***Official UNECOM Class of 2009!!!***

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can you get away without 4-wheel drive? well, let me put it this way. i don't live in maine now, but i do live in northern new york...where we receive snow by the truck load. i've never had a 4-wheel drive vehicle..however, i have always had studded tires...as well as a shovel in my trunk. haha. i guess it all depends how adventurous you want to be. anyways, 4-wheel drive doesn't help you drive better in the snow...it just helps you get out when you stuck. on the topic of cars...is it possible to make a cheap car payment while in school?

brody17 said:
What kind of cars do UNECOM students drive? Can you get away without 4-wheel drive?


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I'd say 4 wheel drive doesn't really help you... I grew up in the mountains in WAY northern New York (so I know how to drive on snow), just get snow tires (and tires to switch out in the spring b/c they'll KILL your gas mileage, plus they sound aweful in the middle of the summer), and no tiny tiny cars (get a toyota corolla size or bigger)...
Great info...I am looking to get a more dependable car (like a corolla) but I am worried about making a payment during school...any suggestions?
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yeaksssssssss... I must have a car... that will be difficult. I did not budget for that.. nor am I looking forward to having insurance payments. What is insurance like in Maine?
for my wife and I for our 97 chevy lumina (no collision, but with comprehensive), it's about $100/month from state farm
You may want to buy the car before you move to Maine and keep it registered and insured where you are now instead (Just keep your legal address from your home state if you can-i.e.your parents house or something). I did this because first, believe it or not New York insurance (where I am from ) is cheaper than Maine, and second if you register a car in Maine you have to pay a yearly, rediculous excise tax which is based upon the year and worth of your vehicle.

So my cost would have been $325 for the tax, $25 to register the car, $25 (I think) for a Maine license, plus about $40 more per month for Maine insurance. I don't think so!!!! I kept my legal address and insurance in NY and saved some cash that way!
Thanks for the info JonB and NMH2001... I don't think I can keep it registered in my home state/Province.. cause I would be coming from Canada. I will have to double check that. But it would be much easier if not cheaper to have my car registered in Qeubec and drive back every 2 month... (which is something I will do anyway).
so where exactly is WAY northern new york. i grew up in watertown, currently work in syracuse, and went to school in canton, ny. any thing familiar?

jonb12997 said:
I'd say 4 wheel drive doesn't really help you... I grew up in the mountains in WAY northern New York (so I know how to drive on snow), just get snow tires (and tires to switch out in the spring b/c they'll KILL your gas mileage, plus they sound aweful in the middle of the summer), and no tiny tiny cars (get a toyota corolla size or bigger)...
you can only get about 1 hour farther north before you hit the canadian border... I grew up in Wilmington (right near Lake Placid) up in the mountains. Syracuse is pretty familar... that's where my dad grew up so we go visit my grandparents (and have to drive through watertown)... (btw, the hospital in watertown is one of our rotations sites)...
There is an MS2 at UNECOM from Ontario who hasn't changed the registration of his car. We are quite used to canadian plates here in maine, especially ones from quebec.

docbill said:
Thanks for the info JonB and NMH2001... I don't think I can keep it registered in my home state/Province.. cause I would be coming from Canada. I will have to double check that. But it would be much easier if not cheaper to have my car registered in Qeubec and drive back every 2 month... (which is something I will do anyway).
Thanks for the info... Quebec is a nice province.. lots of people from there go to maine for the nature and camping. Who is this 2nd year student? is he the student president for 2nd year... if yes.. can you tell him I am still waiting for his responce. If not than tell him I want to ask him question about VISA/LOANS etc...

docbill: I sent you a PM so as to not disrupt the smooth flow of this thread. Carry on, kiddos!

docbill said:
Thanks for the info... Quebec is a nice province.. lots of people from there go to maine for the nature and camping. Who is this 2nd year student? is he the student president for 2nd year... if yes.. can you tell him I am still waiting for his responce. If not than tell him I want to ask him question about VISA/LOANS etc...

yay! i sent in my matriculation deposit! yay!

oceandoc said:
docbill: I sent you a PM so as to not disrupt the smooth flow of this thread. Carry on, kiddos!
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docmz said:
yay! i sent in my matriculation deposit! yay!

What so soon!!!!

