***Official Midwestern Alternate List Thread***

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Apr 23, 2008
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Called up today and talked to Jinny in admissions and was told I was on the alternate list. She told me its less than 100 people and they expect 30-50 acceptances off of it.

Who else is in the same boat and is the info you heard on track with this?

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Do you have any information on when and how they will contact ppl that are on the waitlist?
Do you have any information on when and how they will contact ppl that are on the waitlist?

Hey i just called them and they said I was an alternate too. She seemed pretty busy and said that you would receive a letter soon with all the information in it.
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If you call they will tell you what is going on with your application. Surprisingly I was super nervous thinking that I had been denied for some reason.
Guess there may be hope for me...I'll wait for the mail. :)
Called up today and talked to Jinny in admissions and was told I was on the alternate list. She told me its less than 100 people and they expect 30-50 acceptances off of it.

Who else is in the same boat and is the info you heard on track with this?

I called today as well and was told that I'm on the alternate list!!! Let's hope we all get in off that list soon! Best of luck.

Hey Jake8, what day did you interview at MWU?
October 1

Oh ok, I was there Sept. 17 and met a kid from UF and thought it might have been you. I saw your pre-dents date but thought maybe by chance it was wrong.
Called up today and talked to Jinny in admissions and was told I was on the alternate list. She told me its less than 100 people and they expect 30-50 acceptances off of it.

Who else is in the same boat and is the info you heard on track with this?

I will join the club. I called today as well and this is what I was told:

MWU: there is no numbering system. An alternate/waitlist is comprised after each acceptance notification goes out (there are 3 total and now there are 2 left). Once the list of alternate/waitlisted is made then they review each applicant again to select spots for openings that may become available. But again NO number is assigned.

I believe Jenny gave me this information. Wish she had given me your news. If she had I would be able to sleep without thinking of needing to reapply.:barf:

Question: Does the 100 on the list mean that is all that will be on it and no more? That is how I took it. Anyways let's all be thankful that we are at least on the list for future consideration.

Good luck to all
for accepted students, deposit due by Jan 2nd.
they don't interview in Dec but will start interviewing in Jan.
my concern is that new interviewees would compete with alternate listers.
they didn't answer clearly which one they would consider more competitive though. but they did say that they plan on finishing the admission process by end of March.
Any updates anyone?

Also does anyone know for certain when the next selection meeting is? I think I will call them up tomorrow and find out to see if I need to rush deliver my fall transcripts over.
For those who will interview soon, are there still spots open for them (excluding the wait list)?
I got an alternate letter about a week ago. As far as I'm aware there are a lot of people not putting down deposits. If they hypothetically accepted 100 students on dec. 1st - I'd predict a total of 50 deposits put down. I'm pretty sure they are going to fill all the spots left by their last acceptance wave. From there on after May 1st, they'll start picking people up from the waitlist. I think that's standard procedure.
I got an alternate letter about a week ago. As far as I'm aware there are a lot of people not putting down deposits. If they hypothetically accepted 100 students on dec. 1st - I'd predict a total of 50 deposits put down. I'm pretty sure they are going to fill all the spots left by their last acceptance wave. From there on after May 1st, they'll start picking people up from the waitlist. I think that's standard procedure.

Last time I talked to the admissions people they said that when they interviewed new people they would examine all the applications again. Meaning that you are competing for the available spots with those that have been waitlisted and those who just interviewed. They said there were three rounds of acceptances that goes out so I guess we are waiting on the second.
I do not comprehend the admission process at any of the schools. All I know is that I still have a chance this cycle on the alternate list at MWU. Good luck to all of you.
Did they contact you if you're on the wait list?
I think I might just give in and call them. I hope they are open tomorrow to find out my status, otherwise it will have to be on monday.