One Year Masters Timeline

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Jun 24, 2008
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Ok so i've realized that i'm not going to get into dental school for fall 2010 because my GPA is ****. I'm doing a 5th year this coming year, and hoping to apply to dental school for 2011.

My question is..can I do a 1-year masters program (September 2010-August 2011), and still finish on time for dental school?

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yes there are a bunch of master's programs around the country. there are also threads on here. just search "special masters program", schools such as barry, nova, etc. have programs.
yes there are a bunch of master's programs around the country. there are also threads on here. just search "special masters program", schools such as barry, nova, etc. have programs.

ok that's really comforting to hear. I was just concerned with some dental schools starting in July (like Indiana)...if i'm not done my master's until would that work? Also, These "SMPs" require an MCAT score..are there any SMPs for dental students?
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anybody have any advice?
ok that's really comforting to hear. I was just concerned with some dental schools starting in July (like Indiana)...if i'm not done my master's until would that work? Also, These "SMPs" require an MCAT score..are there any SMPs for dental students?

yes, barry has a specific one for dental students. i'm sure most of the ones that require mcats will probably also accept DAT's but call to make sure if they accept predents.
im in the same situation. contact the schools that require mcat and ask if dat works / is beneficial for predental students. the one im going to originally said mcat but they said dat works as well.

as far as the whole finishing in august if a dental school starts in july... i dont know... if anyone has the answer to that one id like to know too. im hoping to finish before july though.

i wonder if you were in this situation if its ok with dental schools after you get accepted to drop the masters program? i know it probably looks bad and it sucks to have to spend money for a masters and not complete it but if there was no other situation is it ok to just drop the masters program or will the dental school put you on hold for the following cycle (=sucks)? ... i suppose you can always stop the masters and continue the following summer
I kinda want to know too, seems like ppl who have lower gpa in undergrad tends to do Master.... But my question is . what range of gpa is consider "low" enough that one should start considering doing a Master?

I asked b/c my gpa is like 3.31 .. would that be low? it seems like most schools look at the avg around 3.5.. can someone give me some advice too?
I kinda want to know too, seems like ppl who have lower gpa in undergrad tends to do Master.... But my question is . what range of gpa is consider "low" enough that one should start considering doing a Master?

I asked b/c my gpa is like 3.31 .. would that be low? it seems like most schools look at the avg around 3.5.. can someone give me some advice too?

I don't think 3.31 is definitely too low to apply for dental school. I would think that below a 3.0 might be necessary to consider SMP.
3.31 gpa isn't too low... but if you studied harder for the DAT to get competitive scores, then you should be in a good shape! I am in the same boat and searching master programs btw!:(
If I were you, I'd totally do a 2 year oral biology master with thesis. UCLA has a freaking great OB program.