Here is another example:
One potential format for listing physician shadowing on an AMCAS application (whichever doc you list first, you'd put the pertinent data in the header and omit it from the narrative box. Total Hours box would be all the hours added together):
**4/2015-5/2015: 15 hours, Jake Famleedok, MD, Family Practice.
[email protected] This was mostly clinic time, but I got to observe a vaginal delivery, too. I cut the cord!
**3/14-5/2014: 20 hours, Ling Ula, MD, Pulmonology, Podunk, AL, Health Clinic, 555-555-5556
** 12/2013-3/2014: 40 hours, Al Abowtgolf, DO, Sports Medicine, Podunk, AL, Health Clinic, 555-555-5555
**Spring 2012: 15 hours, John Kutoocure, DO, Surgeon, Meridian, MS.
[email protected] Observed a complete bowel resection and a pancreatic cancer resection. Some clinic hours included.