Patient got themself arrested

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Jan 5, 2007
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Patient discharged from inpatient psych.
Patient comes in next day saying they want to go back.
Mental health comes in and clears patient, recommends outpatient.
Patient becomes mad, yells, goes out and calls the cops saying they aren’t getting help.
Cops arrive, notice patient has a warrant, and arrest patient.


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I had one recently where a guy came in saying he wanted to be PCd to go to psych. Seen by tele-psych and cleared. As the pregnant tech is wheeling away the tele-psych computer he punches the pregnant telepsych in the face and goes “now you have to baker act me”

No, we don’t. But assault on a pregnant healthcare worker is a crime. Discharge to police custody where they find he has several warrants and so he’s not only arrested, he is also held without bail.

Since I’m also a doc at the jail I’ve seen him in clinic several times now and he always try’s to tell me how it was all just a big misunderstanding and if I could just “lift the charges he’ll be a model citizen.”

No can do buster. Here’s your PRN Tylenol script. Enjoy your extended stay in cell block K22, I’ll see ya again in 6-8 weeks
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I had one recently where a guy came in saying he wanted to be PCd to go to psych. Seen by tele-psych and cleared. As the pregnant tech is wheeling away the tele-psych computer he punches the pregnant telepsych in the face and goes “now you have to baker act me”

No, we don’t. But assault on a pregnant healthcare worker is a crime. Discharge to police custody where they find he has several warrants and so he’s not only arrested, he is also held without bail.

Since I’m also a doc at the jail I’ve seen him in clinic several times now and he always try’s to tell me how it was all just a big misunderstanding and if I could just “lift the charges he’ll be a model citizen.”

No can do buster. Here’s your PRN Tylenol script. Enjoy your extended stay in cell block K22, I’ll see ya again in 6-8 weeks
There’s no saving someone like that.
Have a new one today: Extubate to Jail...

Guy runs from cops over several counties, bails out with car still rolling, baggies falling from pockets and allegedly swallows something. PD brings them in for medical clearance, starts nodding and then gets narcanned. Goes completely buck wild and winds up intubated after all sedatives and restraints fail. Winds up in ICU with a UDS positive for pretty much everything. Stays on the vent over the weekend, successfully completes sedation vacation with negative labs, gets extubated with every cop in the county in attendance, immediately cuffed and taken to jail on multiple warrants
Patient discharged from inpatient psych.
Patient comes in next day saying they want to go back.
Mental health comes in and clears patient, recommends outpatient.
Patient becomes mad, yells, goes out and calls the cops saying they aren’t getting help.
Cops arrive, notice patient has a warrant, and arrest patient.

Patient from fellowship partied too hard and got intubated.

We extubate him.
He claims that he was raped at the party.
I alert the assistant nurse manager, who calls the police.
Police uncovers that he has made false reports in the past.
Patient doubles down.
Patient walks out of the ICU in cuffs.
Patient swallowed a baggie of Fentanyl. Turns out it is a baggie with 3 “mini” baggies. Each “mini” baggie has 100 pills of Fentanyl. Gets a golden ticket to ICU/scope/Gen Surg. Wakes up and goes to jail for three states worth of warrants.
I'm pretty sure I've told this story here before, but let's do it again.

