Pass/failing Ochem 2 and retaking it

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May 20, 2021
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I've never made a post on here before, so I'm not sure how this works, but I was just wondering whether I should pass/fail my Ochem 2 class and retake it or if I should just keep the grade and retake it. This semester was pretty difficult for me mentally (obviously due to the pandemic because all the burnout from the past few semesters really hit me this past semester, but there were also things like some deaths of former classmates), so I did poorly in Ochem 2 (I'm probably getting a D-). I know I could've done better if I had managed my time better, but I spent more of my time on getting A's in Ochem lab and biochem (among other classes). Anyways, I am now unsure as to whether or not I should pass/fail OChem 2 because my university is still allowing us to pass/fail classes for COVID reasons. I know that pass/failing prerequisite courses doesn't look good to med school admissions, but if I have to retake the class anyway, would there really be such a huge difference between a pass/failed course and a D-? I was under the impression that they would view a pass/fail grade as a C or D anyway, so I'm leaning more towards pass/failing it (but I also don't want to make a decision that I'll regret later). If I pass fail the class, my cGPA would be a 3.85 and my sGPA would be a 3.79. If I take it as a letter grade, this changes my cGPA to a 3.7 and my sGPA to a 3.53, and that's a pretty big decrease. Should I pass/fail it if it's going to significantly decrease my GPA (especially since a pass/failed course implies a lower grade anyway)? A D- and a Pass with Pass/Fail seems like they would look the same, and I want to protect my GPA.

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Protect your GPA and take the pass.

Schools won't look negatively at pass/fail due to COVID.
Take it pass fail. I’m not sure I’d advise a retake either. A lot of medical schools don’t require OChem 2 anymore. Learn the material on your own to prep you for bio chem/MCAT and move on with your studies.
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Take it pass fail. I’m not sure I’d advise a retake either. A lot of medical schools don’t require OChem 2 anymore. Learn the material on your own to prep you for bio chem/MCAT and move on with your studies.

I'll also add that some schools will take biochemistry in place of orgo 2
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Protect your GPA and take the pass.

Schools won't look negatively at pass/fail due to COVID.
Okay, thank you! I'll probably end up doing that. But I thought schools probably would look at pass/fail negatively because ochem is a prereq for some schools and it's also not Spring 2020 anymore. Is that not the case (I hope it's not)?