Okay to talk about lab problems in secondaries?

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Apr 8, 2011
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I'm trying to think of things for the moral dilemma or stressful situation secondaries. Would it be inappropriate to talk about problems I faced while working in a lab? Like, I wasn't getting credit for my work? Or would that make me look bad? Please advise.

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I'm trying to think of things for the moral dilemma or stressful situation secondaries. Would it be inappropriate to talk about problems I faced while working in a lab? Like, I wasn't getting credit for my work? Or would that make me look bad? Please advise.

Why would it make you look bad? Sure go ahead talk about it all you want.
Would need more information on the situation for me to decide whether it is something I would conceivably talk about.
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The first rule of lab problems is don't post about lab problems
I'm trying to think of things for the moral dilemma or stressful situation secondaries. Would it be inappropriate to talk about problems I faced while working in a lab? Like, I wasn't getting credit for my work? Or would that make me look bad? Please advise.

Did the question specifically ask for that? If not I would rather talk about something positive.
If you do decide to write about it, try and put a positive spin on it. If you absolutely cannot, skip it. Think of something better.
I know that if that happened to me, I'd come off sounding bitter and angry. lol
I'm trying to think of things for the moral dilemma or stressful situation secondaries. Would it be inappropriate to talk about problems I faced while working in a lab? Like, I wasn't getting credit for my work? Or would that make me look bad? Please advise.

I would not put anything negative about a lab in secondaries. If there was a problem you faced in a lab that you dealt with constructively and positively, you could consider discussing it based on what you learned from the situation. But it would need to be an example that could not possibly be construed as badmouthing and you would need to focus almost solely on the solution and not the problem.
You could talk about how lab is often hard thankless work and everything fails, but you got over that because you're just that industrious.
I agree with chronicidal. Actual lab work presents so many difficult situations like constantly failing experiments - why not talk about that instead?
Especially if you're getting an LOR from the PI. Then it would just be bizarre..