*~*~* Official AACOMAS Questions Thread 2017-2018 *~*~*

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This thread will open at the opening of the 2017-2018 application cycle. As dates from last year for reference:
May 5th was the day AACOMAS opened to applications
June 15 was when schools began receiving information from applicants.

Please use this thread to ask any questions specific to the AACOMAS application.

Ask away and good luck!

Last years AACOMAS question page is right here.

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I am entering in my courses via my official transcripts. I have a course taken as part of an honors program every semester. The course is listed as a general education/global learning course on the transcript and was given for 0 credit hours. I am not sure what to list as the subject as "other" does not seem to be an option.
Is anybody else a reapplicant with more than one transcript? I am asking because my check status transcript says 1 of 1 verified (although I have 2), and then my one school transcript says verified and the other does not. I called AACOMAS and they say it won't say verified until I submit and pay, however it would suck to get to the beginning of june and have to resend my transcripts and have them reverified and such.
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When choosing a subject in the transcript entry should I put it as the subject that the college has it listed as or what it most closely resembles? Example: My school just puts everything exercise related in the exercise science category, so when putting in a class like kinesiology or exercise physiology, which are classes I took with the prefix EXSC (exercise science), should I keep it as exercise science or change it to kinesiology and ex phys? And if I'm not exact at how I classify a semester, like freshmen or sophomore, will AACOMAS fix it or should I try pretty hard to make sure I start semester classifications at the right time?
When choosing a subject in the transcript entry should I put it as the subject that the college has it listed as or what it most closely resembles? Example: My school just puts everything exercise related in the exercise science category, so when putting in a class like kinesiology or exercise physiology, which are classes I took with the prefix EXSC (exercise science), should I keep it as exercise science or change it to kinesiology and ex phys? And if I'm not exact at how I classify a semester, like freshmen or sophomore, will AACOMAS fix it or should I try pretty hard to make sure I start semester classifications at the right time?

I called them today with the same question! They said to use your best judgement so if you're basing the classification off of the course code/title and it seems pretty related then they will most likely accept it. They also said that if the classification is completely off, AACOMAS will change it themselves and it will not delay your application. Hope that helps!
I called them today with the same question! They said to use your best judgement so if you're basing the classification off of the course code/title and it seems pretty related then they will most likely accept it. They also said that if the classification is completely off, AACOMAS will change it themselves and it will not delay your application. Hope that helps!
Hey thanks a ton! That is exactly what I was wondering and answers my question!

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So are we really supposed to put in 0.00 credits on our initial attempts for repeated coursework. The aacomas application says "If you repeated a course, mark the first attempt and each additional attempt at the same or a different institution as “Repeated”. Do not mark withdrawn attempts as a repeated course. Make sure you have entered 0.00 credits for the initial attempts. Only the final attempt should receive full credit value." and the aacomas website says "You must enter the full credit value for all attempts of the repeated courses." So.....
Along with that, it says to mark courses as repeat courses whether it was at the same or a different institution, and then under the help section it says only do it if it is at the same institution???? I have a lot of repeated classes at another institution, not sure which to mark.
Is this all just residual mess from the policy change? I know each course is counted, so it probably won't matter, I'm just checking.
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Can someone please inform me on how to enter Pass/Fail and Withdraw classes? Will W class contribute to the overall gpa? Thanks!
I'm a bit confused...is this like AMCAS where the application opens in May but you're only allowed to submit your application in June? Or can you submit the application for DO schools now?
I'm a bit confused...is this like AMCAS where the application opens in May but you're only allowed to submit your application in June? Or can you submit the application for DO schools now?
You can if you'd like, its just that schools won't look at it until June. I've had all my materials ready for a while now, so I submitted to most schools I wanted to on the day the portal opened. The schools that require an essay I'm holding off on to give good responses.
If ICOM (idaho's new school) was pre accredited and is planning to start in 2018, why isn't it on the list of schools to apply to?
You can if you'd like, its just that schools won't look at it until June. I've had all my materials ready for a while now, so I submitted to most schools I wanted to on the day the portal opened. The schools that require an essay I'm holding off on to give good responses.

Really appreciate the response! 🙂 So there's no disadvantage to submitting the application in June, yes?
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Hi all,

I just had a quick question regarding the AACOMAS application process, specifically classes that count towards your sGPA. I am graduating with a degree in clinical lab science, which is a professional degree geared toward working as a certified Medical Technologist. I have been in "practical courses" for the duration of my senior year and have been doing well in these. These classes are such as clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, clinical Hematology and body fluids, etc. I went into my universities pre-health office and they said these "practical" classes would not count for AMCAS, but she said that she hadn't gotten any information on AACOMAS. These classes are broken down 1/3 traditional class room work for a grade, 1/3 core final exam for a grade, and 1/3 clinical practical evaluation for a grade. So my question is will these classes count towards my sGPA?

