Post-Application Distraction

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10+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2009
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Now that all of my applications are in, I really need a distraction so that I'm not stewing in my own anxiety while I wait to hear back from schools. Anyone have any good distraction ideas? :)

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I'm going to play scientist in the lab all winter.

Those rats don't run themselves.....
Wii is always good. My girlfriend is getting DJ Hero for Christmas, although she doesn't know it yet! :D
How I Met Your Mother - Seasons 2 and 3 :) and then going to do some reading for pleasure yay!
I've been watching tons of terrible TV and not thinking.

BLAH, damned NIH system blocks that kind of site, stupid government control. I will be in the lab, like normal, doing well blah. Fortunately we got streaming live sports (i.e., english footie :) ) otherwise I would probably die.

I am also a big fan of playing games on the netbook, if anyone else has linuxx they will know what I am talking about, NES and SNES roms anyone? :D
I'm about to email in my final thesis. Last night I drank wine and watched Boy Meets World reruns.
I'm also going to work on my final draft of my thesis.. Defended it wednesday

I'm vegging out on WoW to distract myself from the worries of applications
I'm at home with my family and been watching movies, tv shows, eating, and eating. Just being lazy and enjoying my time and trying not to worry about anything. I'm currently watching "Little Miss Sunshine." I also received a netflix subscription for Xmas so....more movies!!!!
I find compulsively checking SDN and the psych websites of the schools I applied to works well for me. Although I guess that's not really a distraction...hmm :rolleyes: