Hello everybody,
I haven't posted here in a long time but I seem to be stuck in a situation that I am hoping someone else can relate to and maybe offer suggestions on how to get out of it. I graduated pharmacy school about 6 years ago and was fortunate enough to find a job as a pharmacist right after in NYC. About a year in, I got pregnant and was let go. I wasn’t able to find another pharmacist job after for awhile (apparently nobody wanted to hire me knowing that I would have to be out on maternity soon after) so I decided to just stay home and resume my job search after having my baby. About six months after delivering, I started looking again but seemed like the job market was even tougher so I ended up taking a pharm tech job hoping that would transition to a pharmacist job shortly after (which they promised they would consider doing when I joined). It’s now been about 5 years and I’m still working here as a pharm tech. I’ve seen half a dozen new pharmacists hired on (many of which were new grads and foreign pharmacists) and some of these have already moved on to their next jobs but I’ve been passed over every single time. I’ve even tried applying for pharmacist jobs at other places and even out of state but no takers. I’m not sure if employers just see me as only able to do tech work now but I feel like it’s already been 5 years and the longer I’m not able to find a pharmacist job the likelihood of me getting back to being a pharmacist is getting even smaller. I’ve also told my current employer that I’d quit if they don’t give me a pharmacist position but I’m worried because I’m not able to find any other pharmacy related jobs elsewhere. Anyone been in this situation before?
I haven't posted here in a long time but I seem to be stuck in a situation that I am hoping someone else can relate to and maybe offer suggestions on how to get out of it. I graduated pharmacy school about 6 years ago and was fortunate enough to find a job as a pharmacist right after in NYC. About a year in, I got pregnant and was let go. I wasn’t able to find another pharmacist job after for awhile (apparently nobody wanted to hire me knowing that I would have to be out on maternity soon after) so I decided to just stay home and resume my job search after having my baby. About six months after delivering, I started looking again but seemed like the job market was even tougher so I ended up taking a pharm tech job hoping that would transition to a pharmacist job shortly after (which they promised they would consider doing when I joined). It’s now been about 5 years and I’m still working here as a pharm tech. I’ve seen half a dozen new pharmacists hired on (many of which were new grads and foreign pharmacists) and some of these have already moved on to their next jobs but I’ve been passed over every single time. I’ve even tried applying for pharmacist jobs at other places and even out of state but no takers. I’m not sure if employers just see me as only able to do tech work now but I feel like it’s already been 5 years and the longer I’m not able to find a pharmacist job the likelihood of me getting back to being a pharmacist is getting even smaller. I’ve also told my current employer that I’d quit if they don’t give me a pharmacist position but I’m worried because I’m not able to find any other pharmacy related jobs elsewhere. Anyone been in this situation before?