TL;DR Will Medical technologist practical classes count toward my sGPA?
Hi all,

I just had a quick question regarding the AACOMAS application process, specifically classes that count towards your sGPA. I am graduating with a degree in clinical lab science, which is a professional degree geared toward working as a certified Medical Technologist. I have been in "practical courses" for the duration of my senior year and have been doing well in these. These classes are such as clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, clinical Hematology and body fluids, etc. I went into my universities pre-health office and they said these "practical" classes would not count for AMCAS, but she said that she hadn't gotten any information on AACOMAS. These classes are broken down 1/3 traditional class room work for a grade, 1/3 core final exam for a grade, and 1/3 clinical practical evaluation for a grade. So my question is will these classes count towards my sGPA?

TL;DR Will Medical technologist practical classes count toward my sGPA?
My guess is that it would. You can try to check on here: http://help.unicas.com:8888/aacomas...-history-2/aacomas-course-subjects/index.html.
Go to the other sciences tab and look if there's anything that seems similar to your classes.
Now for my question regarding transcripts lol.

Has anyone had trouble getting their transcripts received and verified by not using a transcript matching form? I made sure to include my CAS ID# everywhere possible in my request.
Just got approved for financial aid, however, I have a May 25 deadline to submit my primary app in order to receive it.
Tried to play it safe (read as: paranoid) and use the transcript entry service (went to four schools in undergrad + dual enrollment + AP) but if it's going to take 10+ days for them to enter anything after my transcripts arrive then should I just bite the bullet, cancel the service, and enter everything myself?

And, on that note, can I submit my primary without transcripts? They've all been submitted but if they aren't confirmed by a 5/25 deadline than am I out of luck with financial aid altogether?
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Can someone please inform me on how to enter Pass/Fail and Withdraw classes? Will W class contribute to the overall gpa? Thanks!

You enter W as the grade and 0 for the number of credits.
Does anyone know how we should be labeling the "Status" portion of our activities? I'm not really sure how to categorize any community service/tutoring activities/some group I was part of in undergrad given that the options are "Full-Time", "Part-Time", "Temporary" and "Per Diem".
Can someone please inform me on how to enter Pass/Fail and Withdraw classes? Will W class contribute to the overall gpa? Thanks!
You enter Withdraw classes exactly as they show on the transcript. That means entering any attempted credits/units if the transcript shows attempted credits/units. *Do not* enter 0 credits/units if the transcript shows > 0 credits/units, even for a W class. And no, a W class will not factor into the GPA calculations. Hope this helps!
Does anyone know how we should be labeling the "Status" portion of our activities? I'm not really sure how to categorize any community service/tutoring activities/some group I was part of in undergrad given that the options are "Full-Time", "Part-Time", "Temporary" and "Per Diem".
I interpreted it as its up to your own judgement. So if I was spending 30 hours or more in an activity, whether it be work or volunteering, research, etc. then I would call it full-time. Anything less would be part time. If I came in to fill in for someone who was on maternity leave or something of that sort, then it would be temporary position. Per diem would be if you have no defined/fixed schedule and you just came in or were called into work as the scheduler saw fit.

So here are my examples:
Working as an EMT: I did about 60 hours a week --> Full-time.

Scribing: Per-diem as I am given a calendar for the month, I then select the days I'm available to work (ex. I'm free Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays), then the scheduler schedules me in some of those days I marked as available (ex. I'm scheduled to work the Mondays and Saturdays of weeks 1 and 3, and Wednesdays of week 2 for the month of May).

Research, Volunteering, other jobs: These were all usually part-time. Research I would usually come in 3 days a week for a couple of hours each day to do the task I needed to do. Volunteering I would come in 2 days a week for 3 hours a day. Other student-jobs or club activities I would come in some days here and there for a few hours.

I would think that as long as your explanations/descriptions of your activities and hours are reasonable enough they won't care too much.
Anyone else having trouble putting in MCAT scores? I noticed the fields are formatted for the old MCAT, and gives me an error when I try to put in my new MCAT score.
I also tried having AMCAS sending my score to AACOMS electronically twice now, but have not had any notification on my AACOMAS app that it was received.
Anyone else having trouble putting in MCAT scores? I noticed the fields are formatted for the old MCAT, and gives me an error when I try to put in my new MCAT score.
I also tried having AMCAS sending my score to AACOMS electronically twice now, but have not had any notification on my AACOMAS app that it was received.
The MCAT score fields are optional - since they're for the old test, just leave them blank.