When is the deadline ... the 15th of December right?
I don't want to send my deposit in till the latest... that way the 1000$ deposit won't be due till 60day after.. 15th of Feb. Hmmmm now where to find the money... anyone have some left over change.. hehehe
Like my classmate, I kept me car registered in NY. Neither of us are from NYC, so our insurance is reasonable. I pay $400 every 6 months for a 2004 with maximum coverage. I don't advovate 4-wheel drive but I'm from a lake effect snow area so I pretty much am not concerned about ME winters. A car is a must though.
aren't i an over achiever. :p
thought i best get it to maine before the christmas season swallowed it up!

docbill said:
What so soon!!!!

When is the deadline ... the 15th of December right?
I don't want to send my deposit in till the latest... that way the 1000$ deposit won't be due till 60day after.. 15th of Feb. Hmmmm now where to find the money... anyone have some left over change.. hehehe
I just sent in my deposit and just wanted to say hi to everybody! :)
wow, it's amazing to see that next year's class is already coming together. can't wait to have you guys (and to be done with my first year!)


Yes.. that is true... it is nice to have the class filling up. There are a few more accepted in the last couple of days.

Bluesunlily... did I meet you when I was interviewing at UNE. You are the one that went to Johns Hopkins and the ones that likes chefs right? hehehe
There... my deposit is sentttttttttttttttttttttttt. NOW count down for the 1k$ drop.

Does this 500$ get credited to our first year tuition.. or just the 1000$ in 60 days.
they both count towards first semester...
Thanks.. jonb.

Did you guys get your first snow fall (about 2 or 3 weeks right) when MA got it?
we got a light dusting... no real accumulation yet though
that is good to know... the snow should be lighter this year.. so they say.

McCandy asked me if I am looking forward to starting next year and to enjoy life while it last cause this will change with the 12 exams in 3 weeks that they are enjoying now.
So I though I would post this in here... just to keep this thread alive and to see if anyone else feels the same.


AM I looking forward to it? YESSSS FOR SURE.


I fear the amount of memorization needed for the first two years. #1 I am left handed, some will know about this factor. #2 Being a PhD student right now... I don't have any exams... just research and journal reviews and writing etc...

I have not had a full semester of courses since 2000. SO I AM CONCERNED. Even had a dream about it last night... funking crazy.

As long as I get through first semester. AKA ANATOMY (Aug till Dec), With a simple pass... that would be good enough for me. Or the first year for that matter is perfectly acceptable for me.

The second year should be much easier since I have a organ system experience (Cardio/ Pneumo/ Hemato/ Pharm). But the good stuff will begin in year 3 and 4.

Regarding not having a life... well I don't have much of a life right now... Weekends I am at work anyway... and I stay late most of the weekdays. Med school will be more satisfying since I will be learning and working towards what I really want to do. Patient interaction.. mice are just not as fun.


That is all for now.
docbill said:
AKA ANATOMY (Aug till Dec), With a simple pass...

All I want for Christmas is to pass ana-to-my, to pass ana-to-my, to pass an-a-to-my.... haha (remember the two front teeth song) ;)

December 10th can't come fast enough :rolleyes: hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!
first off thank for starting this thread I was looking for 20 minutes for a UNECOM forum 2009.
This was my top choice after I saw the schhol. near the ocean tny class size. and all that god stuff. but i have no idea how to go about housing? I heard a lot of students rent out beach houses with 3 other peple whow do I do that? if its hard to do what other ways can i go.
also i only took the basic requirements for med school. and taking more classes will cost a fortune. is anyone doing extra work to prepare for the tough road ahead like reading text books. memorizinf anatomy material?
and last what was the average time of reply if you got in or not. also did any one else get a letter that said we re missing your secondary application right after they interviewed. and then got a letter of acceptance :) i was freakn out. it was nuts but all good now.
please get back to me on housing anyone
yay 2009 class :)
brody17 said:
What is everyone's plan for housing in the Fall 2005? Would anyone be interested in starting a roommate match?

