Overcoming a bad GPA?

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Maeby Funke

Full Member
10+ Year Member
Apr 20, 2011
Reaction score
My first two years of college were really rough, and I had a lot of personal distractions from school. By the end of my sophomore year I had a 2.8 GPA and decided to transfer to a school that was closer to home. At the time I'd mostly just taken various GE courses as an undeclared major. The only health-related courses I took were calculus (got a C in) and principles of biology (got B's in).

After transferring I declared myself as a biology major and for the past year and a half have maintained a 3.8 GPA while taking many upper division biology courses. I've also gotten solid A's in all of the pre-med pre-reqs so far (I just need O chem now). I have one more year of school left and hopefully can keep my GPA up during that time. However, averaging my current GPA with my transfer GPA, I still have less than a 3.5. I've only recently been considering med school so I don't have a great feel for how admissions tends to weigh things. Do you think my poor transfer GPA is gonna kill my chances at most schools?

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Upward trends are good. Your gpa is split up by year, so adcoms will see it.

A good MCAT score + an upward trend would be really good.

If you are thinking of applying DO, you may consider retaking some classes and doing grade-replacement, but it doesn't seem like you are at that point right now if you were thinking MD only.
Upward trends are good. Your gpa is split up by year, so adcoms will see it.

A good MCAT score + an upward trend would be really good.

If you are thinking of applying DO, you may consider retaking some classes and doing grade-replacement, but it doesn't seem like you are at that point right now if you were thinking MD only.

I've often wondered, do they see it by semester as well?