1) So when I'm putting in shadowing hours, do I only put one of the physician's number/email in the main sections, then add the others in the describe activity section?
2) And for start dates, do I only put one, or how should I format that?
3) also, for the "total hours," do we include the total for only the one listed, or all additional ones we have in the description as well?
1) Yes.
2) The dates should encompass all the shadowing included in the space. Specific dates for each doc should be in the narrative.
3) Insert the total of all shadowing hours added together. Subtotals of hours should be in the narrative.
One potential format for listing physician shadowing on an AMCAS application (whichever doc you list first, you'd put the pertinent data in the header and omit it from the narrative box. Total Hours box would be all the hours added together):
**4/2015-5/2015: 15 hours, Jake Famleedok, MD, Family Practice.
[email protected] This was mostly clinic time, but I got to observe a vaginal delivery, too. I cut the cord!
**3/14-5/2014: 20 hours, Ling Ula, MD, Pulmonology, Podunk, AL, Health Clinic, 555-555-5556
** Spring 2014: 40 hours, Al Abowtgolf, DO, Sports Medicine, Podunk, AL, Health Clinic, 555-555-5555
**Spring 2012: 15 hours, John Kutoocure, DO, Surgeon, Meridian, MS.
[email protected] Observed a complete bowel resection and a pancreatic cancer resection. Some clinic hours included.
-If the Contact is not the physician, you'll need to add that person's name, too.
-If two or more took place at one location, you might list them at the top and have the header Organization apply to both.
-If you have many, many docs, you can list the main ones at the top and later summarize others in a way that fits in the remaining space, like "Also shadowed a rheumatologist, neonatologist, and neurosurgeon for 20 more hours combined" without giving contacts and locations.