Personal Statement length

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Jan 29, 2012
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My PS is about 3000 characters and I don't know what else I should put to be honest. Should I add stuff in there to make it longer. I feel I wrote a great essay, and I would spend a lot of time on each of the 4 paragraphs I wrote. What is an appropriate length, 3000-3500 characters or 3500-4000 characters?

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My PS is about 3000 characters and I don't know what else I should put to be honest. Should I add stuff in there to make it longer. I feel I wrote a great essay, and I would spend a lot of time on each of the 4 paragraphs I wrote. What is an appropriate length, 3000-3500 characters or 3500-4000 characters?

As most English teachers like to state "It should long enough to express what you have to say."
My personal statement was one page and "1.5" lines, not double spaced. You need to get your point across and not be repetitive or redundant. A personal statement is just used so that they can get an idea of the type of person you are before an interview. They use it to get rid of the people that can't write well or sound stupid, honestly. I would fill out their requirements of length but not go over because they don't want to spend all day reading personal statements. Think about how many applications they get, they don't want extra lengthy ones. Just make sure to use the length they recommend and choose your words carefully Good luck !
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So basically what you guys are saying is that I should just stop writing if I feel I am done and wrote a good essay with 3000 characters?