PCAT Score

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7+ Year Member
Sep 18, 2015
Reaction score
Hello, I just took my PCAT and my Preliminary score report have a composite of
SS 371 and a PR 3
Verbal 368 PR 5
Biology 373 PR 6
Reading 366 PR 6
Quantitative 377 PR 8
Chemistry 372 PR 8

I need to know if I have a chance of getting into pharmacy school. I want to go to Northeast Medical in Ohio but I'm afraid I won't get in because of my PCAT score. English is my second language. My overall gpa 3.6. I'm the president of TriBeta National honor society at my college. I'm a member of the chemistry and premedical club there too and also getting my certificate in leadership but My classmates score a 50-70% on their PCAT and I'm afraid I might not get in. But my advisor kept telling me that I have a really good chance of getting in but I really doubt it. And I'm graduating with my associate of science and pre-medical degree in the spring. Please help me.

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Not sure if you typed those scores in right, but are all your scores really below 10%? Being as nice about this as possible, but I don't think even someone with a 4.0 GPA and was the president of their pre-pharm club with any credential available would have a chance at pharmacy school. Retake the PCAT, use the many resources discussed on this board and study hard.

Please let me know if I'm wrong!
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Not sure if you typed those scores in right, but are all your scores really below 10%? Being as nice about this as possible, but I don't think even someone with a 4.0 GPA and was the president of their pre-pharm club with any credential available would have a chance at pharmacy school. Retake the PCAT, use the many resources discussed on this board and study hard.

Please let me know if I'm wrong!

Idk, that why I was wondering and this is what they print out for me. And I typed exactly as they wrote it.
Keep your head up, go over the PCAT study guides, buy the official practice tests and take them as if they were real (simulate the room, rules, and time limits). If you feel like you're not ready, wait until next year when you can focus and study more to further prepare yourself. In the meantime try to get some experience in a pharmacy, it'll help with those questions about disease treatments as you have stated.