Any input from current UNE students would be great! Where is the best place? the safest place? best deals?

yeah i want to know too please....where do we go?
Hey Tigger and DocBill,

As far as the classes go...I was an engineer by schooling the first time around. I graduated in 1995 too, so it has been awhile. I only took the minimum prereqs to get in and everything has been fine. I am actually doing very well in all of my classes without any studying ahead of time or extra classes. Everything you need to know you will get here. Absolutely nothing is hard except the volume and time committed in order to learn everything. I know this is an abused statement around here, but go enjoy yourself. I blew off life for a while before coming here and I am glad I did (I wish I had tried harder at blowing off life before coming to be honest). There is plenty of time to learn everything and you will spend all of your time...evenings, mornings, weekends, friday nights studying. Make sure you file your FAFSA, fill out your orientation packet stuff in june, find a place to live, and have much fun...at least do it for me..cause I am suffering right now...please santa Dec 10th.

Housing...I met my roomie here on SDN. I have a year round place in biddeford pool...It is cheap (460/mo)and I can see the ocean out my windows. I can run on a 2 mile long sand beach out my front door. Alot of folks live on Hills Beach (just passed school). Both the pool and hills have a lot of stuff that is off season only...but there are places that are year round too. Some folks live in Biddo...not as nice, but cheaper and all year round. Saco, same deal. Some folks live in Portland...30 min drive. I would say that unless you have a spouse/SO that needs to be in the "city" or you yourself must have city environment, then the lost hour of driving is not worth it.
The admissions folks will send you a housing survey and post something on line to help you guys meet and find places. That is a good resource, but wouldn't expect it until may. 1st Maine real estate in Hills beach/biddeford pool is a good place to start...a bunch of folks rent from them. I would not stress out housing too much, I got my place in June with next to no efffort. There are still listings on the board at school on a regular basis, so not anything to sweat, especially now. OK must stop procrastinating and study grossest histobioimmuno...my favorite class. :p
man do i hear you docbill !!! :)

docbill said:
that is good to know... the snow should be lighter this year.. so they say.

McCandy asked me if I am looking forward to starting next year and to enjoy life while it last cause this will change with the 12 exams in 3 weeks that they are enjoying now.
So I though I would post this in here... just to keep this thread alive and to see if anyone else feels the same.


AM I looking forward to it? YESSSS FOR SURE.


I fear the amount of memorization needed for the first two years. #1 I am left handed, some will know about this factor. #2 Being a PhD student right now... I don't have any exams... just research and journal reviews and writing etc...

I have not had a full semester of courses since 2000. SO I AM CONCERNED. Even had a dream about it last night... funking crazy.

As long as I get through first semester. AKA ANATOMY (Aug till Dec), With a simple pass... that would be good enough for me. Or the first year for that matter is perfectly acceptable for me.

The second year should be much easier since I have a organ system experience (Cardio/ Pneumo/ Hemato/ Pharm). But the good stuff will begin in year 3 and 4.

Regarding not having a life... well I don't have much of a life right now... Weekends I am at work anyway... and I stay late most of the weekdays. Med school will be more satisfying since I will be learning and working towards what I really want to do. Patient interaction.. mice are just not as fun.


That is all for now.
hehehe.. it is nice to know I am not the only one.. I guess we will have to continue the UNECOM tradition and help each other.. and make sure everyone gets to the finish line.

BTW... we can drop the formalities and you don't have to call me docbill.. bill or billy is perfectly fine... Bibi is also another nick name... but I don't know if I want to drop the formalities that much.. hehehe.
mcandy said:
Hey Tigger and DocBill,

As far as the classes go...I was an engineer by schooling the first time around. I graduated in 1995 too, so it has been awhile. I only took the minimum prereqs to get in and everything has been fine. I am actually doing very well in all of my classes without any studying ahead of time or extra classes. Everything you need to know you will get here. Absolutely nothing is hard except the volume and time committed in order to learn everything. I know this is an abused statement around here, but go enjoy yourself. I blew off life for a while before coming here and I am glad I did (I wish I had tried harder at blowing off life before coming to be honest). There is plenty of time to learn everything and you will spend all of your time...evenings, mornings, weekends, friday nights studying. Make sure you file your FAFSA, fill out your orientation packet stuff in june, find a place to live, and have much fun...at least do it for me..cause I am suffering right now...please santa Dec 10th.

