Pharmacy interview?

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2+ Year Member
Jun 15, 2020
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I recently got interviews from pharmacy programs and does getting an interview mean you're basically in? i was surprised because I applied to high ranking schools and managed to get an interview. They emailed me saying my interview date and that they're going to go over my academic record to see if I'm able to finish before the deadline (which I will) but I'm just not sure how I should treat it? probably a really stupid question but go figure.

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First of all, congratulations on getting interview invites! Secondly, do not assume you are basically in. You still need to prepare very well for your upcoming interviews, and this means doing lots of practice under realistic conditions and practicing with different question types. Remember that it is important to have a strategy for each question type (scenario, policy, personal, etc.) and always show that you can remain non-judgmental, look at one situation from different perspectives, and be professional and ethical. Your professionalism has to shine through! Best of luck to you in your upcoming interviews!
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2019 - 2020 PharmCAS Applicant Data Report

For those who applied and interviewed, 86.8% of applicants got accepted. The mean number of accepted applicants per program was 89.9% (~90%). long as you are coherent and professional come interview time, the stats should play in your favor (especially with programs no longer requiring the PCAT, prior tech experience, and a gradual lowering of GPA minimums).

Job Saturation: Is Pharmacy Worth it? Here's What You Need to Know
Thats for all programs… don’t be misleading. Top 10 schools acceptance rate is between 15-20%. A bit high compared to medical schools admission but not 85%. Sure,85% of all the people who apply get in but thats not to top programs.
Good God 90%!!!

What the hell did the other 10% do? They must have lit up a cigarette and put their feet on the table and flipped them the finger to not be accepted.
Good God 90%!!!

What the hell did the other 10% do? They must have lit up a cigarette and put their feet on the table and flipped them the finger to not be accepted.

Even then the schools will still accept said students and beg them to enroll.

The ones who got rejected probably didn’t have a pulse and/or didn’t qualify for $200k+ in student loans.