Patient presents for CP/Sweats/SOB consistent with anxiety.
Work up negative.
Given a dose of ativan AND a rx for like 10 more tabs and told to follow up with psychiatrist asap.
Pt says they want another 2mg for the road. Told no way jose. just go fill your rx.
Patient begins going ape ****. Rips tv off wall and throws it through glass door of the exam room. Flips over stretcher and uses it as barrier to try to prevent us from getting to him. Eventually tries ripping monitor off wall next
Is restrained by us and police called.
Police arrive and refuse to do anything. say that pt is 'clearly psych'* and request we file a hold on pt instead.
We demand they arrest and charge patient. We feel happy.
Patient returns 15 minutes later by ambulance after police dropped him off at the dunkin donuts on the corner of the hospital and he immediately called 911 from there.
Patient leaps off of EMS stretcher, runs into code room, and again tries to use a stretcher to barricade himself in the room. Begins opening every drawer he can and dumping stuff onto the ground while screaming that he needs Ativan now.
Restrained by us once again and police called once again. Different unit comes and upon hearing the story, says that they're not going to contradict their partners and that we can either file a psychiatric hold or we can "deal with it."
Director of the ER gets the CEO of the hospital to contact the chief of police. Chief of police sends some higher ranking officer who agrees to have the patient charged.
Unfortunately the story does not have a good ending, ER director finds out later that even this higher ranking officer just took the guy and drove him to another hospital and dropped him off there. patient never formally charged.

*the patient is like a 90lb MTF transgender individual. It both makes this story of rampage even funnier and also makes the police perhaps a bit transphobic (for lack of a better term)
Guy comes in by police for “shortness of breath.” He is clearly homeless and was found wondering around a neighborhood trying to break into houses. He proceeds to get SOB/CP work up because he is complaining of it. He is put into a trauma room. Police leave and say, “he is clearly medical.” Patient the whole time thinks police are still here and are going to take him to jail after we are done with him. Everyone leaves this patient alone in the trauma room after getting all the stuff. I am seeing a patient next door and start to hear knocking in the walls and ceiling of the room. I finish with the patient, walk out of the room, and pop my head into the trauma room to make sure everything is ok.

I find a trash can upset down on the bed and a metal vent in the ceiling is hanging open.

The patient is gone.

We get hospital security to climb up into the ceiling vent and they find the patient laying flat in between the wall and pipework in the ceiling.

The whole time the patient is saying he doesn’t want to go with police as he is dragged kicking and screaming out the ceiling vent.
Guy comes in by police for “shortness of breath.” He is clearly homeless and was found wondering around a neighborhood trying to break into houses. He proceeds to get SOB/CP work up because he is complaining of it. He is put into a trauma room. Police leave and say, “he is clearly medical.” Patient the whole time thinks police are still here and are going to take him to jail after we are done with him. Everyone leaves this patient alone in the trauma room after getting all the stuff. I am seeing a patient next door and start to hear knocking in the walls and ceiling of the room. I finish with the patient, walk out of the room, and pop my head into the trauma room to make sure everything is ok.

I find a trash can upset down on the bed and a metal vent in the ceiling is hanging open.

The patient is gone.

We get hospital security to climb up into the ceiling vent and they find the patient laying flat in between the wall and pipework in the ceiling.

The whole time the patient is saying he doesn’t want to go with police as he is dragged kicking and screaming out the ceiling vent.

This story was not from the ER, but rather the wards.

As an intern I admit this really shaggy guy who literally looked like “the Dude” from The Big Lebowski. He showed up at the hospital in a bathrobe, boxers and a pair of sunglasses. Dude had been eating some sort of “raw meat”, “carnivarian” diet (only meat permitted in this diet, no vegetables whatsoever) and had given himself E. Coli gastroenteritis from eating raw beef.

After he’s admitted, he tells me that his girlfriend is coming. Half an hour later, a pleasant, very pregnant woman shows up. Ok, cute. Except that about half an hour later, another very pregnant woman shows up on the floor also claiming to be his girlfriend. Oops. As he explained later, this was “baby mama #2”. He had two pregnant girlfriends at once. What ensued was a knock down, drag out fist fight between two very pregnant women, with “the dude” sitting back in his bed with a smug look on his face as if he was pleased to see the two mothers of his children beating the **** out of each other.

Cops called, both women leave in cuffs.
This story was not from the ER, but rather the wards.

As an intern I admit this really shaggy guy who literally looked like “the Dude” from The Big Lebowski. He showed up at the hospital in a bathrobe, boxers and a pair of sunglasses. Dude had been eating some sort of “raw meat”, “carnivarian” diet (only meat permitted in this diet, no vegetables whatsoever) and had given himself E. Coli gastroenteritis from eating raw beef.

