Please point out the weaknesses in this application

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10+ Year Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Dear All, I'm on two waiting lists this year, still without an acceptance. I will be applying again come June 1st. I was wondering if you guys could please point out to me how I could take care of the weaknesses in my app for a year. The things I did over this application cycle (things that did not go into AMCAS) are highlighted.

Please offer any suggestions.

cGPA: 3.53 (worst year: sophomore: 3.17 gpa)
fourth year: ??? guess ~ 3.7
sGPA: 3.45
Candidate Hons. BSc. Neuroscience Specialist
University of Toronto

MCAT: 10/11/13/Q (phys section weak as i did not realize there was a seventh passage until the last 3 minutes, while reviewing)

research experience:
- employed as an intern for a leading vaccine research company
- worked for structural genomics consortium toronto for insect-expression and purification of proteins of interest
- completed a fourth year thesis in a novel treatment for promoting adult neurogenesis

clinical experience:
- volunteer in chronic pain clinic
- medical translator for pregnancy ward in patient-doctor appointments
- recreational activities coordinator for psychiatric ward
- palliative care ice-cream delivery/entertainment volunteer
- volunteer at geriatric care wards - meal time support staff (patient feeding)
- volunteer at intensive care unit - communicating with families
- volunteer in MRI imaging/Ultrasound units
- shadowed a neuroradiology clinic, and its doctors, fellows

extracurricular experience:
- interhouse soccer player
- Freshman Orientation coordinating team member/senior Leader
- symbolic logic tutor
- calculus tutor
- teaching assistant for neuroscience lab course
- model United Nations representative
- VP Education, Toastmasters club at UTSC

other than that:

- strong interest in one-on-one interactions in order to assist the promotion of good health and wellbeing of another person
- strong interest in public health, promoting health care delivery

so please... tell me if i'm good enough to get into these schools as an OOS!

Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University (MD)
Boston University (MD)
Case Western Reserve University (MD)
Creighton University (MD)
Dartmouth College (MD)
Eastern Virginia Medical School (MD)
Jefferson Medical College (MD)
Medical College of Georgia (MD)
Michigan State University (MD)
New York Medical College (MD)
Pennsylvania State University (MD)
Rosalind Franklin University (MD)
Saint Louis University (MD)
SUNY Upstate (MD)
Tulane University (MD)
University of Colorado (MD)
University of Connecticut (MD)
University of Kentucky (MD)
University of Maryland (MD)
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MD)
University of Utah (MD)
University of Vermont (MD)
Wayne State University (MD)

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I am in a similar situation with somewhat similar stats. Your MCAT score is good, your EC's seem good, and your GPA is below average but not bad. How many interviews did you get this cycle and when did you apply? Your list of schools seems reasonable but maybe a few too many state schools. Connecticut only takes like 10% OOS, maybe substitute some of those with some other mid to lower schools that take more OOS. Other than that everything else seems in order.
Are you international? You went to Toronto for UG...if so, unfortunately that is the major weakness in your application :( Everything else seems awesome. Common advice for people in your shoes is take a look at subjective parts of your application: LORs and your PS. The problem may be there as well.

I don't see much more activities you can do to bolster your application: remember its quality over quantity.
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Are you international? You went to Toronto for UG...if so, unfortunately that is the major weakness in your application :( Everything else seems awesome. Common advice for people in your shoes is take a look at subjective parts of your application: LORs and your PS. The problem may be there as well.

I don't see much more activities you can do to bolster your application: remember its quality over quantity.

ummm. yea. these schools essentially consider Canadians on an equal footing

going to Toronto for UG.... shouldn't be a weakness lol.. if anyone knows anything about U of T... they should know it's essentially the top-rated research institution in the country, and if it was included in US rankings, it'd be in the top 10-20. Unfortunately it also its known for being extremely anal, and screwing over the GPAs of unsuspecting undergrads. sighs.
ummm. yea. these schools essentially consider Canadians on an equal footing

going to Toronto for UG.... shouldn't be a weakness lol.. if anyone knows anything about U of T... they should know it's essentially the top-rated research institution in the country, and if it was included in US rankings, it'd be in the top 10-20. Unfortunately it also its known for being extremely anal, and screwing over the GPAs of unsuspecting undergrads. sighs.

i think sarah was saying that being canadian was the major weakness not going to U Toronto ....being an international student is a huge hurdle in this process. did you apply to canadian schools as well?
If you got interview's my best guess is that the problem has nothing to do with your application...from what I hear when you get to an interview no matter what your scores and GPA you are on a pretty level playing field with the candidates that interview at that school. What sets you apart is the interviews....are you who you said you were in your application? This being said you do want to improve your application if you end up having to reapply....but the biggest thing for you is probably to work on interview stuff.
If you got interview's my best guess is that the problem has nothing to do with your application...from what I hear when you get to an interview no matter what your scores and GPA you are on a pretty level playing field with the candidates that interview at that school. What sets you apart is the interviews....are you who you said you were in your application? This being said you do want to improve your application if you end up having to reapply....but the biggest thing for you is probably to work on interview stuff.

