online classes

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May 26, 2022
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I just graduated UC Davis, and I did not take biochemistry because the professor offered last quarter was insanely hard, and studying for the MCAT, I did not want to put that much pressure on myself or take it pass no pass. With that being said, I'm thinking about taking biochemistry online because I know it will look better if I do take it even though not all schools require it. Does anyone know if schools will except an online MIT or Harvard biochemistry class if I buy the certificate??

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It’s not about buying a certificate—you have to enroll in a real course and complete it successfully. Harvard Extension online would count; MIT Open Courseware would not.
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I just graduated UC Davis, and I did not take biochemistry because the professor offered last quarter was insanely hard, and studying for the MCAT, I did not want to put that much pressure on myself or take it pass no pass. With that being said, I'm thinking about taking biochemistry online because I know it will look better if I do take it even though not all schools require it. Does anyone know if schools will except an online MIT or Harvard biochemistry class if I buy the certificate??
I would recommend not taking that online if at all possible to save yourself a potential headache come application season.
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Many schools do require biochem, I'd recommend taking it in person as others have mentioned
Do med schools really give a hard time about courses like biochem taken online?
Do med schools really give a hard time about courses like biochem taken online?
Depends on the school. Check msar to see which do or do not take certain online courses. I was unable to apply to a few schools because of this