PICU 2020 Fellowship

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Jul 16, 2019
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Hey all! Hoping to have a place where people post when they start hearing from programs! I feel like since submitting I have been staring at my phone expecting emails. Good luck!

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Some of the UC schools have sent out interviews. I've heard back from UC Davis and UCSD.
PICU 2020 Fellowship
UCSD - 7/17
UC Davis - 7/17
Emory - 7/19

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
PICU 2020 Fellowship
UCSD - 7/17
UC Davis - 7/17
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
PICU 2020 Fellowship
UCSD - 7/17
UC Davis - 7/17
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UAB - 7/19

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
PICU 2020 Fellowship
UCSD - 7/17
UC Davis - 7/17
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UAB - 7/19

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
UCSD - 7/17
UC Davis - 7/17
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UAB - 7/19
Loma Linda - 7/22
UT Southwestern - 7/26
UCLA - 7/26

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
UCSD - 7/17
UC Davis - 7/17
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UAB - 7/19
Loma Linda - 7/22
UT Southwestern - 7/26
UCLA - 7/26
OHSU - 8/2
MCW - 8/2

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22
Loma Linda - 7/22
Louisville - 7/22
MCW - 8/2
OHSU - 8/2
UAB - 7/19
UCLA - 7/26
UC Davis - 7/17
UCSD - 7/17
University of Chicago - 7/28
University of Tennessee - 7/31
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UT Southwestern - 7/26
Yale - 7/31

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22
Loma Linda - 7/22
Louisville - 7/22
MCW - 8/2
OHSU - 8/2
UAB - 7/19
UCLA - 7/26
UC Davis - 7/17
UCSD - 7/17
University of Chicago - 7/28
University of Tennessee - 7/31
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UT Southwestern - 7/26
Yale - 7/31
Nationwide 8/5

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
Members don't see this ad :)
Children’s National - 8/13
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22
Loma Linda - 7/22
Louisville - 7/22
MCW - 8/2
Northwestern - 8/6
OHSU - 8/2
UAB - 7/19
UCLA - 7/26
UC Davis - 7/17
UC Irvine - 8/6
UCSD - 7/17
University of Chicago - 7/28
University of Tennessee - 7/31
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UT Southwestern - 7/26
Yale - 7/31
Nationwide 8/5

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
Children’s National - 8/13
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
IU - 7/22
Loma Linda - 7/22
Louisville - 7/22
MCW - 8/2
Northwestern - 8/6
OHSU - 8/2
UAB - 7/19
UCLA - 7/26
UC Davis - 7/17
UC Irvine - 8/6
UCSD - 7/17
University of Chicago - 7/28
University of Tennessee - 7/31
Utah 8/14
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UT Southwestern - 7/26
Yale - 7/31
Nationwide 8/5

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
Children’s National - 8/13
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
Jackson Memorial (Miami) - 8/5
IU - 7/22
Loma Linda - 7/22
Louisville - 7/22
MCW - 8/2
Miami Children's (Nicklaus) - 7/24
Northwestern - 8/6
OHSU - 8/2
UAB - 7/19
UCLA - 7/26
UC Davis - 7/17
UC Irvine - 8/6
UCSD - 7/17
University of Chicago - 7/28
University of Tennessee - 7/31
Utah 8/14
UT Houston - 8/2
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UT Southwestern - 7/26
WashU - 7/25
Yale - 7/31
Nationwide 8/5

Continue to copy and paste and add the programs you have heard from!
Children’s National - 8/13
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
Jackson Memorial (Miami) - 8/5
IU - 7/22
Loma Linda - 7/22
Louisville - 7/22
MCW - 8/2
Miami Children's (Nicklaus) - 7/24
Mt. Sinai - 8/16
Northwestern - 8/6
OHSU - 8/2
UAB - 7/19
UCLA - 7/26
UC Davis - 7/17
UC Irvine - 8/6
UCSD - 7/17
University of Chicago - 7/28
University of Tennessee - 7/31
Utah 8/14
UT Houston - 8/2
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UT Southwestern - 7/26
WashU - 7/25
Yale - 7/31
Nationwide 8/5
Children’s National - 8/13
Emory - 7/19, 7/24
Jackson Memorial (Miami) - 8/5
IU - 7/22
Loma Linda - 7/22
Louisville - 7/22
MCW - 8/2
Miami Children's (Nicklaus) - 7/24
Mt. Sinai - 8/16
Nationwide -8/5
Northwestern - 8/6
OHSU - 8/2
UAB - 7/19
UCLA - 7/26
UC Davis - 7/17
UC Irvine - 8/6
UCSD - 7/17
University of Chicago - 7/28
University of Tennessee - 7/31
Utah 8/14
UT Houston - 8/2
UT San Antonio - 7/23
UT Southwestern - 7/26
WashU - 7/25
Yale - 7/31

Children’s National
Been a bit quiet here lately! Any word from east coast programs? I.e Cornell, Columbia, MGH, BCH, CHOP, Duke, Hopkins, Cincinnati?
Still haven’t heard from Cornell, Columbia, and CHOP, or Seattle. Got BCH reject. Didn’t apply to the others.
Wow seems like it's a very competitive year! Good luck to everyone as you move through the fellowship interview season and match. This field is fortunate to have so many qualified and passionate individuals pursuing a difficult path. Here's to us and to ending up where we are meant to be as we look toward further training! Cheers and keep your chin up!