*~*~*~* Official AMCAS "Work/Activities" Tips Thread 2021-2025 *~*~*~*

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You can list SHPEP as an academic enrichment opportunity and mention ypu shadowed a dozen providers. (Others may suggest differently?)
Well I was going to have that as one entry to talk about it more but seperate out the shadowing into a group of its own. I didn't know if I really needed to list in two places that shadowing was part of the program.

Also, you just reminded me that they changed their name since I've participated. When listing it, should I use their current name or the name it was under when I participated. If it even matters that is.

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Well I was going to have that as one entry to talk about it more but seperate out the shadowing into a group of its own. I didn't know if I really needed to list in two places that shadowing was part of the program.

Also, you just reminded me that they changed their name since I've participated. When listing it, should I use their current name or the name it was under when I participated. If it even matters that is.
My own thoughts, if it's part of SMDEP, include it for the SMDEP description. SHPEP and its predecessors have been around 30 years, so most of us won't have an issue with just including your shadowing hours during your program there. To that end, it doesn't really matter if you list as SMDEP because we know of the name change as well as changes in campuses that came with the focus towards more interprofessional careers and larger diversity scope. You can be accurate with the contemporaneous name and location in your description.
Well I was going to have that as one entry to talk about it more but seperate out the shadowing into a group of its own. I didn't know if I really needed to list in two places that shadowing was part of the program.

Also, you just reminded me that they changed their name since I've participated. When listing it, should I use their current name or the name it was under when I participated. If it even matters that is.
I'll give the variant opinion that you ought to have a dedicated Shadowing space, so adcomms will find it where they expect to see it listed. I feel it's best to divide the hours into Shadowing and, eg, Other, with the latter discussing the additional aspects of the program that will benefit your application.
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I'm grouping together the jobs I've had and I was wondering if it's okay to use the repeat button for each new job? I'm putting the dates in the description but I don't quite have enough room left to also write out the hours.
I'm grouping together the jobs I've had and I was wondering if it's okay to use the repeat button for each new job? I'm putting the dates in the description but I don't quite have enough room left to also write out the hours.
Unless the narrative description applies to all the "Repeated" entries, like each job had the same description, it will be confusing to readers if you use that feature. As an alternative, maybe you can cut out the job description for those that readers would intuit, eg waitperson, retail clerk, childcare, dogwalker, etc.
Unless the narrative description applies to all the "Repeated" entries, like each job had the same description, it will be confusing to readers if you use that feature. As an alternative, maybe you can cut out the job description for those that readers would intuit, eg waitperson, retail clerk, childcare, dogwalker, etc.
It does! I've been a server at different restaurants so I described my years of serving in general. Would you say it's okay in my case or would it still be better to list the total hours?
It does! I've been a server at different restaurants so I described my years of serving in general. Would you say it's okay in my case or would it still be better to list the total hours?
See if you can make it work. Write a rough draft and ask someone else to read it and comment on whether it makes sense.
@Catalystik On my application, I added in 170 hours for an activity because I had 140 hours around time of submission and added in 30 hours for some training that I did outside of volunteer hours on my own time. But the supervisor notified me that she won't validate the 30 hours extra and will say they were added as unapproved hours on my application. Is it worth it for me to send out an update email, or should I just let it be and if contacted, then explain why there was a discrepancy? I don't want it to seem like i was intentionally fluffing my hours...
@Catalystik On my application, I added in 170 hours for an activity because I had 140 hours around time of submission and added in 30 hours for some training that I did outside of volunteer hours on my own time. But the supervisor notified me that she won't validate the 30 hours extra and will say they were added as unapproved hours on my application. Is it worth it for me to send out an update email, or should I just let it be and if contacted, then explain why there was a discrepancy? I don't want it to seem like i was intentionally fluffing my hours...
Let it be. You were fluffing your hours and should not have included the training time, which was not "Volunteering." If you'd asked, I might have suggested you mention the extra 30 hours as Training Time in your narrative, but not included this in the Total Hours space. On a positive note, having a verifiable 140 hours is sufficient to "check the box." Only if challenged should you explain the extra 30 hours. In a very humble way.
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Let it be. You were fluffing your hours and should not have included the training time, which was not "Volunteering." If you'd asked, I might have suggested you mention the extra 30 hours as Training Time in your narrative, but not included this in the Total Hours space. On a positive note, having a verifiable 140 hours is sufficient to "check the box." Only if challenged should you explain the extra 30 hours. In a very humble way.
By checking the box you mean, the discrepancy won't make a huge difference in whether they question it or not?
I mean that you will still have fulfilled their expectation for involvement in that category, if they discover that only 140 hours are validated.
Thank you! Do you know if such discrepancies are likely to result in an offer of admission being rescinded?
Thank you! Do you know if such discrepancies are likely to result in an offer of admission being rescinded?
If a significant concern were raised, you'd be given an opportunity to explain. At most schools, a 30 hour discrepancy would be tolerated. If there were multiple instances of "fluff" or outright disregard of truth, I'd have more concern.
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Hi! I have a question about listing research experiences. I have a lot of research experience from a number of different labs, of which 2 were long term and resulted in posters and presentations (1 of these I also completed a thesis project in). I currently have it broken up as follows:

