PPE is Giving Me a Headache... Literally. Any PPE Hacks?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Since COVID-19, our school requires us to wear face shields and N95s, both give me intense headaches. Does anyone have recommendations on how to make these PPE items more comfortable? Any PPE hacks?

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Since COVID-19, our school requires us to wear face shields and N95s, both give me intense headaches. Does anyone have recommendations on how to make these PPE items more comfortable? Any PPE hacks?
Thought I was crazy, but I would get stabbing headaches all the time this past summer. Those N95s are the trigger. By the end of the day, it’s killer, and OTC doesn’t help. I don’t have any hacks. I just started taking breaks and breathing fresh air.
Chances are the school is providing you with the cheapest PPE. The cheap stuff is often too small to fit most people correctly. SO...
...Try a size larger than you are presently using.
...Try a different brand.
...Try a different style and or design.
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