Please help me decide! Rowan-Virtua SOM vs. NYITCOM (LI)

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New Member
Apr 9, 2023
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Hello everyone!

I have been incredibly fortunate enough to have acceptances to both Rowan-Virtua SOM and NYITCOM (LI). For some context, I am from NYC, but I would like to match anywhere in the Northeast (preferably NY or NJ). In the future, I would like to match into IM at an academic hospital (or a hospital affiliated with an academic center).

- established
- close to NYC and have rotations in NY hospitals
- close to friends and family
- solid match list

- not a true P/F system

Rowan-Virtua SOM
- state-funded w/ teaching hospital (as well as strong clinical affiliations with major hospital systems in NJ)
- solid match list
- research opportunities ample
- established
- true P/F
- many student led clinics

- further away from home (but only 2 hour drive)
- OOS tuition (~71k)

At the moment, I am leaning towards Rowan-Virtua SOM (as it was def my first choice), but after being accepted to NYITCOM, I realize that having the option of being close to home has made the choice more difficult. Please give me your thoughts and opinions!

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Are you able to reasonably commute from home at NYIT or would you still have to rent somewhere close to campus? That would be the only major reason to choose NYIT over Rowan in my opinion.