1. Full time research assistant in lab A post-grad, ~3500 hrs
2. Research assistant and lab manager in lab B for work-study during undergrad, ~1000 hrs
3. Senior thesis research project in lab B & 2 national conference presentations (first author), ~500 hrs
4. Undergraduate research in labs C, D, E, ~1000 hrs total
5. 4 national conference posters and presentations from lab A (first, second, and fourth author)
6. 2 research grants during undergrad (1 was for senior thesis and is also mentioned in description of #3)

I divided out #s 1-4 based on the amount of time I put towards each research experience, and gave the senior thesis project its own slot partly because I couldn't fit the presentations into my main Posters and Presentations activity. But I'm wondering now if this is too many W&A slots dedicated to research-related activities. Should I combine all the Posters and Presentations with their respective research activity? Should I include the grants with the projects I used them for instead of giving them their own slot? Or is it okay to have so many research-related activities listed? For reference, I was on a research-focused career path until a couple years ago and have been working in a clinical setting since then, but I do think my research experience should be noted in the W&A section since I don't highlight it as much in the rest of my application.
Hi! I have a question about listing research experiences. I have a lot of research experience from a number of different labs, of which 2 were long term and resulted in posters and presentations (1 of these I also completed a thesis project in). I currently have it broken up as follows:

1. Full time research assistant in lab A post-grad, ~3500 hrs
2. Research assistant and lab manager in lab B for work-study during undergrad, ~1000 hrs
3. Senior thesis research project in lab B & 2 national conference presentations (first author), ~500 hrs
4. Undergraduate research in labs C, D, E, ~1000 hrs total
5. 4 national conference posters and presentations from lab A (first, second, and fourth author)
6. 2 research grants during undergrad (1 was for senior thesis and is also mentioned in description of #3)

