On call pay

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7+ Year Member
Dec 1, 2015
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How much do you get paid to be on call? Curious to see what the rest of folks get paid for this.

I'll start - $3.00/hr. Adds up to roughly 10k/yr.

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$18 an hour, but only during the hours I'd have to work if called in. It's pretty stupid because it affects me for 16 hours (like I can't get drunk at 4 PM), but I only get paid for 6 hours. Additionally, I lose the on-call pay if I have to go in. I make about 5k a year in standby, not counting OT earned from actually having to go in, which honestly only seems to happen once every year or two. Why do I only get called in every 2 years? Because we're a 24/7 pharmacy and I'm only needed when the night pharmacist is sick. And it's split amongst the willing day staff. Why would they pay us $45k a year just in case the night pharmacist can't make it in? I have no idea, but I'm not complaining.
My last job was $25/night weekdays and $50/night on weekends + hourly rate for however long it takes to resolve the issue.

My current job is zero dollars but I would pretty much only be called if the alarm went off so it’s not the same.
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When I worked at PharMerica, it was $50/ night on weekdays and $100/night on weekends. If you had to come into the pharmacy, you got paid 1 hour’s worth of salary minimum. It wasn’t very clear if you got an hour minimum for each time you came in, or just one hour total for the night.
F being on call.
I feel you bro -
7on/7off Hospital pharmacist - on my weeks off I take call for a small rehab hospital that is only open M-F 8-5.
they also use Cardinal Health for remote order entry, so I almost never get called or go in to do anything.
$3hr + if you have to go in, minimum 2hr pay even if you go in for 10min. Not bad, but when I look at the paycheck, after taxes, I am ready to say F-that! too.
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Like 8 years ago my on-call rate was $15/hr, but automatic 1.5x and minimum 4 hour pay if I got called in (so like $400 per call, and only $120/night with no action). This was like a 7 day stretch at a time, sometimes 3 (long weekend type of deal).

I heard down the vine it was reduced to 2hr minimum pay, which seems to be the standard everywhere else.

Oh, and free hotel + some $20/night meal stipend. Lived like a king.

The worst was when I’d get multiple calls in one night, AND had a full shift the next morning at my 2nd place of employment.
I feel you bro -
7on/7off Hospital pharmacist - on my weeks off I take call for a small rehab hospital that is only open M-F 8-5.
they also use Cardinal Health for remote order entry, so I almost never get called or go in to do anything.
$3hr + if you have to go in, minimum 2hr pay even if you go in for 10min. Not bad, but when I look at the paycheck, after taxes, I am ready to say F-that! too.

Same here. 2hr minimum even if you go in for 10 min, then regular rate if it takes longer than that.

On call ain't bad, just depends how competent nursing is for the most part. A good nursing team alleviates 95% of the calls. I only get called in urgently for fentanyl drips or in the very slim chance something isn't available in ADC.
$2 per hour that I’m on call and not actively clocked in. In the event that I actually get called in after hours, I get paid normal wage at the greater of 2 hours or actual time onsite.
same here - the $2 is pretty pointless - but we used to get 0- so I guess it is an improvement - but we are only oncall less then like 3 times in a two year period
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$2/hr. Since we are salary, if we have to go in, we are theoretically supposed to get an hour off of work.

Most of the time, it doesn't bother me that much. But if I spend a bunch of time on the phone with the physician trying to answer questions, it irks me at times.