After he’s admitted, he tells me that his girlfriend is coming. Half an hour later, a pleasant, very pregnant woman shows up. Ok, cute. Except that about half an hour later, another very pregnant woman shows up on the floor also claiming to be his girlfriend. Oops. As he explained later, this was “baby mama #2”. He had two pregnant girlfriends at once. What ensued was a knock down, drag out fist fight between two very pregnant women, with “the dude” sitting back in his bed with a smug look on his face as if he was pleased to see the two mothers of his children beating the **** out of each other.

Cops called, both women leave in cuffs.
I love America.
Patient discharged from inpatient psych.
Patient comes in next day saying they want to go back.
Mental health comes in and clears patient, recommends outpatient.
Patient becomes mad, yells, goes out and calls the cops saying they aren’t getting help.
Cops arrive, notice patient has a warrant, and arrest patient.

Patient is singular. Does this patient use they/them pronouns? Or is the singular / plural dissociation just to try to keep the patient's identity a bit more vague?

I am not being grammar pronoun police. I am just curious that's all.

here in NYC we have to learn every patient's pronouns. while most patient use the classic binary two genders, there are a lot of individuals who use the neo genders here in NYC. one slip up and BAM ANGRY PATIENT.
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Patient is singular. Does this patient use they/them pronouns? Or is the singular / plural dissociation just to try to keep the patient's identity a bit more vague?

I am not being grammar pronoun police. I am just curious that's all.

here in NYC we have to learn every patient's pronouns. while most patient use the classic binary two genders, there are a lot of individuals who use the neo genders here in NYC. one slip up and BAM ANGRY PATIENT.
The word “they” was invented far before the pronoun wars of the 21st century. It can refer to both singular or multiple people, objects, dogs, cats, or whatever tickles your fancy.
The word “they” was invented far before the pronoun wars of the 21st century. It can refer to both singular or multiple people, objects, dogs, cats, or whatever tickles your fancy.
To elaborate on this, Merriam-Webster states that the singular 'they' has been in use for around 700 years:

We will note that they has been in consistent use as a singular pronoun since the late 1300s; that the development of singular they mirrors the development of the singular you from the plural you, yet we don’t complain that singular you is ungrammatical
This story was not from the ER, but rather the wards.

As an intern I admit this really shaggy guy who literally looked like “the Dude” from The Big Lebowski. He showed up at the hospital in a bathrobe, boxers and a pair of sunglasses. Dude had been eating some sort of “raw meat”, “carnivarian” diet (only meat permitted in this diet, no vegetables whatsoever) and had given himself E. Coli gastroenteritis from eating raw beef.

After he’s admitted, he tells me that his girlfriend is coming. Half an hour later, a pleasant, very pregnant woman shows up. Ok, cute. Except that about half an hour later, another very pregnant woman shows up on the floor also claiming to be his girlfriend. Oops. As he explained later, this was “baby mama #2”. He had two pregnant girlfriends at once. What ensued was a knock down, drag out fist fight between two very pregnant women, with “the dude” sitting back in his bed with a smug look on his face as if he was pleased to see the two mothers of his children beating the **** out of each other.

Cops called, both women leave in cuffs.
Kind of surprised they were not sent together to L&D triage to stare at each other for a few hours of cardiotocographic monitoring. I imagine that nothing pisses off a scorned woman like having to hear the heartbeat of their boyfriend’s child emanating from the abdomen of their competition on the other side of the curtain. Priceless…
The word “they” was invented far before the pronoun wars of the 21st century. It can refer to both singular or multiple people, objects, dogs, cats, or whatever tickles your fancy.
I want all stories on this thread to now refer to cats getting arrested
Is this cat like a feline cat or a cat like a 1950s slang cool cat?
Minutes before getting arrested.