Oregon (OHSU) secondary

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Oct 25, 2007
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Anyone has completed OHSU secondary essay?

It is definitely different that OHSU is doing the paper route instead of electronic.

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Anyone has completed OHSU secondary essay?

It is definitely different that OHSU is doing the paper route instead of electronic.

Yeah, it was my favorite secondary essay to write.

I am not a fan of the paper route... too slow and too many errors.
yeah, OHSU always does the paper route. They are notoriously one of the slowest med schools in the country regarding this stuff. When you submit the secondary, they also will only notify you of an interview request via snail mail. In addition, they don't favor anyone who gets their secondary materials in asap over others that take more time. They wait until March to let ANYONE know whether or not they're accepted. I interviewed there last year in October and wasn't accepted until June. Good luck!
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Yikes, OHSU sure took their time. Thanks nontradhopeful. Are you at OHSU now?
I actually enjoyed the paper application--since I didn't own a functional computer when I was applying, it was really nice that I didn't have to squeeze in as much public library computer time (1 hour limit) during the week of my MCAT to complete it.

With that said, I'm an MS-1 here now, and I can tell you that in the end, all the waiting has been worth it to be classmates with such an impressive, accomplished, intelligent, driven, and easy-going group of individuals. OHSU really did a wonderful job choosing our class, regardless of the format of the application.

In addition, they do accept about 15% of interviewees directly, I think. It was the other 85% or so of us that had to wait till after May 15th.

I wish you the best of luck applying!
I actually enjoyed the paper application--since I didn't own a functional computer when I was applying, it was really nice that I didn't have to squeeze in as much public library computer time (1 hour limit) during the week of my MCAT to complete it.

With that said, I'm an MS-1 here now, and I can tell you that in the end, all the waiting has been worth it to be classmates with such an impressive, accomplished, intelligent, driven, and easy-going group of individuals. OHSU really did a wonderful job choosing our class, regardless of the format of the application.

In addition, they do accept about 15% of interviewees directly, I think. It was the other 85% or so of us that had to wait till after May 15th.

Your figures might be right. From what I remember from the interview, Oregon will start accepting people after they go through > 50 interviews. They will give out acceptances sparingly and put everyone else on hold. They will give out no more than 120 acceptances (expected class size) before May 15. If your 15% figure is correct, that means that only 18 people out of the 120 who were directly accepted before March 15 will choose to go to Oregon, while the other 102 will go elsewhere. At this point, 102 people will be pulled of the hold to enter the class. Thus, the total acceptances = 120 + 102 = 222. This number is very close to the statistic found in USNews. The total number they interview is 430-500, so people have an approximately 50/50 chance of getting in post interview. That's pretty good odds to me. Does this sound like a good assessment?
Wow, your numbers sound pretty good. I'm not sure about the 18/120 will go to OHSU, while the other 112 will go elsewhere, but everything seems to add up anyway. And, if it's any consolation, they'll accept more than 120 prior to May 15th; it's just that they don't exceed 120 filled seats. So, basically, the really considerate applicants who get accepted but choose to go elsewhere who withdraw from OHSU prior to May 15 will lead to more acceptances to fill the seats in the class.

Also, there are 120 people in my class, and the waitlist got to number 77, maybe? I don't know how many waitlisters took OHSU up on their offer, and how many direct admits did, but this means that between one-third and half the class came off the waitlist. (I was a waitlister, and I got in pretty soon after the rankings were released.)
Wow, your numbers sound pretty good. I'm not sure about the 18/120 will go to OHSU, while the other 112 will go elsewhere, but everything seems to add up anyway. And, if it's any consolation, they'll accept more than 120 prior to May 15th; it's just that they don't exceed 120 filled seats. So, basically, the really considerate applicants who get accepted but choose to go elsewhere who withdraw from OHSU prior to May 15 will lead to more acceptances to fill the seats in the class.

Also, there are 120 people in my class, and the waitlist got to number 77, maybe? I don't know how many waitlisters took OHSU up on their offer, and how many direct admits did, but this means that between one-third and half the class came off the waitlist. (I was a waitlister, and I got in pretty soon after the rankings were released.)