How long have you waited since you sent your score from AAMC? I think the instructions say it may take up to 2 weeks or so for your score to be attached, and if it doesn't show up on your app by then, you're supposed to call AACOMAS to have them manually attach the score to your app. I would avoid sending the score again, since perhaps that is causing processing issues. You should just call then and see what the deal is - it is likely as simple as that.
Is anyone else noticing that when you try to electronically send your MCAT score from AAMC, AACOMAS is not appearing under the institution list?!?
Is anyone else noticing that when you try to electronically send your MCAT score from AAMC, AACOMAS is not appearing under the institution list?!?

That's because it's not listed under AACOMAS, it's listed as "American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine"
So I submitted my applications last night and when I downloaded the PDF file, one of the LORs has the "Waiver of Evaluation: No", I was doing this on my phone when I requested the evaluation form and did this by mistake. The thing is, I can't even see the letter as it is sent directly from interfolio to AACOMAS, and I waived my right to see it when the professor wrote it. I called AACOMAS and they basically said that I am out of luck, I should just contact the programs and let them know of this. I am applying to 15+ schools, do you guys think I should call each school? I have 3 other letters and I waived my right to see those, this was the only mistake 🙁
For the "Experience" section, is writing who your supervisor is truly "optional"? Also does it matter if you select "No" when asked if they could contact the organization?
When do we submit LOR's to schools if we are using Interfolio????
I just finished sending mine, just to check that off and have it attached to my application, but I requested Interfolio send it to AACOMAS. Interfolio sent me a confirmation email with tracking details to come.

I'm kinda paranoid and wanna let there be a buffer period for errors to be corrected if there are any lol. But if your letters are ready and you're happy that your writers have done their job, then I see no reason why you can't send it whenever you feel like.
For the "Experience" section, is writing who your supervisor is truly "optional"? Also does it matter if you select "No" when asked if they could contact the organization?
If you put "No", I would be curious as to why you don't want me to contact the organization you were associated with, but then again they might be so busy dealing with thousands of other apps that they can't be bothered to wonder.

"...you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?"
-Harriet Tubman, 307 BC.
Anyone notice that when entering grades in transcript entry, the AACOMAS application explicitly states at the top to indicate repeated courses as 0 credits for the initial attempt, but on the AACOMAS website's instructions it says to assign all repeated courses their full credit value.

Which should I abide by?
Anyone notice that when entering grades in transcript entry, the AACOMAS application explicitly states at the top to indicate repeated courses as 0 credits for the initial attempt, but on the AACOMAS website's instructions it says to assign all repeated courses their full credit value.

Which should I abide by?
I have been trying to get an answer. Above the transcript entry says something different that from the video on entering your transcript in regards to whether or not to count it as a repeat between different institutions, and then elsewhere on the AACOM website it says something totally different about counting is at a 0.00 or not. I'm equally befuddled and haven't been able to get a good answer, so I have everything entered as though I won't put in any 0.00's, but I haven't chose to fully verify everything either. Hopefully people have answers....
I have been trying to get an answer. Above the transcript entry says something different that from the video on entering your transcript in regards to whether or not to count it as a repeat between different institutions, and then elsewhere on the AACOM website it says something totally different about counting is at a 0.00 or not. I'm equally befuddled and haven't been able to get a good answer, so I have everything entered as though I won't put in any 0.00's, but I haven't chose to fully verify everything either. Hopefully people have answers....

You put the the number of credits regardless of what the instruction on the "Transcript Entry" page says. I have called AACOMAS and they confirmed this, you have to enter the values the same way you do for AMCAS. If you put 0.00 then they will get the app back to you so you can fix it, and then resubmit, which will delay your app. I did input the values and my app is verified with no issues.
What the heck are level-300 courses? I know they're upper division courses, but will osteopathic schools accept it if my school does not have them labeled as such?
You put the the number of credits regardless of what the instruction on the "Transcript Entry" page says. I have called AACOMAS and they confirmed this, you have to enter the values the same way you do for AMCAS. If you put 0.00 then they will get the app back to you so you can fix it, and then resubmit, which will delay your app. I did input the values and my app is verified with no issues.
I repeated one course due to an F at the same institutition I went to. My official transcript marked the original class as 0.00 credit hours and gave it the designation "R" for repeat. So on my AACOMAS app I would leave it as 0.00 credits since this is what my transcript says, correct?
Does anyone know when we submit our LOR's to the schools we are applying???? (IF WE ARE PLANNING ON SENDING DIRECTLY TO SCHOOLS FROM INTERFOLIO)
I repeated one course due to an F at the same institutition I went to. My official transcript marked the original class as 0.00 credit hours and gave it the designation "R" for repeat. So on my AACOMAS app I would leave it as 0.00 credits since this is what my transcript says, correct?
I had the same situation, you still have to go by the instructions provided by AACOMAS. So, you have to put the number of units for that class regardless of what your transcript says.
I'm such a rookie but I am so confused on how to enter courses. There's so many course subject options. If I took say, "cognitive psychology" does this go under psych or behavioral science? Would "immunology" go under immunology or biology? Is calculus under calculus or math? and so on.
I see the AACOMAS course subjects with the kind of umbrellas categories "biology," "behavioral sciences." So should my plan be if it's not listed under those sections I go by it's actual course title? So for example, General Psych would be Behavioral Science but Drug and Behavior would be under Psych?

To make me even more confused some of the courses under those subjects sound similar to ones I've taken but with different names.
Also is entering course information wonky on anyone elses computer?
I'm using safari and the fields to enter information ("select term," "select year," etc) jump all over the page and overlay on text so I can't read it. It's really annoying and is making this process longer. All my plug ins are on and my software is up to date so not sure why I'm having an issue.
I'm such a rookie but I am so confused on how to enter courses. There's so many course subject options. If I took say, "cognitive psychology" does this go under psych or behavioral science? Would "immunology" go under immunology or biology? Is calculus under calculus or math? and so on.
I see the AACOMAS course subjects with the kind of umbrellas categories "biology," "behavioral sciences." So should my plan be if it's not listed under those sections I go by it's actual course title? So for example, General Psych would be Behavioral Science but Drug and Behavior would be under Psych?

To make me even more confused some of the courses under those subjects sound similar to ones I've taken but with different names.

Per the AACOMAS instructions, the reps who verify coursework choose course subjects by the course (1) title (e.g. immunology), and (2) department prefix (e.g. BIO), in that order.

So, if the course title is "cognitive psychology" then you should classify it as 'psychology'. Be as specific as possible with course subjects. If something has a course subject in the course title, then you should likely choose that course subject. If it does not have a specific course subject in the title, then choose course subject based on the departmental prefix.

Hope this helps! Don't stress too much about it, just think to yourself if you were verifying coursework, would this course subject selection make sense based only on the course title and/or department prefix, since that's all they can see and all they use.
I made a separate thread for this question and got uncertain answers lol My school gives out no minus grades and has B+ set at 3.5. Can I use the AB scale on AACOMAS because their B+ is at a 3.3 and that's a major drop to my GPA. Are any of you guys, whose school have no minus grades, putting in AB for all the B+s?
When I enter Doctor Shadowing in my experiences section, I don't know whether to mark it as compensated, credit, or volunteer because it wasn't really any of those. I just put it as volunteer for now. What should I put it as?
I heard AACOMAS takes 4 weeks to finish verifying everything on your app after you submit it. Does anyone know when the verification process starts? Is it right after you submit your app?
Per the AACOMAS instructions, the reps who verify coursework choose course subjects by the course (1) title (e.g. immunology), and (2) department prefix (e.g. BIO), in that order.

So, if the course title is "cognitive psychology" then you should classify it as 'psychology'. Be as specific as possible with course subjects. If something has a course subject in the course title, then you should likely choose that course subject. If it does not have a specific course subject in the title, then choose course subject based on the departmental prefix.

Hope this helps! Don't stress too much about it, just think to yourself if you were verifying coursework, would this course subject selection make sense based only on the course title and/or department prefix, since that's all they can see and all they use.

What if you have a science class like (Human neuropsych) that is labeled as "psych" in the course number but is actually a legitimate biology class? Would you still classify it a Biology class?
What if you have a science class like (Human neuropsych) that is labeled as "psych" in the course number but is actually a legitimate biology class? Would you still classify it a Biology class?
Since the title of the course contains "psych" AND the course number/prefix indicates it's "psych", then I would go with psychology for the course subject, even though it may be more of a neurobio class. That being said, it's up to you, and they won't penalize you for choosing an incorrect course subject, they will just change it.

Psych and Bio both fall under Science GPA, so in the end it doesn't really matter.