>>>>>>Official DMU Class of 2009<<<<<<

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rjfreed said:
I've got another question for the fellow '09ers. For those that needed an alternative loan, did you use wells fargo like the school suggests, or did you go elsewhere? The dmu portal makes it seem like they are a good choice. Is it just easier with them, or do we get a better deal, too?

I haven't looked at theloanprogram.org (I didn't know it existed when I was deciding which company to use), but no, I didn't use Wells Fargo. Customer service aside, they just don't have the best to offer...lots of fees etc. I put together a spreadsheet comparing all the different kinds of loans when I made my decision...you're welcome to it. PM me with your personal email address and I'll forward you the excel file. I went with Accessgroup.org for my personal loans, and DMU for my federal.


Eiko said:
Hey, when are these parties going on? I'm going to be in Des Moines on June 30th... parties sound very good... :D Yes parties very good :love:

Ditto :oops:

Hey guys I haven't posted since april or so but I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you're all having a great summer. When is everyone planning on moving up to Des Moines? My roomie and I are going the 22nd of July so we have time to set up our place. Is anyone else living at Reilly Grand Townhomes or Apartments (they're right across Grand from the new building)? We got a townhome and I'm really excited about it! Take care everyone and have FUN before we get to school and say good-bye to our social lives.

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i'm moving down to the Imperial it appears, on july the 1st. eh, it's cheap and next door. i have to return to mn for a couple of weeks. after the 14th i got nuthin to do. i'm really excited to start kicking back some beers, for a couple weeks anyway. when should we put our computers down and go and meet one another? i know, it's a month away in my case...
Welcome to the Imperial...don't mind the smells.

You get used to them :thumbdown:
Portier said:
Welcome to the Imperial...don't mind the smells.

You get used to them :thumbdown:

You will never get used to that smell, what will hapen is that Portier will leave.
EvoDevo said:
Hey, where's munchkin these days?? :confused:

Bad things happened to munchkin.

She was moving out of her apt in Houston.
She was wearing flip flops, going down stairs with a crate of books in her hands. Her flip flop fell off, and in her struggle to get it back on, she fell down the stairs with the books.

She lived, but is all sore and on pain meds. She got a concussion for her efforts as well.

Currently she plans to be at school without any delays.

DocGeorge said:
You will never get used to that smell, what will hapen is that Portier will leave.

I'm not the garlic smelling, greasy haired, acanthosis nigrans having, need a shave looking grunt.

That's you.

congrats to everyone who will be starting at DMU this fall.

If you are interested in buying any furniture let me know. I'm selling my bed, my ikea table, a dresser and some misc bedroom stuff. Just send me a message if you are interested in anything and I can also send you pictures.

also if you have any questions about dmu feel free to ask.

Oh and I saw someone asking about cell phone coverage. I have cingular and I LOVE it and it works great here!!

jennyw17 said:
congrats to everyone who will be starting at DMU this fall.

If you are interested in buying any furniture let me know. I'm selling my bed, my ikea table, a dresser and some misc bedroom stuff. Just send me a message if you are interested in anything and I can also send you pictures.

also if you have any questions about dmu feel free to ask.

Oh and I saw someone asking about cell phone coverage. I have cingular and I LOVE it and it works great here!!


Whatever, Jenny...tell the truth. You hate cingular.
Portier said:
Welcome to the Imperial...don't mind the smells.

You get used to them :thumbdown:

how well does your cell phone work in el grande Imperial? p.s. i cooked with fish sauce a couple days ago, yeah, that's gonna be added to the smells. mmmm...fish sauce
ams8855 said:
Hey guys I haven't posted since april or so but I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you're all having a great summer. When is everyone planning on moving up to Des Moines? My roomie and I are going the 22nd of July so we have time to set up our place. Is anyone else living at Reilly Grand Townhomes or Apartments (they're right across Grand from the new building)? We got a townhome and I'm really excited about it! Take care everyone and have FUN before we get to school and say good-bye to our social lives.


I'm moving into the Reilly Grand apartments, so i guess that is exciting :rolleyes:
I will be there july 1st, so i can spend a whole month hanging out in DM. I have verizon for phone service and hopefully it works so i can talk to my mom a whole lot.
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Hey all,

I havn't posted since a brief introduction in March, but I've been lurking and getting to know you all without your knowledge.

