Phase II

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7+ Year Member
Oct 22, 2014
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Hi all! Unfortunately, I did not match during Phase I. I received 5/11 interviews (all acute care positions). I have decided to pursue phase II, but I need interview advice. I believe this was what kept me from matching. Does anyone have any tips (specifically RPDs/preceptors, but ANY advice is welcome)! 🙂 PS. I don't think I said or did anything egregious.

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Well what specifically do you think from the interviews kept you from matching? Did you find many situations to be awkward? Were you quiet? Did you have trouble answering scenario-based questions or struggled with interview questions in general? Did you not ask questions afterwards?
There can be many things that can be a barrier between a candidate and RPDs/faculty from clicking.

It's hard to say give advice on what to improve on if it's not a clear what may have been an issue.
None of the above. I was friendly, asked tons of questions. I believe maybe I was too friendly, potentially. Maybe to the point they thought I wasn't taking it seriously enough? Or because I have many interests, I may seem non-committed. I'm unsure beyond that. I didn't know if anyone had any advice in general from experiences they've had.
Have you tried reaching out to the sites you didn't match at? I was able to get valuable feedback about my interview I can hopefully fix in round 2.