Possible pharmacy major

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Apr 26, 2009
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After taking computer science 2 (intro to java) I decided to stay away from engineering and computer majors, because I've heard that engineers have to program.. I am thinking about pharmD major, or some pharmaceutical research major. To become a pharmD, I have to take 2 years worth of pre-pharms courses and another 4-5 years after it. There is only one college in New Jersey that offers pharmacy degree. It's Rutgers, a state university. There are a lot of pre-pharms school tho. I guess it would be a good idea to go to some other college for pre-pharm and then transfer to Rutgers? I don't really like Rutgers, but it would be cheaper than other out of state schools. How hard is the pharmacy field?

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After taking computer science 2 (intro to java) I decided to stay away from engineering and computer majors, because I've heard that engineers have to program.. I am thinking about pharmD major, or some pharmaceutical research major. To become a pharmD, I have to take 2 years worth of pre-pharms courses and another 4-5 years after it. There is only one college in New Jersey that offers pharmacy degree. It's Rutgers, a state university. There are a lot of pre-pharms school tho. I guess it would be a good idea to go to some other college for pre-pharm and then transfer to Rutgers? I don't really like Rutgers, but it would be cheaper than other out of state schools. How hard is the pharmacy field?

Hi there and welcome to SDN.

Your questions are so broad, and have been covered before. It's a really good idea to read through existing threads, either by using Search or manually going through them. Additionally, you'll want to consult the stickies at the top of the 1st page - You'll find a TON of useful information there.
Hi there and welcome to SDN.

Your questions are so broad, and have been covered before. It's a really good idea to read through existing threads, either by using Search or manually going through them. Additionally, you'll want to consult the stickies at the top of the 1st page - You'll find a TON of useful information there.

Again - Very well stated...

To the Original Poster - please conduct your own research prior to posting, as most questions have been asked and answered before. If you would like to evaluate what your chances are for getting into pharmacy school - please consult the WAMC (What Are My Chances) thread at the top of the prepharmacy forum.
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After taking computer science 2 (intro to java) I decided to stay away from engineering and computer majors, because I've heard that engineers have to program.. I am thinking about pharmD major, or some pharmaceutical research major. To become a pharmD, I have to take 2 years worth of pre-pharms courses and another 4-5 years after it. There is only one college in New Jersey that offers pharmacy degree. It's Rutgers, a state university. There are a lot of pre-pharms school tho. I guess it would be a good idea to go to some other college for pre-pharm and then transfer to Rutgers? I don't really like Rutgers, but it would be cheaper than other out of state schools. How hard is the pharmacy field?

It is very competitive. you need about 3.6 to be competitive.
Take your prereqs at a community college around you. It is cheaper. Dont listen to people who say it is not good to take prereqs at community college. Thats false information. I took all of my classes at community college and got tons of acceptances. Then you can take the pcat and score at least 80% to be competitive. Then you can apply to rutgers and good luck
After taking computer science 2 (intro to java) I decided to stay away from engineering and computer majors, because I've heard that engineers have to program.. I am thinking about pharmD major, or some pharmaceutical research major. To become a pharmD, I have to take 2 years worth of pre-pharms courses and another 4-5 years after it. There is only one college in New Jersey that offers pharmacy degree. It's Rutgers, a state university. There are a lot of pre-pharms school tho. I guess it would be a good idea to go to some other college for pre-pharm and then transfer to Rutgers? I don't really like Rutgers, but it would be cheaper than other out of state schools. How hard is the pharmacy field?

Depends on which school you apply too. Some schools are a lot easier to get into then others...state schools are usually the hardest to get into b/c the tuition is so cheap. If you apply to lower tier private pharmacy schools then it will not be as bad.
After taking computer science 2 (intro to java) I decided to stay away from engineering and computer majors, because I've heard that engineers have to program.. I am thinking about pharmD major, or some pharmaceutical research major. To become a pharmD, I have to take 2 years worth of pre-pharms courses and another 4-5 years after it. There is only one college in New Jersey that offers pharmacy degree. It's Rutgers, a state university. There are a lot of pre-pharms school tho. I guess it would be a good idea to go to some other college for pre-pharm and then transfer to Rutgers? I don't really like Rutgers, but it would be cheaper than other out of state schools. How hard is the pharmacy field?

You made be laugh..."I don't really like Rutgers, but it would be cheaper than other out of state schools" HAHAHAHAHA! Rutgers is very very very hard to get into as a transfer. Basically, no chance. They have a limited number of seats for transfer students...Usually between 0-5! So you saying you really dont like the school and will "settle" for Rutgers Pharmacy is laughable. I have seen people with 3.9 GPA's 98 PCAT, Excellent LOR, and Experience get REJECTED from Rutgers. So, do your research before you make a pathetic claim as you did! Rutgers does not want you, so you cant settle for them.