percent error

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Nov 14, 2024
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for percent error formula can I write |experimental-theoretical|/(theoretical)*100% or is "actual" only correct? I get confused when I see "what we should have yielded" and think "theoretical" instead of "actual."

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Just think |Smaller #-Bigger #| / |Bigger #|

Booster keeps changing what they call actual vs theoretical vs experimental and its really annoying, took me a while to get it too.
To understand the difference between actual yield and theoretical yield, start by referencing a trusted chemistry source. The actual yield is the amount of product you obtain at the end of an experiment. On the other hand, the theoretical yield—typically the larger value—is calculated on paper using stoichiometric conversions based on the chemical equation. Simply apply the formula provided below, and you’ll be able to determine how efficiently your reaction produced the desired outcome. Dr. Romano