Are you referring to medical school rankings or some sort of waitlist rankings for OHSU?
Wow, your numbers sound pretty good. I'm not sure about the 18/120 will go to OHSU, while the other 112 will go elsewhere, but everything seems to add up anyway. And, if it's any consolation, they'll accept more than 120 prior to May 15th; it's just that they don't exceed 120 filled seats. So, basically, the really considerate applicants who get accepted but choose to go elsewhere who withdraw from OHSU prior to May 15 will lead to more acceptances to fill the seats in the class.

Also, there are 120 people in my class, and the waitlist got to number 77, maybe? I don't know how many waitlisters took OHSU up on their offer, and how many direct admits did, but this means that between one-third and half the class came off the waitlist. (I was a waitlister, and I got in pretty soon after the rankings were released.)

What month were you able to find out about your ranking number?
I was referring to waitlist rankings. They come out at different times every year, if at all, depending on the number of people interviewed, and hence how late interviews went, and what's going on in the admissions office with regards to the staff. Last year they came out about a week into June, the year before it was May 15, I think, and the year before I don't think they ever released them. But, for the most part, you'll find out your ranking number, which is super helpful in terms of having a really good idea of whether or not you'll eventually be accepted. And almost all the other schools won't release that info, so I really appreciated it when they did.
So I got the complete postcard in the mail at the end of September from OHSU, but I haven't heard a word since then. Does anyone know a number for OHSU that I could call to ask about my status? I'm sort of concerned because apparently I had an Emory acceptance floating in my mail for about a month (mailed on 10/29, got to me on 12/1), and it would be awful if there was an OHSU interview invite out there too.... Thanks guys!
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In my experience, OHSU has been kind of iffy on status checks. You can call them, but first you have to sit through a long, automated message about how they're looking at your application and you need to be patient.

They traditionally take their time. Some people got accepted as late as August last year. That's just how they roll.
So I got the complete postcard in the mail at the end of September from OHSU, but I haven't heard a word since then. Does anyone know a number for OHSU that I could call to ask about my status? I'm sort of concerned because apparently I had an Emory acceptance floating in my mail for about a month (mailed on 10/29, got to me on 12/1), and it would be awful if there was an OHSU interview invite out there too.... Thanks guys!

They started sending out interview invites at the end of September and began interviews mid-October. Considering that they started interviewing relatively late, I don't think you're quite in the stage to be worrying. Also, because they go pretty late into the process in terms of interviewing and accepting, that's even more reason to not worry (yet).
Your figures might be right. From what I remember from the interview, Oregon will start accepting people after they go through > 50 interviews. They will give out acceptances sparingly and put everyone else on hold. They will give out no more than 120 acceptances (expected class size) before May 15. If your 15% figure is correct, that means that only 18 people out of the 120 who were directly accepted before March 15 will choose to go to Oregon, while the other 102 will go elsewhere. At this point, 102 people will be pulled of the hold to enter the class. Thus, the total acceptances = 120 + 102 = 222. This number is very close to the statistic found in USNews. The total number they interview is 430-500, so people have an approximately 50/50 chance of getting in post interview. That's pretty good odds to me. Does this sound like a good assessment?

Just wanted to correct this a little. From what I understood at the interview, they will accept about 15% of the class "immediately" (you know, 4-6 weeks later, at best) after the interview. They'll reject some, and put all other qualified applicants on hold until they finish most of their interviews. So only 18 or so applicants are in for most of the winter. The rest of the 120 doesn't even get accepted until spring, at which point there is a lot of turnover.

You're right that they only give out 120 acceptances at a time. But it's not that 102 of the original 120 decide not to go to OHSU, but that a lot of the people they accept in April/May/June have already gotten other acceptances by then, so they may need to accept 3-4 people to fill each spot in the last quarter of the class. OHSU goes through its hold list rapidly when it finally starts accepting people, ultimately accepting about 225 people. Almost all of these acceptances are in the spring and summer. If you're on hold, you're in great shape, unlike at many other schools.
Just wanted to correct this a little. From what I understood at the interview, they will accept about 15% of the class "immediately" (you know, 4-6 weeks later, at best) after the interview. They'll reject some, and put all other qualified applicants on hold until they finish most of their interviews. So only 18 or so applicants are in for most of the winter. The rest of the 120 doesn't even get accepted until spring, at which point there is a lot of turnover.

