So I applied last year for pharmacy schools and submitted by pharmcas application but my pharmcas application was put on hold due to plagiarism found in my personal statement. I appealed but still they didn't let me proceed for last year and told me that I can apply again next year and told me that I'll have to click yes to this question in the background section.. "Were you ever the recipient of any action (e.g., a grade lowering penalty, failing grade, disqualification, suspension, probation, dismissal, etc.) by any faculty member, college, or university, PharmCAS or health licensing board for academic or professional misconduct (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, harassment, misuse of university facilities, stealing destroying or damaging university property etc.)?" Now the thing is the I wrote my personal statement in my OWN words. I didn't copy anything. I just looked at some examples online and I don't know how only one sentence was invertedly copied. It accounted for only 11% plagiarized, but they still put my application on hold and didn't let me go ahead in the process and I had to wait one more year. Now I am starting a new pharmcas application and this year, they weren't able to carry on the information from last year's pharmcas because of the new technology platform change for this year. So I had to create a new profile and I have a new CID and everything now. My question is that do you think that they will still be able to tell if I violated the code of conduct with pharmcas last year considering that I had to start a whole new application this year? I am just trying to avoid any type of problems that might arise if I answer yes to that question. I am not exactly sure how the AACP and PharmCas work in such issues. If I answer No for the question, how will they be able to tell that I ever got in trouble? I know this is about being honest and the best thing to do is to explain my situation but at this point, I was just wondering about how PharmCas keeps tracks of any past violations? Thank you for your help.