both of the schools where i interviewed, it DOES matter what your scores are even after the intw. they rank applicants after the intw based on everything from GPA to research experience. i dont think there is any "interview factor" in these places, other than to serve as a confirmation for whats in the application.
i think sarah was saying that being canadian was the major weakness not going to U Toronto ....being an international student is a huge hurdle in this process. did you apply to canadian schools as well?

I am fully aware of U of T's academic was in fact, that you are applying as an international applicant. Schools often say they consider international applicants but the likelihood of acceptance despite this "consideration" is not in your favor in comparison to American students with similar stats as yours, not to mention in-state preference. I can't think of any school that would consider international "essentially" the same. You need to look at the MSAR for numbers of international students interviewed and accepted at these schools

International =/= OOS. Even at schools that cliam you are "essentially" also didn't go to undergrad in the United States, which the state schools you have on your list will use as a determining factor in establising a preference in your application. The schools that would give you the best consideration are places like SUNY Upstate and Vermont, however this is still not the same as OOS.
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To the OP: Why not a Canadian med school? I am also Canadian, and from my understanding of the process you'd have a shot. Your GPA is a little low, but certainly nothing you can't overcome, especially if you applied to one of the schools that take your best two UG years.

BTW, you're in the same program at UT as my brother! Small world.
To the OP: Why not a Canadian med school? I am also Canadian, and from my understanding of the process you'd have a shot. Your GPA is a little low, but certainly nothing you can't overcome, especially if you applied to one of the schools that take your best two UG years.

BTW, you're in the same program at UT as my brother! Small world.

haha nice. i'm actually in the co-op program at utsc. is that where he is? let him know early that its not necessary to pursue a specialist for med school lol. he should really feel free to breathe easy if its med school he's figured he wants to do. i swear i feel like i just completed a phd lol. that without any pubs.

i tried to figure out if i would be eligible any canadian school, unfortunately chances are looking slim with the gpa. i dont have a 3.7 in my "best two full time years" for western. i dont have a 3.77 in my last two academic years for queens. i def dont have the 3.85 wgpa that ottawa's looking for. and as for mac's 3.0 cutoff and 3.9 median, thats just a money grab. i also looked into calgary as an out-of-province, they told me to not apply with my gpa. ubc told me to get published and then consider it, or move to BC for a year. so there!

in response to the previous poster. SLU and WSU both consider intls in the same pool as OOSers. infact SLU considers EVERYONE in the same pool. most of the other schools i listed have essentially an equivalent percentage of OOS vs intls interviewed (MSAR) and accepted (US News), therefore not suggesting any preference.

some schools (like Tulane) ure right about, they select a far smaller percentage of intls than OOSers, suggesting that preference for US-citizens.
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I am fully aware of U of T's academic was in fact, that you are applying as an international applicant. Schools often say they consider international applicants but the likelihood of acceptance despite this "consideration" is not in your favor in comparison to American students with similar stats as yours, not to mention in-state preference. I can't think of any school that would consider international "essentially" the same. You need to look at the MSAR for numbers of international students interviewed and accepted at these schools

International =/= OOS. Even at schools that cliam you are "essentially" also didn't go to undergrad in the United States, which the state schools you have on your list will use as a determining factor in establising a preference in your application. The schools that would give you the best consideration are places like SUNY Upstate and Vermont, however this is still not the same as OOS.

i actually didn't even think about that :S
Nice stats.
You have a a good shot at Case, Dartmouth n Tulane (from my personal experience) Plus you play(ed?) soccer, n that just gave you the extra 20 points needed to get accepted ;)
Nice stats.
You have a a good shot at Case, Dartmouth n Tulane (from my personal experience) Plus you play(ed?) soccer, n that just gave you the extra 20 points needed to get accepted ;)

that is funny because.
at one of my interviews my interviewer asked me what the offside rule was
and i had no idea what he was talking about
led to a .... awkward situation lol, while he'd say things like " i donno WHAT kinda soccer they play up in Canada!"

later we figured out that i had been playing indoor soccer, and there are no offsides in indoor soccer.
Strong app! Aim for a GPA over 3.75 though. besides that its a strong app.

If you are wondering why I high GPA is so important- it's because your GPA and MCAT are the only thing actually verified on your app...

You could have a horrible gpa and mcat then make up some amazing story and lie about all your experiences...anyone could do that and it pisses me off. This is why GPA and MCAT should be most important