Ortho GRE!!!

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Sep 8, 2006
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Is it true west coast schools are starting to weigh GREs more and more. I went to an Ivy college, but my Part 1 score was only an 87 :( I decided i was interested in orthodontics the following year and have been playing catch up adn then took the GREs and got a 1390. Do you think some schools may give my GRE a greater look than the NBDE or is it just used as a tie breaker? i applied to most of the GRE required schools...
anyone hear about other schools that really care a lot about GREs. I heard from some people that GREs are just a part of the graduate school requirements and that some schools dont even glance at them...Thanks

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I heard from some people that GREs are just a part of the graduate school requirements and that some schools dont even glance at them...Thanks

i heard the same .. some schools even ask you to improve your GRE score after you are admitted:thumbup:
The weight of the GRE is very school dependent. Some schools that I have asked state that it is their top ranking between applicants (and I have been told that when boards are pass/fail GRE is all they will have to use to quantify between candidates). Other schools only require GRE because the graduate program requires a minimum score and they do not care as long as you have the minimum score. I guess you cannot know unless you call every school and ask.
The weight of the GRE is very school dependent. Some schools that I have asked state that it is their top ranking between applicants (and I have been told that when boards are pass/fail GRE is all they will have to use to quantify between candidates). Other schools only require GRE because the graduate program requires a minimum score and they do not care as long as you have the minimum score. I guess you cannot know unless you call every school and ask.

what schools told you that GRE is "their top ranking between applicants"