
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (2)
U South Florida Morsani COM-Tampa
U Texas Southwestern Med Sch-Dallas

Interventional Radiology (3)
U North Carolina Hospitals
U South Florida Morsani COM-Tampa
Univ of Chicago Med Ctr-IL

Medicine-Pediatrics (3)
Baylor Coll Med-Houston-TX
U Illinois COM-Chicago
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL

Neurological Surgery (4)
LSU SOM-New Orleans-LA
MedStar Georgetown Univ Hosp-DC
Ohio State University Med Ctr
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL

Neurology (2)
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL

Obstetrics-Gynecology (7)
Case Western/Univ Hosps Cleveland Med Ctr-OH
Hosp of the Univ of PA
NYU Grossman School Of Medicine-NY
Tufts Medical Center-MA
U Texas HSC-San Antonio
UC Davis Med Ctr-CA
University of Virginia

Ob-Gyn/Preliminary (1)
U Colorado SOM-Denver

Ophthalmology (7)
Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary
New York Eye & Ear Infirm (2)
U Florida - Gainsville
U Miami / Bascom Palmer
Wills Eye Hospital Residency Program at Jefferson
U Caliornia-SF

Orthopaedic Surgery (10)
Geisinger Health System-PA
Mass General Brigham-MA
NYU Grossman School Of Medicine-NY
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (2)
U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor
U Texas Med Branch-Galveston
U Texas Med Sch-Houston
Univ of Chicago Med Ctr-IL
UPMC Medical Education-PA

Otolaryngology (3)
Stanford Health Care-CA
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL
Vanderbilt Univ Med Ctr-TN

Pathology (3)
Stanford Health Care-CA
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (2)

Pediatrics (14)
Brown Univ/Rhode Island Hosp
Childrens Hospital-LA-CA
MedStar Georgetown Univ Hosp-DC
NYP Hosp-Columbia Univ Med Ctr-NY
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (2)
U South Florida Morsani COM-Tampa
Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL
Childrens National Med Ctr-DC
Childrens Hospital-Boston-MA (2)
Stanford Health Care-CA
UPMC Medical Education-PA

Phys Medicine & Rehab (4)
Emory Univ SOM-GA (2)
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (2)

Plastic Surgery (3)
ISMMS Mount Sinai Hospital-NY
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL
Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT

Psychiatry (12)
Baylor Coll Med-Houston-TX
NYU Grossman School Of Medicine-NY
Piedmont Macon Med Ctr-GA
U Central FL/HCA Healthcare GME
U Florida COM-Jacksonville
U Miami/Jackson Health System-FL (6)
U Texas at Austin Dell Medical School

Radiation Oncology (3)
Mayo Clinic School of Grad Med Educ-MN
U Kentucky Med Ctr
U Southern California

Radiology-Diagnostic (7)
Emory Univ SOM-GA
HCA Healthcare East FL Division GME
Maimonides Med Ctr-NY
Northwestern McGaw/NMH/VA-IL
NYU Grossman School Of Medicine-NY
U South Florida Morsani COM-Tampa
West Virginia University SOM

Thoracic Surgery (1)
U Southern California

Urology (2)
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Johns Hopkins Hosptial

Transitional (17)
Stanford Health Care-CA
Baylor S&W All Saints Med Ctr-TX
Emory Univ SOM-GA
HCA Healthcare East FL Division GME
Memorial Healthcare System-FL
NCH Healthcare Sys-FL
Northeast Georgia Med Ctr (2)
Tripler Army Medical Center
U Miami MSOM/Holy Cross-FL (6)
U Texas at Austin Dell Medical School
West Virginia University SOM
This is SUNY Upstate's Match List and not SUNY Downstate's. Can you post SUNY Downstate's List, please?
Thank you
Sorry about that!
Anesthesiology24 (12%)
Dermatology4 (2%)
Emergency Medicine17 (8%)
Family Medicine6 (3%)
Medicine Categorical37 (18%)
Medicine/Primary Care2 (1%)
Medicine/Emer Medicine1 (1%)
Medicine Preliminary3 (1%)
Neurology3 (1%)
Neurosurgery 1 (1%)
Obstetrics/Gynecology7 (3%)
Ophthalmology9 (4%)
Oral Surgery2 (1%)
Orthopedics6 (3%)
Otolaryngology3 (1%)
Pathology 1 (1%)
Pediatrics Categorical14 (7%)
Pediatrics/Neurodev Disabilities1 (1%)
Plastics2 (1%)
Physical Med Rehab5 (2%)
Psychiatry17 (8%)
Psychiatry/Adult/Child1 (1%)
Radiology Oncology1 (1%)
Radiology Interventional2 (1%)
Diagnostic Radiology2 (1%)
Surgery General10 (5%)
Surgery Preliminary9 (4%)
Transitional1 (1%)
Urology10 (5%)
"PGY 2 positions used for calculations

