Post Medical School Activities in New York State Licensing Question

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Aug 10, 2023
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hey guys. I am applying for New York State medical license and in the post medical school activities section--

'Provide a chronological list of all activities since graduation from Professional School to the present. Include residency, employment, education, and vacation periods. Be sure there are no gaps in time from the ending date of one activity to the beginning date of the next activity. Any gap in time will cause a delay in the processing of your application'

Can we have a month or two of gaps and list it as vacation ? Are they really strict about the dates?
There are 2-3 months, I didn't do anything lol. Was on Vacation. Need advise PLEASEE

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hey guys. I am applying for New York State medical license and in the post medical school activities section--

'Provide a chronological list of all activities since graduation from Professional School to the present. Include residency, employment, education, and vacation periods. Be sure there are no gaps in time from the ending date of one activity to the beginning date of the next activity. Any gap in time will cause a delay in the processing of your application'

Can we have a month or two of gaps and list it as vacation ? Are they really strict about the dates?
There are 2-3 months, I didn't do anything lol. Was on Vacation. Need advise PLEASEE

You just include that you were on vacation in the timeline. They just don’t want any time unaccounted for (ie you weren’t in rehab or jail during those gaps).