Penn Med Class of 2013!

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Woo! Accepted!

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Totally loved Penn, now trying to decide between here and UCSF....

surfinghaole, are you from hawaii/cali?
Just got the acceptance! I'm super psyched!! Look forward to meeting you guys at second look!
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i am from los angeles... thus i harbor a strong hatred for the weather of the east coast, but considering how the UC's are going broke, going private seems like the way to go
hi everyone! i am super psyched about my penn acceptance, and am trying to decide between penn, yale and uchicago (who has given me some significant merit $$). complicating this decision is the fact that my bf is in a ph.d. program at yale (and i currently live in new haven)...

i feel like i am in a very lucky position, but damn! making decisions is tough!
Hey guys! I am an MS-1 at Penn and I absolutely love it! You guys should come to preview on the 23rd. We have an awesome weekend planned for everyone. Let me know if you have any questions! :)
I'll be there - looking forward to it dogs.
They're still working on the assignments. Some may have already heard, but I suspect the bulk of you haven't. You should hear next week. If it gets too close to comfort for you, you need to contact the student coordinators for some reason, or you have already made arrangements and want to cancel your request, I have an e-mail you can contact. PM me and I will send that to you.

If you're waiting to hear please just hang in there. They need to keep that e-mail as free as possible to make this complicated coordination possible :)
So ... this thread has been pretty quiet.

Personally, I'm getting really excited to head back to Penn tomorrow for the preview! :D I'm especially curious about housing around Penn and meeting potential fellow classmates.
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Second that, maybe after the preview it'll liven back up. (AKA BUMP)
soon to be 2nd yr Penn Vet student looking for roommate to share my 2 bdroom/2 bath condo in University City. Gated courtyard, great location, hardwood floors, carpeted bedrooms-can see picts @ I have a cat. PM if interested.
Is anyone else on this thread looking to share housing?
I am an incoming first year looking to share an apartment with several people either (very nearby) in West Philly or (inexpensive) in Center City. I am sure that there are several of us looking for something similar. I was looking at craigslist advertisements of 3818 Chestnut Street (Hamilton Court) which seems very near and inexpensive in University City especially if we get a four bedroom. If anyone is living in Philadelphia and can check it out, it may be worth renting. Other than that, I am just interested in finding potential roommates, so please PM me. Thanks!
I guess today makes it official... Penn Med Class of 2013. Woo hoo.

Is there a facebook group yet? Looking forward to meeting everyone in August :)
Congrats on getting in guys!

I'm interested in applying to Penn. Does anyone know if all lectures are mandatory?
So ... does anyone else still feel really happy every time they log onto the satus page and it says "accepted"? :laugh:

I guess for some reason, part of me keeps thinking they'll change their mind or something.

Anyway, I'm already looking forward to August and meeting everyone.
I'm interested in applying to Penn. Does anyone know if all lectures are mandatory?

Some lectures are mandatory. This varies from none to a couple a week depending on the week. All small groups are mandatory, usually one per day.

But I think it's silly to apply based on these sorts of minor details. If you're interested you should apply, and then choose where to go to med school based on where you're accepted and then these sorts of details (though cost and location should be #1 and #2 deciding factors IMO).

blurryLines said:
I guess for some reason, part of me keeps thinking they'll change their mind or something.

Me too! :D
Does anyone know anything about financial aid, particularly when/how we go about getting our loans? I've been trying to get in touch with the finaid office, but they seem to be pretty unresponsive
Actually, the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid is awesome. I am pretty sure you will not find such a responsive and knowledgeable group at any other institution. Rebekka Anderson is very helpful and always willing to take the time to explain whatever you need.

Getting financial aid is an easy process. Go to the financial aid website through the tab when you log in and go to Stafford and/or GradPLUS and then see recommended providers or some list like that. Click on it and the lender you want. Then follow the step-by-step instructions. You will then have to sign an MPN and take a small online course about loans. I literally did all of the necessary paperwork in less than an hour. All my information was updated in the Penn system very very quickly. I am really amazed at how easy they make it and how accesible the financial aid officers are.