You're right that they only give out 120 acceptances at a time. But it's not that 102 of the original 120 decide not to go to OHSU, but that a lot of the people they accept in April/May/June have already gotten other acceptances by then, so they may need to accept 3-4 people to fill each spot in the last quarter of the class. OHSU goes through its hold list rapidly when it finally starts accepting people, ultimately accepting about 225 people. Almost all of these acceptances are in the spring and summer. If you're on hold, you're in great shape, unlike at many other schools.

Now...did they say they would offer acceptances to fill about 15% of their class (the 18 that you mentioned) or did they say they would send out acceptances to approximately 15% of their interview pool, which is 78/525? I could be wrong, but I thought I heard the latter...

Anyone have any ideas?
Now...did they say they would offer acceptances to fill about 15% of their class (the 18 that you mentioned) or did they say they would send out acceptances to approximately 15% of their interview pool, which is 78/525? I could be wrong, but I thought I heard the latter...

Anyone have any ideas?

What they're saying is that about 20 people will get accepted before May--almost all the rest of their acceptances will come after may.
Now...did they say they would offer acceptances to fill about 15% of their class (the 18 that you mentioned) or did they say they would send out acceptances to approximately 15% of their interview pool, which is 78/525? I could be wrong, but I thought I heard the latter...

Anyone have any ideas?

So, OHSU rejects about 10% of their interviewees after the interview, accepts about 10-15%, and puts the other 75-80% of interviewees on hold until May.

They are continuously reviewing applications, reviewing them in the consecutive order they were completed and cleared of residency and other issues, even taking applications home at night to review. It's slow, but they're overworked.

OHSU continues to send out interview invites through about March, and last year interviewed into April.

I hope this helps!
We asked many questions about the acceptance process at my interview and this is what they said. By May 15 they try to accept 115 (I believe this is the new class size after the Oregon tort reform was overturned). This works out to be ~15% of those who interview. They will not accept more. Then, as people turn down the acceptances, they turn to the ranked list and start admitting.
I still haven't got the completion postcard but I submitted late (just before Christmas). I hope I still have a chance at an interview since it's now one of my top choices. Good to hear they will still be sending out invites through March.
So, OHSU rejects about 10% of their interviewees after the interview, accepts about 10-15%, and puts the other 75-80% of interviewees on hold until May.

They are continuously reviewing applications, reviewing them in the consecutive order they were completed and cleared of residency and other issues, even taking applications home at night to review. It's slow, but they're overworked.

OHSU continues to send out interview invites through about March, and last year interviewed into April.

I hope this helps!

So...when it was all said and done in May, how many people from the original 75-80% were rejected? How many people were ranked on the alternate list?
So...when it was all said and done in May, how many people from the original 75-80% were rejected? How many people were ranked on the alternate list?

I honestly have no idea. But, last year, there were 167 people on the ranked waitlist, out of about 350 on hold, and they accepted up to #77. I can't imagine their waitlist quota is exactly 167, and I can't imagine very many people with acceptances elsewhere that they're happy with are going to send back the letter asking if they would like to be on the waitlist. So my guess is that most, if not all, people on hold are invited to be on the waitlist. But that's just a shot-in-the-dark guess.
I applied super late, but did get my completion card last month (February). I'm still waiting to hear if I even have an interview, but I figure with a late application that I will just have to be patient. That's the price for procrastination.
I applied super late, but did get my completion card last month (February). I'm still waiting to hear if I even have an interview, but I figure with a late application that I will just have to be patient. That's the price for procrastination.
When exactly did you submit your secondary? I still haven't received a completion card. I'm going to give them a call on Monday. Hope we still have a shot.