I noticed a number of you are from CA:
Docgeorge, I lived in Sacramento for the past five years. Where in Sac did you live?

DocJP, I spent many an intoxicated night in Davis with friends from UCD.

Doitright, my ex is from the bay area, and I spent a good deal of time there too. Your affinity for the brewed beverage is much to my liking.

Sorry to hear about Munchkin. Hope she recovers well and quickly. She seems so happy and full of life. The kind of person you really like to be around.

Beers32, are you really training to be a cagefighter, or are you mocking my sport (just kidding)? I fought a few professional fights in the cage, and have had the honor of training with the likes of Randy Couture, Don Frye, Dan Severn, and a couple of the Gracies. I am really hoping to find a martial arts afficionado at DMU to train with (non-damagingly of course). There is really no form of excersize to rival it.

I'll be moving to DM in mid July to 3000 Grand. I hope my fellow DO students will still be willing to meet and enjoy the social lubricating effects of the good brew.

Mad Cow said:
how well does your cell phone work in el grande Imperial? p.s. i cooked with fish sauce a couple days ago, yeah, that's gonna be added to the smells. mmmm...fish sauce

Cells work good in the Imperial....

no problems as far as I know.
EvoDevo said:
Hey, where's munchkin these days?? :confused:

Sorry Evo, I'm here. I've been lurking mostly, nothing new to write about. And yes, bad things have been happening to me ever since I've started trying to move to Des Moines. First I was on my way to Des Moines when an 18wheeler's tire crashed into my car. So I didn't get to come. Had to pick an apt out using an online service. Then I was actually moving my stuff out of the apt here in Htown and Ray filled you in on the rest. I would've wrote some while I was at home resting but I was heavily medicated out of my mind. Sometimes I think that someone above doesn't want me to go to Iowa. hmmm..... I'll be there on July 2nd moved in! So close!

Thanks for the kind comment. Hopefully we can all have some fun before school starts. :) If anyone wants to get together after July 19th send me a PM!
WHAT WE HAVE A CAGE FIGHTER IN OUR CLASS?!? THIS YEAR IS GOING TO ROCK! Oh and Einar I come from the great town of Bakersfield, CA. Wheeee! Not really. But I do know for a fact that Beers32 is no cage fighter. Ok well I can't say that for a fact, but unless he is crazy scary like Elijah Wood in Sin City you have nothing to worry about. Oh and he is my roommate... I could be in trouble.

Einar Arason said:
Hey all,

I havn't posted since a brief introduction in March, but I've been lurking and getting to know you all without your knowledge.

I noticed a number of you are from CA:
Docgeorge, I lived in Sacramento for the past five years. Where in Sac did you live?

DocJP, I spent many an intoxicated night in Davis with friends from UCD.

Doitright, my ex is from the bay area, and I spent a good deal of time there too. Your affinity for the brewed beverage is much to my liking.

Sorry to hear about Munchkin. Hope she recovers well and quickly. She seems so happy and full of life. The kind of person you really like to be around.

Beers32, are you really training to be a cagefighter, or are you mocking my sport (just kidding)? I fought a few professional fights in the cage, and have had the honor of training with the likes of Randy Couture, Don Frye, Dan Severn, and a couple of the Gracies. I am really hoping to find a martial arts afficionado at DMU to train with (non-damagingly of course). There is really no form of excersize to rival it.

I'll be moving to DM in mid July to 3000 Grand. I hope my fellow DO students will still be willing to meet and enjoy the social lubricating effects of the good brew.

Congratulations to those of you in coming students... I wish all the best of luck. I hope you all enjoy DMU as much as I did.

Later, :cool:
Glad to hear everybody is gettin' excited to make the big move to Des Moines...also glad I haven't heard much talk of the studying and things like that....I like what I'm hearing....

"many an intoxicated night"

"social lubricating effects of the good brew"

"have some fun"


I won't actually be making the permenant move until the weekend of July 28th...but I will be down in DM just about every weekend in July...so I'll be huntin' you guys down to partake in some of the above mentioned activities!!!! I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!



I think someone should take the initiative and set a date, time, and place for the first unofficial class of '09 get acquainted party and beerfest.

