Post-Bacc or SMP

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Apr 28, 2021
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Hi everyone!

I am a non-traditional pre-med student who is having a hard time deciding whether a post bacc or SMP would be best for my specific situation. I have been reading through the forums and most of what I'm finding are students who have an undergraduate degree in a science related field which does not apply to me. I have a Bachelor's degree in music and I did not complete any necessary science prerequisites. However, I have started taking my science prerequisites online through a local community college. Thus far I have completed Biology I. I have an undergrad cumulative GPA of 3.2 (not including the biology course that I have just taken) and I have not taken the MCAT.

Thus far I have come across two different programs that I am interested in. The first is a Master's in Biomedical Science at Nova Southeastern University. Entrance requirements are one Biology class and one Chemistry class. According to the program coordinator, I would be able to complete the rest of my prerequisites during the program while I am taking other courses that will satisfy degree requirements. There is also an MCAT prep course and other resources to help with med school interviews that are integrated into the program. It sounds like a great program but I'm not sure if it would be worth the risk as I know SMPs are expensive and challenging and can make or break you as far as getting into med school if you don't do exceptionally well. Since I haven't had much experience in the sciences, I'm hesitant to pursue this option. Despite my reservations, Nova is the school I am wanting to apply to for med school. So if I do well, it might be a great way to get accepted into their DO program.

My other option is a formal post bacc at UNF. It is pretty straight forward as it allows me to take the necessary prerequisites that I need to apply to med school. There are a couple of down sides to this option. There is no MCAT prep integrated in this program and there may not be as many opportunities to take upper level science courses that would help my application (whereas I know with the SMP I would be required to take upper level sciences). Also, I think financial aid options for the post bacc are more limited than the SMP. A benefit of this program is that I will most likely be able to start in the spring of 2022 whereas I wouldn't be able to start the SMP until the fall of 2022.

I will be in the process of completing my last prerequisite this fall (for Nova's SMP) and I will be able to apply but since the science prerequisites would not be completed if I were to apply for spring of 2022, my application will be less competitive and I may not get in.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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