Please help me on my first interview

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5+ Year Member
Feb 1, 2018
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Hi guys,
I am having an interview at Touro dental school on February 14th and I really don’t have any interview experience. I hope you would be generous to share with me your experience or give me mock interviews so I can be ready for this upcoming interview. Thank you very much and I really appreaciate your help.
Chris Nguyen

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Practice speaking all those answers you're preparing out loud, will help you be much smoother come interview day, good luck
Also, make sure you have some questions to ask your interviewer. Since Touro is a new school, you’ll have plenty to ask. What I did on my interviews is throughout the tour and info sessions, I wrote down any questions I had and then asked the relevant ones during my interview. That way they can see you are interested in their school. Good luck!
At touros interview they weren't too grilling. Be relaxed and don't overthink!
At touros interview they weren't too grilling. Be relaxed and don't overthink!
I totally agree! They were very friendly and conversational. The main questions you should know how to answer right away should be why dentistry, why Touro, and what you'd like the committee to know more about you that wasn't in your application. Best of luck! You got this!