How about Mickey's Irish Pub sometime in July?
Einar Arason said:
I fought a few professional fights in the cage, and have had the honor of training with the likes of Randy Couture, Don Frye, Dan Severn, and a couple of the Gracies. I am really hoping to find a martial arts afficionado at DMU to train with (non-damagingly of course). There is really no form of excersize to rival it.

I'll be moving to DM in mid July to 3000 Grand. I hope my fellow DO students will still be willing to meet and enjoy the social lubricating effects of the good brew.


Really? You fought a couple of the Gracies! Sweet! :love: What style are you? If you've fought those type guys and survived, I'd say you probably have a merged style and are fast... real fast.

As for a sensei or sabanim, I seriously doubt though that you'll find a martial arts studio of the callibre you are looking for in Des Moines... I'm not from there, but judging on the low crime rate and the smaller size of the city... an exceptional MA studio should be hard to find. (Crime rate: as in the need for rigorous self-defense)

I was thinking the same thing about training, but 1. I do it because I love forms; and 2. I realy don't like to fight (let's not fight, let's be friends ;). )... but I then again that's the girlie girl in me.

Anyway, back to the thread:

Anyone else of us fellow DO 09ers besides Einar and me going to be living in 3000 Grand?
Anyone on the side of the building with wireless ;)? :love: :love:
I didn't actually fight the Gracies commercially. I just trained at their camp for a few months. The same with the other fighters. Still, it was a great experience to grapple with them in training.

I feel the same as you Eiko. As counter intuitive as it may seem for a former cagefighter, I take no pleasure in impactfull fighting. I do not enjoy beating on a person. My style is primarily Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which, as I'm sure you know, focuses on takedowns and submissions without harming your opponent.

The cagefighting experience was really just a test of self, my art, and journey toward self discovery. My focus has always been on Judo.

What styles have you trained in?

When are you moving to 3000 Grand?
Hello everyone,
As it turns out, DOPEDERSON is right, I am not a cage fighter....just copying a line from a recent movie about someone who has superior social skills. I suppose this means that Einar will have to continue his search for someone "smart" enough to train with. If you can't find anyone else... you can exercise in the NEW gym with me and DOPEDERSON. I will even let you kick DOPEDERSON a few times a day to keep your skills up.
In all seriousness, that sounds interesting. I have always wanted to learn more about the different forms of martial arts.

Does anyone know when we are going to hear from the financial aid office about our loans? Also, does anyone mountain bike? I saw the link on the dmu page and the trails seem pretty decent so I think I am going to check them out when I move down to Iowa (mid-late July).
See everyone soon.
beers32 said:
Does anyone know when we are going to hear from the financial aid office about our loans?

Hey Beers32--

I spoke with the finincial aid office last week and they said they don't start processing the loan apps until after the 4th of July. Something about how they wanted to wait until our class was filled etc. Sometime after the 4th, you should receive your award letter which you then sign and return to them. So...I'm not expecting anything until mid-July...seems kinda close to the deadline...but that's what they said! ;)

Hey everyone... I just talked to the financial aid office. I was about to pull my promissory note because I didn't want to pay any fees as noted in an earlier post...

But I have news! I told the lady why I wanted to withdraw and she said the Wells Fargo DOES have a fee, but DMU *pays it* for you! So you really don't pay that origination fee.... you get your full amount.

So, just FYI.

Better run and get my immunizations today!! Fun!!

Ha Beers32 shows what you know! They don't kick in Judo. I am safe for now.
Hey guys,
I'm a second year and I'm moving out of des moines on June 30th, and i'm looking to sell some of my stuff
Blue large Ikea table (2) $30 great for studying
Mauve Couch $20
Microwave $20
black TV stand from Kmart $10
plus some odds and ends, just send me a message if you're interested in anything.
I almost forgot I'm also selling:
Dissecton guide for human anatomy (clean) $20 new $40
Wheaters functional histology (no writing) $30 new $60
OMM table marroon w/carrying case $300 OBO (new is $375 after a $60 UAAO membership)
when you guys get here, definetly look for some third years who haven't left yet, because I will have a bunch of books I am trying to unload too, and I know most of my friends are selling them on ebay. I'm not going to make a list here, but if you are interested just pm me I"ll be here through september.
Einar Arason said:
I didn't actually fight the Gracies commercially. I just trained at their camp for a few months. The same with the other fighters. Still, it was a great experience to grapple with them in training.

