Online Accelerated Science Preq's.

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Aug 17, 2023
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Hello Everyone,

i'm looking to take science Chem 1 online at maybe UNE, Oregon state, or UCBerkley and wanted to know has anyone had any trouble getting into the schools of their choice taking courses at any of these schools. Kindly share your experiences.

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Hello Everyone,

i'm looking to take science Chem 1 online at maybe UNE, Oregon state, or UCBerkley and wanted to know has anyone had any trouble getting into the schools of their choice taking courses at any of these schools. Kindly share your experiences.
You want stories about students having trouble taking the courses, or getting feedback from schools? I presume the latter:

On the first question, we have a Pre-Med thread on UNE courses.

On the second question, I think most schools are okay with these courses. We're talking about taking prereqs at Trump University being a problem. Of course, always the check schools and any students they accepted who took these courses.
If you want an accelerated (5-week) course that is accepted widely by dental schools, maybe look into SCUHS. I would also look into Doane University, MCPHS, ASU, and Minnesota State University (Dr. Jasperse). I would go with MSU because Dr. Jasperse teaches organic chemistry really well, and you will learn a lot. Also, you can do it at your own pace. If you want to take it from one of the schools you listed, I would probably choose UNE online, as it is accepted by all the schools and UNE itself has its own dental school.