Ohio State University College of Pharmacy Interview/Feedback 15-16 cycle

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Ohio State University College of Pharmacy vs Ferris State University College of Pharmacy (in state)



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7+ Year Member
Feb 8, 2016
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Hi, I interviewed with Ohio State COP the morning of Feb 27th and that same evening I got an email saying that OSU COP has reviewed my application and want to offer me admission however there are no directions on how to pay the deposit and no deadline or anything. I was just wondering if this is even real before I get excited. Anyone experience anything similar with OSU COP? For the other people that interviewed the 27th, have you heard anything yet?

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Hey I have my interview with Ohio State this coming Saturday and could I ask you how the interview went and how long it lasted? I didn't get any specific details about the interview and really nervous about it! Thanks in advance!

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The day started at 8 and went on till either 11 or 1130 depending on what group you were in. one on one interview for about 30 minutes, make sure you have lots of questions! they show u the college of pharmacy and theres a q and a with the students. Not bad tbh. I got my addmission email that very same day
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Thank you!! And congrats! :)

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Thank you :) Good luck to you