I divided out #s 1-4 based on the amount of time I put towards each research experience, and gave the senior thesis project its own slot partly because I couldn't fit the presentations into my main Posters and Presentations activity. But I'm wondering now if this is too many W&A slots dedicated to research-related activities. 1) Should I combine all the Posters and Presentations with their respective research activity? 2) Should I include the grants with the projects I used them for instead of giving them their own slot? Or is it okay to have so many research-related activities listed? For reference, I was on a research-focused career path until a couple years ago and have been working in a clinical setting since then, but I do think my research experience should be noted in the W&A section since I don't highlight it as much in the rest of my application.
I reviewed your metrics and other Activities in your WAMC thread and would agree about your concern of overemphasized research, considering the schools where you have the best chances of success. I would say Yes to your two suggestions. Further, you might fold #2 & 3 together (and maybe split out the Lab Manager position as Leadership, listing those hours separately if they are significant).
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I reviewed your metrics and other Activities in your WAMC thread and would agree about your concern of overemphasized research, considering the schools where you have the best chances of success. I would say Yes to your two suggestions. Further, you might fold #2 & 3 together (and maybe split out the Lab Manager position as Leadership, listing those hours separately if they are significant).
Thank you for the advice! I was hesitant to split out the Lab Manager leadership role given how much space I was using for research already, but I will play around with restructuring how you advised and it might make more sense to highlight the leadership as opposed to the specific research projects. The lab manager role was about 400 out of the 1000 total hours in that lab (not including the ~500 on the thesis project) so I do think it's a significant enough experience, and one of the grants I was awarded was for leadership in that lab as well.
Thank you for the advice! I was hesitant to split out the Lab Manager leadership role given how much space I was using for research already, but I will play around with restructuring how you advised and it might make more sense to highlight the leadership as opposed to the specific research projects. The lab manager role was about 400 out of the 1000 total hours in that lab (not including the ~500 on the thesis project) so I do think it's a significant enough experience, and one of the grants I was awarded was for leadership in that lab as well.
I agree that you should highlight the Lab Manager leadership aspects if you split it out. Having 400 hours in that Leadership role is sufficiently meaty. This would be an excellent space to mention the leadership-related grant you received for that role.
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Just had an interview (yay!) but in my AMCAS I had an activity that hadn't started when completing my primary in May so it says "Completed Hours, 05/2022 - 05/2022, 0 hours" but then has the anticipted date to be 07/2022 - 06/2023 plus anticipated hours. My interviewer thought this was an error because the timeline didn't add up as I had work in another city that ended in early July, and basically they said it wasn't a big deal but it really threw me off and made me nervous. I thought that was how AMCAS directed us to do anticipated activites, but now I'm just overthinking but hoping it was just an issue with this interviewer? Idk I just need some reassurance here :dead:
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Just had an interview (yay!) but in my AMCAS I had an activity that hadn't started when completing my primary in May so it says "Completed Hours, 05/2022 - 05/2022, 0 hours" but then has the anticipted date to be 07/2022 - 06/2023 plus anticipated hours. My interviewer thought this was an error because the timeline didn't add up as I had work in another city that ended in early July, and basically they said it wasn't a big deal but it really threw me off and made me nervous. I thought that was how AMCAS directed us to do anticipated activites, but now I'm just overthinking but hoping it was just an issue with this interviewer? Idk I just need some reassurance here :dead:
I believe you filled out the future activity as was intended. Since it is a new capability of the application, adcomms are still adjusting to how it presents itself. An overlap of dates is understandable. Did you start the new activity later in July? Did you explain the end date of the first and the start date of the second at the new location?
I believe you filled out the future activity as was intended. Since it is a new capability of the application, adcomms are still adjusting to how it presents itself. An overlap of dates is understandable. Did you start the new activity later in July? Did you explain the end date of the first and the start date of the second at the new location?
Ok, that makes a lot of sense, thank you! And yes, unfortunately I was working/living in one city at the beginning of July and then moved/started a new job at the end of the month, so I imagine the timeline looks confusing. In all my "explain your gap year(s)" essays I explained it so I hope that helps when reviewing it on paper.
Ok, that makes a lot of sense, thank you! And yes, unfortunately I was working/living in one city at the beginning of July and then moved/started a new job at the end of the month, so I imagine the timeline looks confusing. In all my "explain your gap year(s)" essays I explained it so I hope that helps when reviewing it on paper.
I am reassured. I think you'll be fine, since you were proactive on the matter.
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I have some concerns / need advice regarding a couple of my experiences:

The first being a crisis hotline, they have a very strict "will not contact / respond to anyone" policy, and they only write canned LoR's however they will only write 3 total in lifetime, of which I no longer have any remaining due to other programs I was in. This is my "most meaningful" experience and can't think of a way to verify other than the form that I'm able to print off and download from their site that shows my hours (they won't send the form to anyone, only I can access it).

The second is an online community center that I founded and ran, but is now since defunct. I have some of the former members and volunteers that I can list as contacts, however I'm more curious as to how much of an eyebrow this raises as I haven't really heard of anyone else starting their own foundation, and it's not like there was paperwork or tax forms involved--it was all self-funded, self-hosted, and self-advertised online.

I have some concerns / need advice regarding a couple of my experiences:

1) The first being a crisis hotline, they have a very strict "will not contact / respond to anyone" policy, and they only write canned LoR's however they will only write 3 total in lifetime, of which I no longer have any remaining due to other programs I was in. This is my "most meaningful" experience and can't think of a way to verify other than the form that I'm able to print off and download from their site that shows my hours (they won't send the form to anyone, only I can access it).

2) The second is an online community center that I founded and ran, but is now since defunct. I have some of the former members and volunteers that I can list as contacts, however I'm more curious as to how much of an eyebrow this raises as I haven't really heard of anyone else starting their own foundation, and it's not like there was paperwork or tax forms involved--it was all self-funded, self-hosted, and self-advertised online.
1) Well, at least you have a form with your hours verified. Unless you have a faculty member/advisor aware of the activity and willing to be your Contact for verification, you will have to use yourself. In the narrative mention your form with Hours of Involvement listed and available if requested, since the organization does not permit outside contacts.

