Medical Paid Clinical Experience Doesn’t Count?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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I know someone on the admissions committee (he reviews applicant profiles) for my state school’s med school. He told me something that I don’t believe is true: that paid clinical experience doesn’t count unless you qualify for a Pell grant and that I need more clinical VOLUNTEER hours even though I already have 300 paid patient transport hours, 100 clinical volunteer hours, and 100 shadowing hours (which count under clinical experience at the school).

I don’t think this is true at all, but I don’t know why he would be telling me this if it wasn’t. Is there anything I’m missing in my understanding of clinical experience? I’m not even sure what else to ask.

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Not true, though it may be a mission priority at his school that makes it true for that specific school. Keep in mind that every school has its quirks, so if this is one of your top choices you may need to take what he is saying seriously

What other nonclinical volunteering do you have?
paid clinical experience doesn’t count unless you qualify for a Pell grant and that I need more clinical VOLUNTEER hours even though I already have 300 paid patient transport hours, 100 clinical volunteer hours, and 100 shadowing hours (which count under clinical experience at the school)
1) never had the Pell grant condition... may be very unique to that school

2) I don't understand... what type of clinical volunteering? I don't think you need to have more.

I have to see your profile again... I don't get the feedback...
He's wrong wrong wrong!

Clinical exposure is clinical exposure whether it's paid or volunteer. I actually prefer the latter, as employment skills are useful. To many medical students, residency is their first job ever, and it shows.
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