opinions on my ECC's please

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Oct 6, 2008
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Thanks for the answers :)

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If you can add a leadership experience and maybe shadow 1-2 other doctors for a brief time (one day each), to include Peds, Internal Med, or Family Med for at least one of them, I'd say your ECs would be solid.

well IMO tutoring a class is a perfect example of a leadership experience... i mean i dont know how it could be better than that
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well IMO tutoring a class is a perfect example of a leadership experience... i mean i dont know how it could be better than that

Tutoring will be considering teaching. You weren't actually exhibiting leadership in the sense that a physician would. They are looking more for leadership as expressed through the working with and guiding of others as a member-leader of a team. Think servant-leadership, not so much mentoring/tutoring. Good examples might include management (shift lead/personnel/head____), president of a club (not always the best since "clubs" can be quite spotty), leader of a medical or missions trip, student government (esp. president or VP), student leadership, resident advisor, leading or co-leading a research project w/ multiple RAs on your team, etc.
You can choose for yourself how you want to list a given experience, but I'd agree that most tutoring should be listed under Teaching, unless your teaching style includes inspiration, setting a goal and letting students get to it on their own, motivation, etc. If the latter, then your description of the activity should convince adcomms that you put in under the correct designation. Most of the tutoring I've done was regurgitating facts, answering questions, showing where a mistake was made, and repeating things over and over.
You can choose for yourself how you want to list a given experience, but I'd agree that most tutoring should be listed under Teaching, unless your teaching style includes inspiration, setting a goal and letting students get to it on their own, motivation, etc. If the latter, then your description of the activity should convince adcomms that you put in under the correct designation. Most of the tutoring I've done was regurgitating facts, answering questions, showing where a mistake was made, and repeating things over and over.

Yes!! The other TA's just hand out worksheets from last year and most students find it difficult (since students didnt some of the material on the worksheet). But I attend the lecture and take notes again so I can teach them how the professor would teach. I send them emails 4-5 times a week and give them advice on what I used to do and what worked for me to study for the class. I even made a 150 question review guide for their first exam, which helped them a lot. I didn't even have to do this. I'm getting paid for tutoring but there are times where I reserve a room in the library just to help them out (without getting paid). Overall, I feel like I'm HELPING and CARING about them, and the most important thing... I really feel like I'm a LEADER.
Overall, I feel like I'm HELPING and CARING about them, and the most important thing... I really feel like I'm a LEADER.
After reading your description, I agree with you.