2) It's impact will depend on what you have to say about it. It might be looked upon as on par with listing a SDN Mod-ship or online video-game squad commander as a Leadership activity (ie, not too seriously). What was your motivation for getting involved? For what organization did you form this online community center? Why is it now defunct? Did it evolve into an in-person organization? Might there be a more objective observer aware of your work and willing to attest to it as a Contact or write an LOR?
2) It's impact will depend on what you have to say about it. It might be looked upon as on par with listing a SDN Mod-ship or online video-game squad commander as a Leadership activity (ie, not too seriously). What was your motivation for getting involved? For what organization did you form this online community center? Why is it now defunct? Did it evolve into an in-person organization? Might there be a more objective observer aware of your work and willing to attest to it as a Contact or write an LOR?

Thanks for your response!

I have really good answers for all of that! But wont post my whole story here... I never thought of asking one of them for a LoR, that's a super idea.

But it was my own organization. Basically a fun place for teens / young adults to come hang out, have a safe space to talk about their issues, learn life skills, etc. The main activity for members was gaming related, but I started mentoring / tutoring / advising programs etc and had volunteers who helped organize events etc. I did most of the scheduling and project management for larger stuff, as well as all of the backend work on websites and advertising. I was also involved heavily in the day-to-day interactions as well.

It was pretty cool stuff. We had a few thousand people as members at one point, though our total daily activity was more like in the 100-200. I have at least a dozen kids who we worked extensively with over years and really made super positive impacts in their life. For some of them, this place was the only place that they could be themselves in, or feel validated in, or have fun in. Bad homes, bad schools, etc. A lot of folk just don't "fit in" at places (their words), and online is the only place they can go.

Super rewarding to see someone able to get their first job, or get accepted to college, and you know that you were one of the primary reasons they got there.
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I wrote a couple lit reviews with different faculty members. I got 1 credit each of "Independent Study". Is this worth writing on my application? If so, how would I do that? I am hesitant to call it "Research" because it was just me and PubMed with some guidance from the professor and not hypothesis-driven research.

If it makes a difference, I have some other hypothesis-driven research experience, so I could just put it under that heading with those if you think that would be appropriate.

Thank you in advance!
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I wrote a couple lit reviews with different faculty members. I got 1 credit each of "Independent Study". Is this worth writing on my application? If so, how would I do that? I am hesitant to call it "Research" because it was just me and PubMed with some guidance from the professor and not hypothesis-driven research.

If it makes a difference, I have some other hypothesis-driven research experience, so I could just put it under that heading with those if you think that would be appropriate.
Were the Lit Reviews accepted and published in an off-campus journal, or were they a course requirement that you never shared elsewhere, besides turning them in to the professor? If the latter, I would not include them in the same space as your hypothesis-driven research. If the former, you can use "Publications."

If you want to discuss the experience of writing unpublished lit reviews, I suggest using an "Other" space. If they were included in a campus publication, you might also consider using the category of "Teaching."
Were the Lit Reviews accepted and published in an off-campus journal, or were they a course requirement that you never shared elsewhere, besides turning them in to the professor? If the latter, I would not include them in the same space as your hypothesis-driven research. If the former, you can use "Publications."

If you want to discuss the experience of writing unpublished lit reviews, I suggest using an "Other" space. If they were included in a campus publication, you might also consider using the category of "Teaching."

I only turned them into the professor for course credit. Do you think it's worth it to put it there and just say "Other"?

Thank you very much! Sorry to bug you with all the questions!
1) I only turned them into the professor for course credit. Do you think it's worth it to put it there and just say "Other"?

2) Sorry to bug you with all the questions!
1) Not if you have a variety of other entries. I don't see this experience as particularly enhancing your application, but Other would be the category to use, if you proceed.
2) Happy to help!
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Thanks to anyone that can offer tips on work experience.

I'm a bit short on Paid clinical experience. I did paid COVID-19 screening as a CNA. For Volunteer Clinical, I will have an over 300 hours as CNA/interpreter in an underserved clinic.

I've also worked as a pharmacy technician that has been about 30-40% patient interactions at the counter and interpreting/helping all the Spanish speaking customers. Should I list this experience as clinical and only count the hours that were about 30% of my total time? Or should I list as paid employment and in the description mention that 30-40% of the time was face to face patient interactions/education at the counter. I definitely was close enough to smell them haha, and since COVID-19 that counter time has involved more than just the discussion of prescriptions but also COVID-19 information.
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I'm a la bit short on Paid clinical experience. I did paid COVID-19 screening as a CNA for 6 months for about 150 hours. For Volunteer Clinical, I will have a 200-300 hours of hours as CNA/interpreter in an underserved clinic.

I've also worked as a pharmacy technician that has been about 30-40% patient interactions at the counter and interpreting/helping all the Spanish speaking customers. 1) a) Should I list this experience as clinical and only count the hours that were about 30% of my total time? b) Or should I list as paid employment and in the description mention that 30-40% of the time was face to face patient interactions/education at the counter. I definitely was close enough to smell them haha, and since COVID-19 that counter time has involved more than just the discussion of prescriptions but also COVID-19 information.
Overall, your clinical experience is fine.

I suggest listing the Pharm Tech job as Employment-Not Medical/Clinical, but describing your role breakdown in percentages as you describe. Adcomms can make up their own minds about nudging some of the experience into the "clinical" category, or not.
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Overall, your clinical experience is fine.

I suggest listing the Pharm Tech job as Employment-Not Medical/Clinical, but describing your role breakdown in percentages as you describe. Adcomms can make up their own minds about nudging some of the experience into the "clinical" category, or not.
Thanks for your quick reply and help answering all the questions in this thread. It is very helpful to read through all the answers.
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Hello! My question is pertaining to how to list extracurricular hours on any given AMCAS activity. If we started the activity prior to 2020 and accumulated hours before COVID/ lockdown, and once again resumed the activity recently (after the organization resumed function)- should I break up the hours listed into two parts (one with hours from January 2018 to March 2020, and another with hours from January 2022 to present)?

I hope this makes sense. I presume this is a deal for a lot of people whose activities were halted during the lockdown and the period following it as well. Thank you!
My question is pertaining to how to list extracurricular hours on any given AMCAS activity. If we started the activity prior to 2020 and accumulated hours before COVID/ lockdown, and once again resumed the activity recently (after the organization resumed function)- should I break up the hours listed into two parts (one with hours from January 2018 to March 2020, and another with hours from January 2022 to present)?

I hope this makes sense. I presume this is a deal for a lot of people whose activities were halted during the lockdown and the period following it as well.
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I am applying next cycle and I have work experience at a company where I started as a food runner/server --> first promotion was to train hourly employees (corporate trainer) ---> second promotion was to train managers etc (director of operations) ---> third to coordinating new store openings (senior director of operations) ---> final promotion was overseeing the entire company of 15 units (vice president of operations). This was in a 4 year span.

I was thinking I shouldn't separate all of the promotions but they all had pretty significant differences in job responsibilities. Any advice is much appreciated!
I am applying next cycle and I have work experience at a company where I started as a food runner/server --> first promotion was to train hourly employees (corporate trainer) ---> second promotion was to train managers etc (director of operations) ---> third to coordinating new store openings (senior director of operations) ---> final promotion was overseeing the entire company of 15 units (vice president of operations). This was in a 4 year span.

I was thinking I shouldn't separate all of the promotions but they all had pretty significant differences in job responsibilities. Any advice is much appreciated!
You might divide them among Employment, Teaching, and Leadership to spread them out more and have space for explanations. Alternatively, use a Most Meaningful designation to get more characters.
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You might divide them among Employment, Teaching, and Leadership to spread them out more and have space for explanations. Alternatively, use a Most Meaningful designation to get more characters.
That sounds like a great idea. Thank you for the advice!
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When is it too early to start prepping for a failed cycle and move on to make the next cycle even better? So far, I've gotten two rejections, with 16 schools that haven't gotten back to me. Thanks!
When is it too early to start prepping for a failed cycle and move on to make the next cycle even better? So far, I've gotten two rejections, with 16 schools that haven't gotten back to me. Thanks!
It's never too early to enhance your activities. The entire application year should be approached as if you might need to reapply (or write impactful update letters, or have interview conversations about ongoing ECs), considering that fewer than 50% get accepted each year.