Housing...I met my roomie here on SDN. I have a year round place in biddeford pool...It is cheap (460/mo)and I can see the ocean out my windows. I can run on a 2 mile long sand beach out my front door. Alot of folks live on Hills Beach (just passed school). Both the pool and hills have a lot of stuff that is off season only...but there are places that are year round too. Some folks live in Biddo...not as nice, but cheaper and all year round. Saco, same deal. Some folks live in Portland...30 min drive. I would say that unless you have a spouse/SO that needs to be in the "city" or you yourself must have city environment, then the lost hour of driving is not worth it.
The admissions folks will send you a housing survey and post something on line to help you guys meet and find places. That is a good resource, but wouldn't expect it until may. 1st Maine real estate in Hills beach/biddeford pool is a good place to start...a bunch of folks rent from them. I would not stress out housing too much, I got my place in June with next to no efffort. There are still listings on the board at school on a regular basis, so not anything to sweat, especially now. OK must stop procrastinating and study grossest histobioimmuno...my favorite class. :p

Thanks McCandy for re-assuring me and others that it will be okay.

Oh yeah Santi is coming.. I almost forgot... it is the 1st of dec... I better start getting ready.

BTW.. I decided not to have a tree this year. I found out it takes 13 years for one tree. I don't know if there is something wrong with that. 13 years for 3-5 weeks worth of pleasure for us. Maybe I will get a small one. Those germans and their great ideas. You know they are the ones that introduced the chrismx trees.

thanks mcandy for the info....
anyway I want to get a had start on the material to calm my nerves. and just for fun too. im bored. is there anyway i can get those notes that the students write up from the taped lectures? i think they are called co op right?
well anway i was told there was a online version, can i get access to it. or even better the paper version?
Hey Tigger!

If I am understanding your question, you are looking for the noteservice notes. As far as I know, they are usually not available since the students pay for the service.


tigger0821 said:
thanks mcandy for the info....
anyway I want to get a had start on the material to calm my nerves. and just for fun too. im bored. is there anyway i can get those notes that the students write up from the taped lectures? i think they are called co op right?
well anway i was told there was a online version, can i get access to it. or even better the paper version?
I guess you did not really get McCandy's post..

Hey whatever floats your boat.
Hey Tigger, if you are that ambitious, get a copy of Moore and Daly's Clinically oriented anatomy. Start with upper limb and chest. Go to town on proximal and distal attachments, innervation, action, agonists, antagonists. Getting the blue boxes down is important for Dr Cross's portion of the course too (upper and lower limb). Ah yes, nail that brachial plexus too! Dr cross will call some unlucky folks up to the board to draw that out. Know it from the chord to the finger tips. Trace all the blood...arterial and venous patterns and pay particular attention to the anastamoses' with clinical importance..ie where to clamp when some one is bleeding profusely in order to override the "backup" blood source. When you get that down move into lower limb and deep back and gait, repeat and then move on to head and neck (actually skip H+N-don't even try that on your own...the ptreygopalantine ganglion will make you want a gun and postmans uniform). Be sure to memorize every boney land mark...ie every little bump and groove name where a muscle attaches, all the hand bones, foot bones, tendons, retinaculums and their contents. I am probably missing some stuff too. You could also get a copy of Wheater's Histology and go to town on that. Start with epithelea, then CT, nervous tissue, cardiovascualr etc. Just memorize it all, especially the pictures as they are fairly similar to waht you need to know for lab exams. Moore and daly does our embryo (I think it is clinicall oriented title too) book too. You could grab that and get on spermatogenesis, oogenesis, male and female repro, and then trace fertilization through birth following devo of heart, lungs, perenium, gi, urinary, pharyngeal arches.

Or, you could relax and have fun, becuase the previous paragraph represents your life for a long time. Your call. I also think you will have to put a lot of time in to match the learnig you will do here with your new friends, under pressure, and with resources. Not worth it in my book. Any way congrats on your acdceptance. You will love it here...except nov and december...and that head and neck exam. Delayed gratification. Where is the fat bearded guy who promised dec 10th.

Oh yeah, I am a man, man. :laugh: :love: Andy
andy, is that all we really did this semester? no wonder I thought this semester (especially head and neck) was so easy! ;) :)
yeah, of course piece of cake, can of corn, Good thing there was no work involved in FOD or OMM either. I couldnt give Tigger the sum up of TAPP either cuz I am still thrashing through it myself.