I feel the same as you Eiko. As counter intuitive as it may seem for a former cagefighter, I take no pleasure in impactfull fighting. I do not enjoy beating on a person. My style is primarily Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which, as I'm sure you know, focuses on takedowns and submissions without harming your opponent.

The cagefighting experience was really just a test of self, my art, and journey toward self discovery. My focus has always been on Judo.

What styles have you trained in?

When are you moving to 3000 Grand?

Cool... I love jujistu... :D I've watched it but never learned it... But your reasons for cage fighting are awesome. I started martial arts because of the beauty of it and then beacause I could teach in it... then ref in it... but now... I'm not in it. :)... lol... :laugh:

As for styles: Tae Kwon do... Washido ryu.... Wing chun (but that was only for a bit)... Shaolin Kenpo... and a little Ninjitsu (but I backed out of that one when they wanted me to take the "advanced" courses under the Grandmaster and become a "kunoichi"). But my main style is WTF/ITF Tae Kwon do... what can I say, I'm flexible and I love forms.

I'm going to be moving in on June 30th... Hope to see you there. :D :luck:

Woohoo! One more month and we start med school!
MsEvolution said:
Hey everyone... I just talked to the financial aid office. I was about to pull my promissory note because I didn't want to pay any fees as noted in an earlier post...

But I have news! I told the lady why I wanted to withdraw and she said the Wells Fargo DOES have a fee, but DMU *pays it* for you! So you really don't pay that origination fee.... you get your full amount.

So, just FYI.

Better run and get my immunizations today!! Fun!!


Hey...this is funny because they told me a different story, they said there are two types of fees. There's an origination fee and a guaranty fee. As far as I remember they mentioned that WellsFargo charges 0% origination fee and 1% in guaranty fees. But anyways..i hope what they told you was right. See ya in summer!!! :D
By the way....I'm moving to Des Moines the 2nd week of July...anyone else who's making the move from California around that time?? I'm going to be driving there..yea..its gona be a long 25 hour drive...whoo... so may be we could meet up and take the trip together.. ;)
All my notepacks and notepool from 1st year.....in binders...

I'm NOT going to move that around with me when I have it all in digital form on this laptop.

PM me if you want it. First response gets it....
Taken...by a gentleman whom I hope will feel obliged to buy me a beer on my way out of town.....
Any 1st years moving to Des Moines need a twin size bed set? Pillow-top and I bought it new last year. PM me if interested
hey all,
just wanted to share with you the joys of moving... right. i thought of something that has come in handy since preparing to go-->www.i235.com
as you most likely know, 31st is closed off from 235 entirely, so is the bridge. a closer exit is also undergoing changes, 41st st.
until beer o'clock!
mzafaran said:
Hey guys....

here's our group email address (I think):

[email protected]



That is correct. But, only certain "special" people can send emails to that address (class prez, administration, etc). By the way, I just wanted to tell all the new '09ers welcome and that I know you will enjoy your first year of medical school. I am an almost-2nd year and am the 08 class webmaster. If you have any questions relating to anything "web-ish/technology-ish" I can probably help you out or let you know of someone who can.

Time for a nap,

Hey guys! I finally moved here! Woohoo! :love:

Long road trip and horrible time hauling boxes, but hey, it was worth it. :love:

Anyway, hope to see you guys around before school starts.
Hey all,

I can not help expressing a little disapointment in how inactive this thread has been lately. From January to April it was one of the most active threads, resonating the thrill of eager "soon-to-be" med students.

Lately, there has hardly been a post, for days on end. It is as if we have reached an anti-climax, and the anticipatory effect of this online community has diminished.

I'm going to go out on a limb, and I trust that you, my fellow DMU students, won't leave me hanging. Old Mill suggested seting a date to meet and get acquainted which I think is a marvelous idea. The problem is: I don't know Des Moines well enough to suggest a location.

I propose Saturday the 16th of July, at say: 8:00 pm, since that will give people time to observe the post and make arrangements if need be. I will leave it to someone who knows Des Moines to suggest a suitable location.

I hope this suggestion will be met with the eager enthusiasm that graced this forum formerly.

Best to you all.
Einar Arason said:
Hey all,

I can not help expressing a little disapointment in how inactive this thread has been lately. From January to April it was one of the most active threads, resonating the thrill of eager "soon-to-be" med students.