I have been volunteering with local organizations, but I also do my own volunteer side projects in my community. How would I list these on AMCAS? For example, one of the things I do is collect free furniture and clean/reupholster/bring new life to the furniture and donate them to an organization that provides them to families in need for free. Does this even count as volunteering or would it just be a hobby? I've been doing it for a long time, and each piece of furniture takes a while to revive, so I have a considerable amount of hours from this. Thanks in advance.
I have been volunteering with local organizations, but I also do my own volunteer side projects in my community. How would I list these on AMCAS? For example, one of the things I do is collect free furniture and clean/reupholster/bring new life to the furniture and donate them to an organization that provides them to families in need for free. Does this even count as volunteering or would it just be a hobby? I've been doing it for a long time, and each piece of furniture takes a while to revive, so I have a considerable amount of hours from this.
I suggest listing it under Hobbies (which doesn't require a Contact, unless you have some way to authenticate the activity-perhaps through a supervisor at the receiving organization?). You can make it clear through the Title and the description what the activity entails, the distributing organization, and who will benefit. You can enter the encompassing dates and total hours. It will be evident that this is an altruistic activity.

I feel this activity will add more benefit to your application than the community service component alone because furniture restorers/upholsterers are far and few between. It will make you "interesting."
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Hello again,

suppose someone had done a lot of "volunteer" work locally through bulletin boards etc for people in the community, would this hodgepodge amalgamation be something worth mentioning? I'm involved in several local communities and we tackle a lot of various random needs of people in the area, like helping people move who have no finances, doing house tasks when someone passes away, giving rides to shelters / food pantries etc.

It's nothing official and I'd never really thought of listing it, but are these "one off" tasks in a local community worth mentioning? Especially if done over years? It's largely for strangers not just "oh I'm helping my buddy move down the road" xD

Just curious, thanks!
suppose someone had done a lot of "volunteer" work locally through bulletin boards etc for people in the community, would this hodgepodge amalgamation be something worth mentioning? I'm involved in several local communities and we tackle a lot of various random needs of people in the area, like helping people move who have no finances, doing house tasks when someone passes away, giving rides to shelters / food pantries etc.

It's nothing official and I'd never really thought of listing it, but are these "one off" tasks in a local community worth mentioning? Especially if done over years? It's largely for strangers not just "oh I'm helping my buddy move down the road" xD

Just curious, thanks!
As you cannot validate this community service with a Contact who can attest to your involvement, and because you never thought to include it as “Volunteerism” anyway, you might consider listing it as a Hobby, which doesn’t require a Contact. Its value to your application would depend on your description of the activities.
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should I put a scholarship I received before undergrad (for college tuition) in the awards section? It was merit based and in the same year that I started college.
should I put a scholarship I received before undergrad (for college tuition) in the awards section? It was merit based and in the same year that I started college.
The new cycle has not begun yet, but I am moving your question to the thread used for AMCAS work and activity questions for the current cycle.

Other users have had similar scholarships and received the following feedback: Post #362
If it has a renewal requirement, you could potentially approach it as described in Post #197
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Hi there,

I had a question regarding a job I had for about a year. I worked as a COVID specialist for an Agriculture company and my job consisted of screening employees both through phone and in person (complying with OSHA guidelines). I kept in communication with our partnered clinic and we’d have staff come to the premises to conduct tests while I helped with them. Most of it was screening through phone calls though so I understand that might be iffy. Would I be able to label any of this as clinical experience?
Hi there,

I had a question regarding a job I had for about a year. I worked as a COVID specialist for an Agriculture company and my job consisted of screening employees both through phone and in person (complying with OSHA guidelines). I kept in communication with our partnered clinic and we’d have staff come to the premises to conduct tests while I helped with them. Most of it was screening through phone calls though so I understand that might be iffy. Would I be able to label any of this as clinical experience?
I suggest you not label it Clinical as you were dealing with employees, not patients. Unless you were doing followup phone calls with those persons with clinical illness: In which case, as that would represent a small portion if your role, you could describe the percent if your time spent speaking with those who were ill within your job description. Let adcomms mentally assign that part of your duties to the clinical category.
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I suggest you not label it Clinical as you were dealing with employees, not patients. Unless you were doing followup phone calls with those persons with clinical illness: In which case, as that would represent a small portion if your role, you could describe the percent if your time spent speaking with those who were ill within your job description. Let adcomms mentally assign that part of your duties to the clinical category.
Most of my day when we didn’t test, consisted of follow up with all the employees who tested positive, making them appointments and documenting their progress (symptoms), as the days progressed. Would then this part of the job be considered clinical?
Most of my day when we didn’t test, consisted of follow up with all the employees who tested positive, making them appointments and documenting their progress (symptoms), as the days progressed. Would then this part of the job be considered clinical?
Yes. Talking to sick folks on the phone about their symptoms “counts.”
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