Ortho residency hours

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I am not even a med student yet so I know it is probably silly for me to be asking these questions, but I am curious anyhow.

What are the hours involved in a ortho residency? Around 80-90? Do you have to do an internship before ortho, or a general surgery year first?

After completion of a ortho residency and fellowship what kind of weekly hours would an attending expect to maintain for his career?

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DoctorPardi said:
I am not even a med student yet so I know it is probably silly for me to be asking these questions, but I am curious anyhow.

What are the hours involved in a ortho residency? Around 80-90? Do you have to do an internship before ortho, or a general surgery year first?

After completion of a ortho residency and fellowship what kind of weekly hours would an attending expect to maintain for his career?

Just like neurosurgery and ent, ortho has a preliminary year of general surgery followed by four years ortho residency. However, I think that the programs match you as a pgy-1 but you spend the first year doing general surgery. Hope this helps. As for the hours, I honestly don't know. If the program is good at following the federal limit, no more than 80 hours per week on average. I have, though, seen quite a few posts from residents working more than 80 hours.
Born2baDoctor said:
Just like neurosurgery and ent, ortho has a preliminary year of general surgery followed by four years ortho residency. However, I think that the programs match you as a pgy-1 but you spend the first year doing general surgery. Hope this helps. As for the hours, I honestly don't know. If the program is good at following the federal limit, no more than 80 hours per week on average. I have, though, seen quite a few posts from residents working more than 80 hours.

So what is the difference between pgy-1 and an intern year?