Lately, there has hardly been a post, for days on end. It is as if we have reached an anti-climax, and the anticipatory effect of this online community has diminished.

I'm going to go out on a limb, and I trust that you, my fellow DMU students, won't leave me hanging. Old Mill suggested seting a date to meet and get acquainted which I think is a marvelous idea. The problem is: I don't know Des Moines well enough to suggest a location.

I propose Saturday the 16th of July, at say: 8:00 pm, since that will give people time to observe the post and make arrangements if need be. I will leave it to someone who knows Des Moines to suggest a suitable location.

I hope this suggestion will be met with the eager enthusiasm that graced this forum formerly.

Best to you all.

Let me suggest WELLMAN's...it's THE med school bar. You'll be spending plenty of nights there anyway celebrating passing tests...in some cases barely.

Other places you might go:

Mickey's Irish Pub (22nd street West Des Moines....great haunt)
Drink (loud collegey stand around bar...hard to talk...mostly noisy)
El Aguila Real (Mexican Restaurant on 22nd street at University....Quality food, good service...never too packed)
Java Joe's Court Avenue Coffee shop....good access to dining options and a couple of OK dance clubs. Also within walking distance of good bars: Hessen House, Lift (not LOFT). My personal favorite place to eat is La Trattoria....go for the Penne Pasta with Italian Sausage BAKED.


back to MHA nerdery.... :p
Wellmans on saturday the 16th of July at 8:00 pm it is then... unless there are any objections???

Thanks for the info Portier. Will you be able to join all of us (which, up to this point, is just me), or will you have left town by then?

Come now DMUers. Let's have some "I'll be there" posts.
Einar Arason said:
Wellmans on saturday the 16th of July at 8:00 pm it is then... unless there are any objections???

Thanks for the info Portier. Will you be able to join all of us (which, up to this point, is just me), or will you have left town by then?

Come now DMUers. Let's have some "I'll be there" posts.

Well, I won't be able to make it on Saturday the 16th of July; I'm jumping on the motorcycle and heading to Canada for a last run to freedom before August 1st and will be camping at a motorcycle rally that weekend. But if you want to bump it forward to the 23rd that would work - besides, there will probably be more people in town by then...?
Einar Arason said:
Wellmans on saturday the 16th of July at 8:00 pm it is then... unless there are any objections???

Thanks for the info Portier. Will you be able to join all of us (which, up to this point, is just me), or will you have left town by then?

Come now DMUers. Let's have some "I'll be there" posts.

'i'll be there'.
good job on picking up the baton.
Einar Arason said:
Wellmans on saturday the 16th of July at 8:00 pm it is then... unless there are any objections???

Thanks for the info Portier. Will you be able to join all of us (which, up to this point, is just me), or will you have left town by then?

Come now DMUers. Let's have some "I'll be there" posts.

I'm there! Soooo there!


Einar Arason said:
Wellmans on saturday the 16th of July at 8:00 pm it is then... unless there are any objections???

Thanks for the info Portier. Will you be able to join all of us (which, up to this point, is just me), or will you have left town by then?

Come now DMUers. Let's have some "I'll be there" posts.

I'm out. Would love to, but I don't think I'm going to be in town that weekend. Have fun guys! :luck:
Einar Arason said:
Wellmans on saturday the 16th of July at 8:00 pm it is then... unless there are any objections???

Thanks for the info Portier. Will you be able to join all of us (which, up to this point, is just me), or will you have left town by then?

Come now DMUers. Let's have some "I'll be there" posts.

I'll be there.

I'm leaving town on the 24th for a Roadtrip out into the great unkonwn, but I'd love to hang out on the 18th....and the 23rd if you do something else.

I'll be missing Pre-Orientation....damn!
That was great the last two years running, but....Hell, they're doing combined pre-orientation stuff this year, so it won't be quite the same, but it'll be a GREAT time.
Check out the new DMU website if you haven't seen it yet, I must say it is quite an improvement. Finally, a site that up to date!
CR7 said:
Check out the new DMU website if you haven't seen it yet, I must say it is quite an improvement. Finally, a site that up to date!

Sure enough, as promised by the webmaster the new site design is up and running. I too, must admit that the new site looks a lot more like a university's webpage. :thumbup: