Hey, Catalystik so I've decided to list this classification as a physician shadowing/clinical observation, but under its own slot. For the Experience name, However, I have it named as "Physical Therapy Department Volunteer", and this is the following description I have:
I observed physical therapists working with post-surgical liver patients who needed help regaining their strength and mobility. I talked with and comforted patients during their rehabilitation to help motivate them and take their minds off of their conditions. I shadowed physical therapists in neurology, intensive care unit, and pediatrics, as they aided patients with activities of daily living. I was inspired by these patients because I was able to see the positive progression of their condition's on a weekly basis, as well as the resilience of the human spirit. Furthermore, the experience truly humbled me and made me thankful for my health.
This is the feedback that I got on it:
hmm this one could be tricky, since you're listing it as shadowing but your role was as a volunteer. usually, you want to pair your volunteer work with the patient interaction, so the part where you talk about comforting patients should technically go higher. BUT it's a shadowing experience so you want to focus on that. could you change the experience name to just shadowing?
Based on this feedback, would you suggest changing the Experience name? If so, what can I change it to so it's not overlapping with the classification type as I know the two aren't supposed to sound alike?