Primary Care without OB/GYN (Family Medicine, Medicine Categorical, Medicine Prelim, Med/Peds, Pediatrics Categorical, Pediatrics Prelim) = 62 (31%)

Primary Care with OB/GYN = 73 (36%)"

Source: Match Day Statistics | SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
This doesn't add up to 60. Last time they published a comprehensive list. Has things changed?
This doesn't add up to 60. Last time they published a comprehensive list. Has things changed?
Life happens. Things happen. Not everyone makes it to year 4 with their class. This adds up to 59 by my count so that's great!

Here is the complete list, source is TCU site:

Anesthesiology 5
2 @ Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Temple, TX
Brown University/Rhode Island Hospital
St. Louis University School of Medicine
University of Texas HSC-Tyler

Dermatology 1
University of Texas Southwestern - Dallas

Emergency Medicine 10
Baylor University Medical Center - Dallas
John Peter Smith Hospital - Fort Worth
LSU School of Medicine - Baton Rouge, La.
LSU Health Science Center
Mayo Clinic - Rochester, Minnesota
Ohio State University Medical Center
NYU Grossman Long Island SOM
Stanford Health Care
University of Southern California
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Family Medicine 5
Northwestern McGraw/VA-IL
Poudre Valley Hospital
Tidelands Health-SC
2 @ University of Texas Medical School-Houston

General Surgery 8
Carolinas Medical Center - NC
Creighton University - AZ
Methodist Health System - Dallas
Summa Health/Ohio
University of Buffalo School of Medicine-NY
Valley Health System, Las Vegas
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore-MD
Texas Tech University HSC

Internal Medicine 5
Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Temple, TX
Indiana University School of Medicine
Northwell Staten Island University-NY
Texas Health Resources - Harris Methodist
University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston
Interventional Radiology 1
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

2 @ Baylor Scott and White Medical Center - Temple
Duke University Medical Center - NC
HCA Medical City Healthcare - Arlington, TX
Kaiser Permanente-Santa Clara, CA
University of Texas Southwestern - Dallas

Otolaryngology 1
University of lowa Hospitals and Clinics

Orthopedic Surgery 3
San Antonio Military Medical Center
SUNY Upstate Medical University
University of Texas HSC - San Antonio

Ophthalmology 2
Loyola University/Hines VA Hospital
University of Texas - San Antonio

Pediatrics 6
2 @ Baylor College of Medicine - Houston
Baylor College of Medicine -San Antonio/Houston
Loyola University Medical Center - IL
Stanford Health Care - CA
University of Washington Affiliate Hospitals

Plastic Surgery 1
Loma Linda University CA

Psychiatry 2
John Peter Smith Hospital
UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience - CA

Radiology 1
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

Urology 1
University of Tennessee COM

Transitional 1
Naval Medical Center Virginia
Last edited:
Any clue why there are only 68 students on Stanford’s list? Their class size is 90.

Additionally, many Stanford med students don’t actually go into residency lol. I think it’s something like 20-30% go into careers outside of direct patient care - like industry. That’s what I’ve heard from many as well as my partner who goes there. Also many Stanford students take 5+ years to graduate and they tend to identify instead with their entry class year rather than their graduating class year while there at Stanford Med.
Additionally, many Stanford med students don’t actually go into residency lol. I think it’s something like 20-30% go into careers outside of direct patient care - like industry. That’s what I’ve heard from many as well as my partner who goes there. Also many Stanford students take 5+ years to graduate and they tend to identify instead with their entry class year rather than their graduating class year while there at Stanford Med.
True, but… wouldn’t the people who did that the year before be counted in the next year’s Match list?