Practice test results advice

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Jul 6, 2018
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So a little background, I have been studying for the DAT for about 2 months now and have just recently started to take practice tests to test my level of understanding on the subjects. I take my DAT on the 18th of August so I still have a little under 3 weeks to prepare. So far my scores have been discouraging to say the least and I have had difficulty seeing much improvement. General Chemistry and QR are two subjects that I struggle with and along with battling major testing anxiety during the test itself. General chemistry has risen steadily because the first two tests were taken very early on in studies but QR is still giving me trouble and my last reading comprehension test I took today was a nightmare I felt like I wasn't remembering any of the passage after reading it and guessing most of the time. My scores so far are:

Bio: 21; 18; 20
OC: 22; 20; 18
GC: 16; 17; 18; 20
PAT: 19; 21
QR: 16; 17; 17
RC: 19; 16

My study materials include DAT bootcamp, DAT destroyer, and Chad's videos which I have tried to use all rigorously. So i'm asking if anyone has any ideas on how to really maximize my last few weeks before I take my test because right now my study schedule is pretty unfocused and I'm starting to feel swamped by all the material that I am lacking in.

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First, take a breather. The DAT is indeed a hard test, but you'll get through it 🙂
Second, I'd suggest watching Mike's videos on Bootcamp (since they're already included) because it'll help both 1) review content that you already know and 2) explain concepts you're having difficulty with in another way. This may help bring your OC scores back up and also help you maintain your GC scores.
Third, since Bio has been up/down/up, I think you need to content review again before you approach the other BC tests. Try watching the CrashCourse videos on Youtube, they're all super short & entertaining and honestly really helpful.
For QR, what's the issue? If it's timing, work on Math Destroyer tests (if you have it; if not, then do the remaining BC tests). If it's the content, try Khan Academy videos for the types of questions you're getting wrong. QR is just practice, practice, practice.
For RC, there are tons of different strategies out there, like mapping, Search and Destroy, etc. Search "RC Strategies" in this forum and try to find one that will work for you.
PAT I think you're pretty good, just keep doing the generators and practice tests so you get your timing down.

Good luck!! You got this!
Im literally in your same boat Im Scheduled to take it on the 8th but I'm worried I won't score as well as I need. (Aiming for at least a 20 AA)