I think Jon B will back me up on this...Dr Willard is the man! (Dr Cross and Koester too, but especialy willard) You all dont understand how fortunate you are to be under his wing for a few years. Biochem time.
mcandy said:
Dr Willard is the man! (Dr Cross and Koester too, but especialy willard) You all dont understand how fortunate you are to be under his wing for a few years.

yep! couldn't have said it better... Dr. Cross will seem a little rough at first, but he really is an great teacher, you WILL learn a lot from all three of these guys!
not that i'm going to be looking at them now, but do they post a list of books for the MSI that non-matriculated students can see. i'm at upstate medical university and there are oodles of postings for books that first year students are selling...just thought i might save a buck or two. :)

anyway, docbill, since i can call you bill now...i think its only fair for you to call me michelle. :laugh:
here's out list of books that we got sent to us... Please do not buy any books yet because the list will probably change. Our class will put together a list of books we found useful and ones we didn't for each class... you'll get it plenty of time before school starts to get on amazon and such... Plus there were a bunch of MSII's, III's, and IV's that were around trying to get rid of books at the beginning of the year.


  • text books.doc
    35 KB · Views: 145
muchos gracias!

but, i'm not going to lie, that list looks a wee bit intimidating! haha..thanks again!


jonb12997 said:
here's out list of books that we got sent to us... Please do not buy any books yet because the list will probably change. Our class will put together a list of books we found useful and ones we didn't for each class... you'll get it plenty of time before school starts to get on amazon and such... Plus there were a bunch of MSII's, III's, and IV's that were around trying to get rid of books at the beginning of the year.
:luck: wait until the night before your first cycle of exams to feel intimidated. :eek: or when you meet the skinny guy.

Like jonB said...wait until you get our eval of books because a lot of our profs recommend things we never used or dont reccomend things we find very useful. However, I can tell you with all certainty that you will need Moore and Daly's Clinically oriented Anatomy, Netters guide to human anatomy, and Rohens picture atlas of human anat. When you get those three books memorized you get to go home for xmas (and you will have them memorized :eek: ).
microbe hunter said:
Hi all. I got in! I like UNECOM a lot. I'm still waiting to hear from one more school, but I am thinking about housing for next year. It's good to see this thread up.

Congrats and welcome. :thumbup:
jonb12997 said:
here's out list of books that we got sent to us... Please do not buy any books yet because the list will probably change. Our class will put together a list of books we found useful and ones we didn't for each class... you'll get it plenty of time before school starts to get on amazon and such... Plus there were a bunch of MSII's, III's, and IV's that were around trying to get rid of books at the beginning of the year.

thanks for the helpgys. im gonna get those anatomy books. but when i went to unecom they mentioned here are old copies from the previous year on line or something. is there any way for a matriculated student to get access to them to prepare? id be happy to purchase of course. or buy straight from a student. because i cant just read all those text books id be lost.
also is there any syllabus' or powerpoint presentations from classes that can be downloaded for matriculated studens or do we have to be already attending lectures (MSI)
thanks for all the help you guys
congratulations!!!! :love:

microbe hunter said:
Hi all. I got in! I like UNECOM a lot. I'm still waiting to hear from one more school, but I am thinking about housing for next year. It's good to see this thread up.
tigger0821 said:
thanks for the helpgys. im gonna get those anatomy books. but when i went to unecom they mentioned here are old copies from the previous year on line or something. is there any way for a matriculated student to get access to them to prepare? id be happy to purchase of course. or buy straight from a student. because i cant just read all those text books id be lost.
also is there any syllabus' or powerpoint presentations from classes that can be downloaded for matriculated studens or do we have to be already attending lectures (MSI)
thanks for all the help you guys
as much as you want to work on reading class notes early or whatever... you're not going to get anything valuable out of it that's going to stick with you next year. (and the lectures will probably be a little different)... If you really have to have something to do, get the Anatomy Text book, I guarentee you're going to use it, and start memorizing the muscles of the arm along with the attachments, innervations, and make sure you know them in cross section also. (they have good tables in the book)... Basically, you're not going to be able to learn enough now that it's going to help you next fall...just relax (in the words of skinny man) and enjoy your time off... you're going to be studying medicine for the rest of your life... enjoy your freedom now

As far as all the powerpoints and syllabii, to get access to those, you have to be actually in the class at the time to get access to the webct site... :)
I just got a confirmation from UNECOM that they receive my Deposit. -59 days for my second deposit.

booo on second deposits

docbill said:
I just got a confirmation from UNECOM that they receive my Deposit. -59 days for my second deposit.
