PCAT vs Pearson Practice Exams

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Feb 28, 2018
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For those of you who bought the practice exams pearson offered, how would you say the actual exam compared to the practice ones offered?
Would you say the quantitative reasoning portion was harder or same difficulty as the practice exam?

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Was pretty fair. Saw some almost replicate problems in Bio/Chem
Quant/CR was easier in the practice.
would you say the length of the readings in the cr section are about the same length on the actual exam?
and also what was difficult about the quant section compared to the practice?
For those of you who bought the practice exams pearson offered, how would you say the actual exam compared to the practice ones offered?
Would you say the quantitative reasoning portion was harder or same difficulty as the practice exam?
quant part alot harder than on practice test chem/bio good